To the NCHSAA- an open letter.

72 State Champion

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2016
An open letter to the NCHSAA- The 2017 realignment and playoff format forces the renewed discussion of what constitutes a true State Champion and what is now simply the flavor of the month. The history of North Carolina High School football playoffs is riddled with inconsistencies, adjustments, rival associations, AP votes, regionals, split classifications, field reductions, MAXPREPS rankings and now byes, which historically constituted a variety of methods to win all your playoff games yet still not qualify by NCHSAA standards as a State Champion. Is a 2017 4A-AA or1A-AA State Champion more or less valid than a State Champion from previous years that never received the reduced field and bye and therefore the easier and protected path to a title? It is odd that the NCHSAA would sacrifice the gates of games in order to provide byes to supposedly the better programs in 4A and 1A because of the reduction in overall number of teams. None of this had to occur.
Last off season when this playoff format was set, it was upsetting, yet got lost at the time in the shuffle. Now that playoff time is here, it is overwhelmingly evident that once again the NCHSAA failed to provide a common sense approach to the playoffs.
We choose now not to discuss the absurdity of the current seedings and byes, as the bigger and more important issue for some of us is the fact that the ever-changing playoff format produces different opportunities for different programs to make it to the top.
Therefore, our claim has always been that regardless of Association massages of the playoff formats and whose title means more than whose, is to once again advocate that any title in any association in any classification and any subclassification in any year since football began in North Carolina is to be correctly termed a "State Championship" It was as far as the team could go. Period.
And who, other than the teams snubbed, really cares anyway.
It is past time for the current unified NCHSAA/WNCHSAA to declare and reference ALL CHAMPIONSHIPS WON IN THIS STATE AS "STATE" CHAMPIONSHIPS.
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Shouldn't an open letter to the NCHSAA be addressed to the NCHSAA? Trying to figure out the reasoning for it being addressed to a 4a message board. Unless it is some form of therapy for someone suffering from a debilitating form of little man's disease. Talk about beating a dead horse...
MaxPreps Debacle was worse than we thought! Que Tucker’s job should be on the line... It’s awful and cheats the kids... agree with “72 StateChamp”
Forget the Smartass Greengold_4ever & Blue/Gold ghetto comments, unfortunately the idiots would rather attack random people with dumb comments than talk football, they continue to display no class.. or football knowledge.

Great Article here:
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MaxPreps Debacle was worse than we thought! Que Tucker’s job should be on the line... It’s awful and cheats the kids... agree with “72 StateChamp”
Forget the Smartass Greengold_4ever & Blue/Gold ghetto comments, unfortunately the idiots would rather attack random people with dumb comments than talk football, they continue to display no class.. or football knowledge.

Great Article here:
After reading the article, i don't see how you could make the statement that Que's job should be on the line. They asked for changes in the system and when it don't work for their team it gotta go. yes i disagree with the 2 seed in the west. But for you to agree with 72 statechamp who's article was baseless i wonder about your football knowledge.
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I think MaxPreps got it right, but too right.
Home games should win. To be a home game you are ranked higher than non home teams.
Visiting teams are the underdogs!
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Wow. Touch a nerve maybe? I'm sorry, here is your participation trophy, good job. All I asked was why is an open letter to the NCHSAA posted on a 4A message board? Would all the NCHSAA board members and commissioners on here please raise your hand.?.????....hmm not seeing any, what a surprise.

As far as blue and gold, not going to speak for him cause he seems to be quite capable. Like when he brought up the past decade of can't miss WF contenders.
64teams...everybody'll have to come back...this is logical common sense. This format is just lopsided, unfair, illogical, impossible to succeed...loss of revenue...totally I said, where is the common sense ? Engulfed in a computer out west...we'll see.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

