Tommy Knott's Dutch Fork Silver Foxes rout The Byrnes Rebels


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2001
This post was edited on 11/29 3:58 AM by ggman

Dutch Fork rolls vs Byrnes 41 6
I think it was 41-0 before Byrnes scored late in the fourth. Wow. That is impressive. DF's third SC big school title game in three years.
Impressive. T Knotts is the man, no question about it. I don't blame him for leaving NC but just imagine what Indys history would look like had he stayed there all these years.
I truly believe that Tommy Knotts could go to a school like 1A South Davidson (who is just terrible in football) and have them competing for a state title in a couple of years. He's that good.
Originally posted by Rameses:
I truly believe that Tommy Knotts could go to a school like 1A South Davidson (who is just terrible in football) and have them competing for a state title in a couple of years. He's that good.
I agree.
Tommy Knotts is definitely one of the very best in the business. It's unfortunate that many people do not appreciate what he did for North Carolina football and especially high school football in the city of Charlotte.

Btango, I have a question for you. What has happened with Byrnes football? I know that the Rebels have had a coaching change but the program seemed pretty solid. They have taken a couple of ugly losses in the last several years. Is their anything else that has happened that you are aware of?
This post was edited on 11/29 8:00 PM by shutdownD24
That is Byrnes only loss in SC this year. They traveled to the Bay Area of California and lost to DeLaSalle like 56-28. Probably not as close as the score. Did not pass the eye test really to me. Also, went to a different offense due to quarterback going from a pass happy spread attack to more of a run based from the spread.

Dorman is a few miles down the road so you have a Butler and Indy type deal there. Former Burlington Cummings title winning coach Dave Gutshall has been at Dorman since he left Cummings in the early 1990's. Gaffney is also their big rival. Those three teams have all gone it at hard for years but I think SC has caught up with them in particular Knotts once he got DF rolling.

Bobby Bentley was the coach that built the program back up. He left for Presbyterian College HC position before the 2007 season and his DC Miller took over. Bentley left Presbyterian after two years returned to Byrnes as the district AD and OC at Byrnes. Many felt that caused some friction but Byrnes continued to do well. Miller left for the HC at Spartanburg after the 2012 season. Spartanburg is in the small 4A finals this season. Bentley took over as HC for 2013. Bentley took a position last winter at Auburn as an "offensive analyst". He is not listed as a coach or football support staff though. Not sure exactly how that works.

Bentley was replaced by a former player Brian Lane. Good guy. He had been HC at Woodruff and an assistant for Bentley. Also played QB at Byrnes.

Bentley sophmore son was inked in as the QB. About 6'3" or so and considered to be a BCS lock at QB. Family went to Auburn also.

Byrnes has always been suspectible to a pounding rushing offense up the middle with big linemen and backs. Dutch Fork has that and Knotts used it last year and this year to beat them in the semi-finals. Thought DF would win by a few scores but never expected this.
Knotts is the best in the business. Looks like he now has a firm grasp on South Carolina football as well. I feel he is the best High School coach in the country, at least the best offensive coach. I follow Dutch Fork a bit just to see how he is doing there.
It definitely appears that the rest of South Carolina has caught up to the Byrnes program. I knew that it would be a matter of time before TK would have Dutch Fork up to speed considering all the resources at his disposal at DF. I am definitely familiar with Byrnes' rival schools in South Carolina and some of their perceptions of the Byrnes program. I believe Byrnes may need to dial down their "national" schedule because the Rebels are no longer the best in their own state.

I didn't realize that Miller is coaching Spartanburg High. I remember when Spartanburg was a powerhouse program and I am sure that Miller will get them back to being a force to deal with in South Carolina. Coach Gutshall at Dorman has to be pretty close to 30 years in the business. His Cummings teams were one of the first high school teams that I remember who were really effective at running the no huddle offense and throwing it all over the yard.
Originally posted by PSRspptr:
Was Gutshall at Cummings when Ernest Tinnen was QB ?
He was at Cummings from 1983-1992. I think Tinnen finished up in 1993. Donnie Davis and Chuckie Burnette were under him. They had an unreal run of receivers during his tenure! His assistant Steve Johnson followed him for 20 plus years.
Originally posted by shutdownD24:

I didn't realize that Miller is coaching Spartanburg High. I remember when Spartanburg was a powerhouse program and I am sure that Miller will get them back to being a force to deal with in South Carolina. Coach Gutshall at Dorman has to be pretty close to 30 years in the business. His Cummings teams were one of the first high school teams that I remember who were really effective at running the no huddle offense and throwing it all over the yard.
Miller was an assistant for Doc Davis at Spartanburg working on their last state title team before he became an HC at Broome. Went to Byrnes as DC for Bentley before replacing him. Won four state titles in six years.

Gutshall is closer to 35 years but splits it between NC and SC. Makes over $100k a year and pulls a NC retirement now.
I truly believe that Tommy Knotts could go to a school
like 1A South Davidson (who is just terrible in football) and have them
competing for a state title in a couple of years. He's that good.

Very doubtful. Only if he had a bunch of players to transfer in.
Gutshall is closer to 35 years but splits it between NC and SC. Makes over $100k a year and pulls a NC retirement now.

I f he only had 10 years in NC his retirement from NC can't be very much. zI am sure the NC retirement system is like most of them in that you don't get a lot of money unless you have been in the system for 30 years.
Originally posted by Middle Sound Heel:

Knotts is the best in the business. Looks like he now has a firm grasp on South Carolina football as well. I feel he is the best High School coach in the country, at least the best offensive coach. I follow Dutch Fork a bit just to see how he is doing there.
Don't be fool, he has his hand on defense also. Any good coach has hands on both sides of the ball.
Originally posted by portcity FB:
Impressive. T Knotts is the man, no question about it. I don't blame him for leaving NC but just imagine what Indys history would look like had he stayed there all these years.
He had to leave....he was being exposed and everything he had done at Indy was about to unravel. Duck and and run.
Originally posted by '98 State Champion:

He had to leave....he was being exposed and everything he had done at Indy was about to unravel. Duck and and run.
Sure he was. That's why he had no forfeits while at Indy, and Indy has had no forfeits since he left. It was because he was being exposed.

He cheated like crazy at Harding when he took them to 1 state title game.
He cheated like crazy at West Charlotte when he took them to 2 state title games.
He cheated like crazy at Indy when he took them to 8 state title games.
And now he's cheating like crazy at Dutch Fork while taking them to the last 3 state title games.

There's never in the history of the world been a man who cheated so much and got caught so little. Well...either that, or the guy can actually coach a little bit.

State Chump will naturally believe the former, since it's the only explanation that fits into his little fantasy world. Next thing we'll hear is how Coach Knotts "lucked" his way into 14 state title game appearances spanning 4 different programs in 2 different states. All of them flukes. Anomolies.

This post was edited on 11/30 12:05 AM by hokiemtc
Originally posted by 1whoknows:

Originally posted by Middle Sound Heel:

Knotts is the best in the business. Looks like he now has a firm grasp on South Carolina football as well. I feel he is the best High School coach in the country, at least the best offensive coach. I follow Dutch Fork a bit just to see how he is doing there.
Don't be fool, he has his hand on defense also. Any good coach has hands on both sides of the ball.
You know him. If it is a tight game he is right in the middle of the defensive huddle on a timeout.
Originally posted by No.1RamsFan:
Gutshall is closer to 35 years but splits it between NC and SC. Makes over $100k a year and pulls a NC retirement now.

I f he only had 10 years in NC his retirement from NC can't be very much. zI am sure the NC retirement system is like most of them in that you don't get a lot of money unless you have been in the system for 30 years.
He actually got 19 years in NC. Had every intention of coming back. But it was only a few jobs he would have came back for.Then when his wife became Assistant Superintendent, she made more than him. He had to bit e the bullet.
Originally posted by hokiemtc:
Originally posted by '98 State Champion:

He had to leave....he was being exposed and everything he had done at Indy was about to unravel. Duck and and run.
Sure he was. That's why he had no forfeits while at Indy, and Indy has had no forfeits since he left. It was because he was being exposed.

He cheated like crazy at Harding when he took them to 1 state title game.
He cheated like crazy at West Charlotte when he took them to 2 state title games.
He cheated like crazy at Indy when he took them to 8 state title games.
And now he's cheating like crazy at Dutch Fork while taking them to the last 3 state title games.