After giving this thread a few days for responses, we will now address some of your questions.
This topic has absolutely nothing to do with the current 2A battles between Shelby and Belmont South Point. In fact, the matter goes back over 100 years to when governing bodies of NC public high school football were being formed. Since then, playoff formats have changed and evolved as numbers of schools changed, sizes changed, rival associations emerged as did classifications, segregation existed, then integration, subclasses were determined, and now byes and outside rankings are introduced. And at all times, Championships were earned.
This letter is an appeal to the current, fully representative NCHSAA to fairly and correctly communicate ALL championship history that occurred during this constant change and evolution. This year for the first time, byes are introduced, but only for 1A and 4A, both with less total teams involved than 2A and 3A. Will that constitute a historic asterisk for those titles as more easily earned than previous years? Why not? They are. Less teams. Less playoff rounds. Wasn't that the weak excuse at one time for "regionalizing" the WNCHSAA titles?
It is past time to reference ALL STATE TITLES THE SAME.
We have written several times to the current NCHSAA. Their one and only written response failed to address the core issue. They then invited us to arrange a telephone discussion, of which they have not cooperated or responded to have dispite multiple attempts by us. Thus we are on here. And all boards as teams from all classes are former Champions. As you have seen, we do have the support of others, including Belmont South Point.
Comically, the open letter (part 2) was hilarious. We have a good time laughing at ourselves so kudos to GoNtheDistance for keeping life fun and funny.
With that said, this topic of how titles are represented is probably only serious to those of us that actually were part of winning titles as part of the WNCHSAA. For 46 years, there were other NC public high school programs winning association championships other than the ones governed by the one named NCHSAA. The NCHSAA was NOT a superior governing body to the others. It was larger geographically and in number of programs, but it had a very large hole in it smack in the middle of the state of as many as 42 3A schools. The gap only involved 3A level programs. Despite btango's attempt to cloud the issue (for reasons only known to him), none of 1A, 2A, or 4A, at the time were involved, however some WNCHSAA former members have gone on to perform in all 4 classifications since the merger. That is another reason why it is important to be represented fairly and accurately. The western located NCHSAA teams often had to drive past some of the WNCHSAA schools to play their games. As mentioned, some counties had schools from both associations. There was some interplay, but no playoff meetings. How can one be deemed supreme over the other? And time has proven the quality of play in the WNCHSAA was certainly equal, if not better.
46 years, and those Championship teams need to be designated "State Champions".
It is especially important in the media hype days that we live in, that all pertinent history related to a program's performance be fairly represented. When the media goes to the current unified NCHSAA for information on any program, including those fortunate enough to make the current championship games, that is not happening.
The current merged NCHSAA consistently only recognizes pre-merger (1977) "state" championships from THEIR Association (or what was known as NCHSAA) dating back to it's origin. In other words, any other Association championships are not stated or provided as part of that program's resume. That is wrong because the current unified NCHSAA is the sole provider of that information today. The fact is that they either misrepresent the WNCHSAA championships as somehow not as valid, or move to hide or ignore them in some way, or just not give all the information. Why would they not just state "in the history of this program, they have won X "state championships". By including pre-merger NCHSAA titles in their summaries while excluding pre-merger WNCHSAA titles, an inaccurate arrogant superiority is implied, whether it is intended or not.
If the NCHSAA wants to live up to its stated Core Values and Beliefs of Sportsmanship, Integrity, Fair Play, Honesty, Respect, Equity, and Fair Competition, this needs to be correctly represented. There WERE TWO SEPARATE 3A "State Champions" in NC from 1930 to 1976.
What is most puzzling is this is a win win. Why oppose it? Who gets hurt?
Make the change.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

After giving this thread a few days for responses, we will now address some of your questions.
This topic has absolutely nothing to do with the current 2A battles between Shelby and Belmont South Point. In fact, the matter goes back over 100 years to when governing bodies of NC public high school football were being formed. Since then, playoff formats have changed and evolved as numbers of schools changed, sizes changed, rival associations emerged as did classifications, segregation existed, then integration, subclasses were determined, and now byes and outside rankings are introduced. And at all times, Championships were earned.
This letter is an appeal to the current, fully representative NCHSAA to fairly and correctly communicate ALL championship history that occurred during this constant change and evolution. This year for the first time, byes are introduced, but only for 1A and 4A, both with less total teams involved than 2A and 3A. Will that constitute a historic asterisk for those titles as more easily earned than previous years? Why not? They are. Less teams. Less playoff rounds. Wasn't that the weak excuse at one time for "regionalizing" the WNCHSAA titles?
It is past time to reference ALL STATE TITLES THE SAME.
We have written several times to the current NCHSAA. Their one and only written response failed to address the core issue. They then invited us to arrange a telephone discussion, of which they have not cooperated or responded to have dispite multiple attempts by us. Thus we are on here. And all boards as teams from all classes are former Champions. As you have seen, we do have the support of others, including Belmont South Point.
Comically, the open letter (part 2) was hilarious. We have a good time laughing at ourselves so kudos to GoNtheDistance for keeping life fun and funny.
With that said, this topic of how titles are represented is probably only serious to those of us that actually were part of winning titles as part of the WNCHSAA. For 46 years, there were other NC public high school programs winning association championships other than the ones governed by the one named NCHSAA. The NCHSAA was NOT a superior governing body to the others. It was larger geographically and in number of programs, but it had a very large hole in it smack in the middle of the state of as many as 42 3A schools. The gap only involved 3A level programs. Despite btango's attempt to cloud the issue (for reasons only known to him), none of 1A, 2A, or 4A, at the time were involved, however some WNCHSAA former members have gone on to perform in all 4 classifications since the merger. That is another reason why it is important to be represented fairly and accurately. The western located NCHSAA teams often had to drive past some of the WNCHSAA schools to play their games. As mentioned, some counties had schools from both associations. There was some interplay, but no playoff meetings. How can one be deemed supreme over the other? And time has proven the quality of play in the WNCHSAA was certainly equal, if not better.
46 years, and those Championship teams need to be designated "State Champions".
It is especially important in the media hype days that we live in, that all pertinent history related to a program's performance be fairly represented. When the media goes to the current unified NCHSAA for information on any program, including those fortunate enough to make the current championship games, that is not happening.
The current merged NCHSAA consistently only recognizes pre-merger (1977) "state" championships from THEIR Association (or what was known as NCHSAA) dating back to it's origin. In other words, any other Association championships are not stated or provided as part of that program's resume. That is wrong because the current unified NCHSAA is the sole provider of that information today. The fact is that they either misrepresent the WNCHSAA championships as somehow not as valid, or move to hide or ignore them in some way, or just not give all the information. Why would they not just state "in the history of this program, they have won X "state championships". By including pre-merger NCHSAA titles in their summaries while excluding pre-merger WNCHSAA titles, an inaccurate arrogant superiority is implied, whether it is intended or not.
If the NCHSAA wants to live up to its stated Core Values and Beliefs of Sportsmanship, Integrity, Fair Play, Honesty, Respect, Equity, and Fair Competition, this needs to be correctly represented. There WERE TWO SEPARATE 3A "State Champions" in NC from 1930 to 1976.
What is most puzzling is this is a win win. Why oppose it? Who gets hurt?
Make the change.