There's never in the history of the world been a man who cheated so much and got caught so little. Well...either that, or the guy can actually coach a little bit.

State Chump will naturally believe the former, since it's the only explanation that fits into his little fantasy world. Next thing we'll hear is how Coach Knotts "lucked" his way into 14 state title game appearances spanning 4 different programs in 2 different states. All of them flukes. Anomolies.

This post was edited on 11/30 12:05 AM by hokiemtc
Tommy did not have to cheat. He just went to schools that were like the Field of Dreams? If you build it, they will come. Tommy did not have to recruit a kid, they parents recruit the school he were at. The same thing that is still going on in the bigger cities. When you coach at a Magnet school, they can get there.
Sure he was. That's why he had no forfeits while at Indy, and Indy has had no forfeits since he left. It was because he was being exposed.

He cheated like crazy at Harding when he took them to 1 state title game.
He cheated like crazy at West Charlotte when he took them to 2 state title games.
He cheated like crazy at Indy when he took them to 8 state title games.
And now he's cheating like crazy at Dutch Fork while taking them to the last 3 state title games.

There's never in the history of the world been a man who cheated so much and got caught so little. Well...either that, or the guy can actually coach a little bit.

State Chump will naturally believe the former, since it's the only explanation that fits into his little fantasy world. Next thing we'll hear is how Coach Knotts "lucked" his way into 14 state title game appearances spanning 4 different programs in 2 different states. All of them flukes. Anomolies.

Agree 100% Hokie. Well stated.
Originally posted by '98 State Champion:

Originally posted by portcity FB:
Impressive. T Knotts is the man, no question about it. I don't blame him for leaving NC but just imagine what Indys history would look like had he stayed there all these years.
He had to leave....he was being exposed and everything he had done at Indy was about to unravel. Duck and and run.
There was an investigation. There were no findings of wrong doing.
Originally posted by Heel yes:
Yes there was
No there was not. Nothing came out of the investigation that was supposed to be some groundbreaking discovery that was not already known.

One of their main points was that Knotts in the spring of 2005, when he was not employed by CMS, had conversations with an 8th graders parent. The family had owned a home in the Indy district for over two years and he was districted to go to Indy. That would be like telling Paul Hoggard not to speak to the parent of football player at Hamlet. It was stated that it was common practice for parents to contact high school coaches in CMS not only Knotts.
They had players that were not suppose to be there and that is a fact.

Spin it turn twist it whatever u want to do.
Originally posted by Heel yes:
They had players that were not suppose to be there and that is a fact.

Spin it turn twist it whatever u want to do.
How many games did Indy forfeit? How long was Knotts suspension?
Originally posted by Heel yes:
Yes there was
As written by myself, "nothing came out of the investigation that was not known." As another wrote no suspensions or forfeits.

Two varsity football players were found to be ineligible. One due to fraudulent residency paperwork. One due to not updating his residency documentation with the registrar. The second one got a bad deal. The first one could have been eligible if he would have just been honest with the registrar. He met the guidelines to remain there even with the move as he was a rising senior.
The one who furnished fradulent address paperwork actually made the Alabama roster last year and got in a couple of games. during clean up. Being at Indy for only about a month (until he was discovered and removed from the team) and learning enough to make it to Bama is pretty impressive

One thing you may not know is TK was a safety on the second pro football team in Charlotte, known as what else but the Charlotte Hornets of the World Football League. As you might expect, he was right much of a slobber knocker. He did all he could to make sure you had a lot to think about when you came into his territory. He wasn't dirty, he just played hard.

By the way, in case you are wondering, the first pro football team in Charlotte was the Charlotte Bombers, I believe in the 1940"s
Correct Scope.

Player originally went to Lenoir Rhyne and played in less than half the games. Think he left school before his sophmore season there and got his size up to about 175. He was about 145ish at Indy. Great tackler but pass coverage kept him from seeing much action in the SEC. Was a good student. Walked on at Alabama but never got a scholarship. I think he had a year of eligibilty remaining but did not return for the 2013 season.
The subject is clearly stated. Common sense says if you don't like it, then don't read it. That way you don't have to waste your time trying to tell other people what to do. Seems simple enough to me.
Originally posted by Middle Sound Heel:
Dutch Fork was surprisingly blown out in the SC state championship game. I think the score was 41-17
SHillcrest...DF was supposed to be the favorite.
Originally posted by hokiemtc:
Originally posted by '98 State Champion:

He had to leave....he was being exposed and everything he had done at Indy was about to unravel. Duck and and run.
Sure he was. That's why he had no forfeits while at Indy, and Indy has had no forfeits since he left. It was because he was being exposed.

He cheated like crazy at Harding when he took them to 1 state title game.
He cheated like crazy at West Charlotte when he took them to 2 state title games.
He cheated like crazy at Indy when he took them to 8 state title games.
And now he's cheating like crazy at Dutch Fork while taking them to the last 3 state title games.

There's never in the history of the world been a man who cheated so much and got caught so little. Well...either that, or the guy can actually coach a little bit.

State Chump will naturally believe the former, since it's the only explanation that fits into his little fantasy world. Next thing we'll hear is how Coach Knotts "lucked" his way into 14 state title game appearances spanning 4 different programs in 2 different states. All of them flukes. Anomolies.

This post was edited on 11/30 12:05 AM by hokiemtc
Wow destroyed. It's unreal this guys inferiority complex towards the Charlotte powers.
Originally posted by Chopper747:

Originally posted by Middle Sound Heel:
Dutch Fork was surprisingly blown out in the SC state championship game. I think the score was 41-17
SHillcrest...DF was supposed to be the favorite.
Hillcrest only loss was to Anderson Westside 24-23. They won all their other games by 18+ points. DF was up 17-12 late in 1st half the Hillcrest had a pick 6 to lead 19-17 at half. Hillcrest dominated 2nd half.
Regardless of whether they lost or not. Regardless of whether people thing he cheated at Indy or not. Whether people like him or not. Tom Knotts is a legendary and talented football coach.

I don't doubt that some kids played at Indy with fake addresses, but I do doubt that it was with the coach's knowledge. More likely was parents lying about residence. He couldn't follow every kid home at night.
Hillcrest's strength is the defense. Very impressive. Huge upfront and quick!

Dutch Fork's QB left the game with a concussion around the end of the first quarter or start of second with DF leading. Backup is athletic but not a very strong passer. Stephen Davis Jr broke off a 45 yard TD run but did not see anymore carries after that due to a leg injury(?). DF's Louisville rb verbal Matt Colburn still not 100%, gimpy and heavily taped from ankle sprain. Perfect storm and not sure that DF wins but once the QB went down Hillcrest stacked the box and covered man to man daring the backup to throw. Hillcrest HC said after the game that the plan and the tone changed after the QB was knocked out of action. They did a good job taking advantage of that.

Hillcrest was hard to stop once they went to their full house big back package. #44 weighed about 240 and was able to pick up four or more yards on about every touch as the DF D tired out staying on the field for long stretches.

Knew DF was doomed when they got a stop and Hillcrest punted on 4th and 10 or so. DF flagged for a illegal participation and first down to Hillcrest. RB ran right past a linebacker coming through the hole on a misdirection and went 60 yards for a TD next play.

Reminded me of WC v Northern Durham in 1993. The only other time I have seen a Knotts team get rolled on the scoreboard since his first year at WC.
Originally posted by btango:
The only other time I have seen a Knotts team get rolled on the scoreboard since his first year at WC.
Butler hammered Knotts fairly thoroughly in the '09 Western Championship game. That was the same margin of victory (38-14) as Sat night's game.

This post was edited on 12/8 8:05 PM by hokiemtc
Originally posted by hokiemtc:
Originally posted by btango:
The only other time I have seen a Knotts team get rolled on the scoreboard since his first year at WC.
Butler hammered Knotts fairly thoroughly in the '09 Western Championship game. That was the same margin of victory (38-14) as Sat night's game.

This post was edited on 12/8 8:05 PM by hokiemtc
Saturday night was 47-17 and they rolled off 41 straight. Northern Durham kicked a field goal on the last play of the first half to go up 3-0 in the 1993 title game. Final was 39-6.

No doubt 24 points is a strong statement but the two games I mentioned went from close to blowout real quick. Indy beat him one of his first games at WC 28-0 but it was methodical and a few scores late.

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