I'm on my way to the Emergency room. My head just exploded. :) WTH? Seriously Man. I can hook you up with a woman.
This my open letter:
How are you? I am fine. I hope your kids are doing well, except for your youngest who is a royal pain in the xxx. Anyway....speaking of kids, this high school playoff system sucks!!

Sincerely, Mr. Diddy Dontplay
Are you enjoying your bye and the reduced field for your playoffs?
Why did big boy football need such a easy and protected path to a championship? You said you were the toughest.
Seems like 3A and 2A have it tougher.
We would not want one of your D1 recruits possibly getting injured in a round 1 game. So here, don't have one. AND reduce your field to eliminate some competitors.
Who else got that?
2017 champ gets an asterisk****
Are you enjoying your bye and the reduced field for your playoffs?
Why did big boy football need such a easy and protected path to a championship? You said you were the toughest.
Seems like 3A and 2A have it tougher.
We would not want one of your D1 recruits possibly getting injured in a round 1 game. So here, don't have one. AND reduce your field to eliminate some competitors.
Who else got that?
2017 champ gets an asterisk****

I wont speak for Nepsy7 but I will say this. Anyone who is consumed with wins and losses of a HS football team from 30 years ago has huge emotional issues. Its HS football, its really not that important and I guarentee that when someone at the NCHSAA opens the letters you send they gather everyone up in the office and read it out loud. I bet it is the highlight comedy moment of the year.

Bye or no bye, toughest or not toughest its just kids playing a game. 99% of them put the pads away for good and move on with their lives . Then there is the 1% that obsessed about some silly title from 30 years ago.........Go watch Shelby and cheer for them and stop embarrasing yourself and your family. Even your own fanbase laughs at you.
Are you enjoying your bye and the reduced field for your playoffs?
Why did big boy football need such a easy and protected path to a championship? You said you were the toughest.
Seems like 3A and 2A have it tougher.
We would not want one of your D1 recruits possibly getting injured in a round 1 game. So here, don't have one. AND reduce your field to eliminate some competitors.
Who else got that?
2017 champ gets an asterisk****

Women are Beautiful! I have never posted anything like this on a football forum, but it's imperative that we get you something better to do with your free time.
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Well durn cuh sometimes people don’t understand me, but right now I don’t understand you. And uuhney I’m glad I understand them saying they don’t understand you. I just don’t thank this whole understanding thang in this joint was meant to be understood..... I’m just sick of trying to understand why I’m not being understood. Hope you understand my understanding and stuff.....
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SMH......insanity can be defined as, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Again i do not see the reasoning of posting these manifestos on the 4a message boards. Why not take your complaint up with the WNCHSAA ? Seems they would feel just as slighted and push the NCHSAA to rectify this injustice. And while you are on your crusade could you please inform the NBA that they are failing to recognize the hard fought championships of the ABA teams. Let us not forget that the NFL has ignored the USFL, WFL, XFL and CFL champions. The plights of those aforementioned leagues and titles have just as much relevance on this board as your current topic. Thanks for your help and i look forward to your results....i have no doubt you will inform us that i know for certain.
You know, that school that was the 1st to be nationally ranked in NC, Richmond Sr. High the Raiders. That's who.

Actually I do have 2 football related questions for you but since it involves a 2a school I will ask them on the 2a board.
Whoops. Messed up, Randleman was 1st in 1983, then Page, Garner followed by Richmond in 88...according to USA Today. Should have done my homework before I spoke....thought Page may have been but wasn't sure....should have checked
Somehow this dude manages to come 2 a 4a board n post something related 2 his little 2a school and less about any 4a matters. And still finds a way how 2 annoy the hell out of the posters. The fact that u find ways 2 get under people's skin....kudos 72 kudos.

We are happy to explain again why this is relevant to 4A.
Hickory, Mooresville, North Davidson.
All won WNCHSAA State Championships.
All have been 4A at some point.
Others that went 4A were in the WNCHSAA.
Understand now?
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We are happy to explain again why this is relevant to 4A.
Hickory, Mooresville, North Davidson.
All won WNCHSAA State Championships.
All have been 4A at some point.
Others that went 4A were in the WNCHSAA.
Understand now?

You are the Bride who's wedding gown didn't fit, and called Alabama Football Office to complain. Sorry ma'am you have the wrong number!
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