Thoughts and Scores to note

and the fact that you’re butt- hurt enough to throw out names as such seems sketchy at best’s not that serious…i digress
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No I don't I just think it's ridiculous in one a that we have more than three sports per season. We'll say four. But really volleyball football tennis and right now boys soccer until they move it to the spring. That's it. Winter basketball wrestling basketball. Spring track baseball girls soccer softball. That's all you need in a 1A school. You aren't going to lose kids to other schools. Anyway your comment or whoever's coming about the football coach not being in the athletic director is ridiculous. He should direct all athletics he pays for them all. Too bad if you think everybody gets a trophy brother. That's what's wrong with it America, the world, everybody gets something. No you earn it and if you want to you get to the top I'll be in the baddest MF on the planet.
Well. The fact that many schools offer multiple sports and are successful tends to refute your premise. What you are basically saying is you don't want finances directed to these sports. Many of what you would consider to to not be core sports require very little investment. The FB coach pays for them. Wow. I thought the attendance revenue did. Even that would not cover the cost of the cost of the sports you mentioned. In all honesty you have not a clue.
Well. The fact that many schools offer multiple sports and are successful tends to refute your premise. What you are basically saying is you don't want finances directed to these sports. Many of what you would consider to to not be core sports require very little investment. The FB coach pays for them. Wow. I thought the attendance revenue did. Even that would not cover the cost of the cost of the sports you mentioned. In all honesty you have not a clue.
No but his sport does. And if he's not good at his job the other sports suffer.
and the fact that you’re butt- hurt enough to throw out names as such seems sketchy at best’s not that serious…i digress
You certainly do man. Not butt hurt just calling out your gash ways. I don't know if Elkins over that tough they had better players.
Gash ways.. never heard of that colloquy every day i suppose.. better than the other names to which i’m far from..recognize and as far as you flying my boss around…ok
Whatz good Bearfan71. Looks like the Bears are in for another stellar year!! And as far as ya manz an nem’ ( roughneck4444).. it takes all kinds to make the world go round bullies come and go.. cuss and name call..I forgot he should be cheering East Surry on.. it’s almost an afterthought🤔…i mean who beats Robbinsville this early in the season from down in these parts!!!
Oh sorry lyles. You disagree with me about Elkins sports? You're there aren't you? You see how bad it is. You see what's happened since they had a hard ass coach. And football was king. You're there tell me how it is?
I was simply trying to explain what Deanna said.
How does a fan whose team won by 50 to 14 not feel great?
Yes Mt Airy won going away. However, anybody that thinks North Surry is not good, and capable of being really good, just did not see the game I saw. First, the fastest player on the field was NS # 3. And has talent. Where is the portal when you need it?
Their QB can throw the ball accurately. Running game can, and I predict will, improve. Big line! and will most likely get better with experience.

My advice to every other team and fan base that will face North Surry, you better be prepared. They could easily run the table the rest of the year.

Tarboro 30 Rocky Mount 0. while not the biggest surprise, but isn't Rocky Mount a 3A school? Yes. I just looked it up.
Way to go Tarboro.

Starmount 43 Trinity 0. Trinity is a 2A and while not very good, apparently, still Starmount hung a goose egg on them.
South Stanley 16 West Stanley 10. Ok this is not a world beater but South has struggled the past several years and 2A West Stanley has been a very competitive school. Just a nice surprise and hopefully a sign South is rising again.

North Rowan 46 East Rowan 6. Again a really tough 1A laying the wood to a 3A team. 2nd year coach said on HSOT interview that they were excited about the coming year. I would say YEP.

Mountain Heritage 54 Chase 0. Football Guru Chris Hughes projects Mountain Heritage to come out of the West to face Tarboro. Well, they made 2A Chase a believer.

East Wilkes 34 West Wilkes 6. East and their 2nd year head coach appear to moving rapidly up the ladder with a solid win over 2A West.

But just to me, the score that we all, including Guru Chris Hughes, should see and take note of, is this one:
Eastern Randolph 29 vs 3A Eastern Alamance 0.
Want to talk about a team being battled tested come playoff time? OMG.
Great recap of the first week sir. Excellent job.
Don’t pay no attention to ole ER score. Nothing to see there. EA probably down some, first game of the year too, they were at home but…
Anyway Eastern Randolph will go on and do their best with the schedule they have…
Luckily, as often happens on here, couple of others have taken this thread off on their own agendas.
Perfect 👍
We will revisit this post here in a few weeks 😉
Seen film , not nervous about this matchup at all. Will not get sucked into this conversation till that time , that time being about 30 minutes after I set down in my recliner after getting home from boonville. The Bears did beat a really good north surry team with 71 hurt playing half the snaps and 22 with a pulled groin. Defense only gave up 1 score. , If I remember correctly the score was 50 to 14. Guess my next question would be WHOS TRINITY🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️
Seen film , not nervous about this matchup at all. Will not get sucked into this conversation till that time , that time being about 30 minutes after I set down in my recliner after getting home from boonville. The Bears did beat a really good north surry team with 71 hurt playing half the snaps and 22 with a pulled groin. Defense only gave up 1 score. , If I remember correctly the score was 50 to 14. Guess my next question would be WHOS TRINITY🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️
It was all in good fun. We do agree on something 😊🤐 Look forward to it in a few weeks
As for the EW game. Should have been 34-0. West scored with 7 secs left after a gifted pass interference penalty put them at the 2 yard line. Nevertheless, we really struggled with the screen pass in the 2nd half. The defense played really well as the score shows with multiple turnovers. Not sure exactly how well either team is being its the first game. But I did see some good points for EW. Barring injury, remember the name Austin Nash, as I'm sure he is going to rack up some numbers this year. Just on his 3 scores last night over 200 yards. Not sure of final rush total. The offense moved the ball at will and are really starting to click with the triple option and with the new coach. (They had him for a while in middle school as well so he knows the kids) looking forward to seeing how this group does moving forward and getting better. Only 5 or 6 seniors on this team. Loaded with Juniors.
Just wanted to clarify stats
Austin Nash 5 carries 208yds 3 TD
Manage them? You make sure that people have their physicals you make sure they have the things required by the North Carolina high School athletic association. But there's nothing wrong with having the director of athletics be your head football coach. Is there. Used to be the way it was done all the time. And you know why? Because it's the sport that matters the most. No matter who's feelings get hurt. It's the sport that matters the most. It allows mens and women's golf men's and women's tennis in Elkins case fencing? To be able to have sports. In a time when we have too many sports and the true sports should be accentuated and kids made to play them or maybe just grow the band.
What do you mean. That's how it should be. The football coach if he's any good should be the athletic director. It's the only sport that makes money in high school. Except for maybe the basketball team at some 3A and 4A schools. It generates all the revenue. It should make the decisions. That's our problem in high school football. Everybody else wants to get a piece of the pie. You can bet your ass when Elkin was winning state championships. They got whatever they wanted. That's how it should be generates the most interest generates the most income etc etc. It's not hindering anything. That's a very short-sided statement. And I don't really know what it has to do with him being a football coach. Elkins biggest problem right now is is they have a bunch of wusses. No weight room work. The only thing he didn't do a good job of was getting rid of those coaches. That were there. Most of them are terrible. But they've been there a long time so I guess you can't fire them. Which is the problem. That's cool we used to win on toughness alone. And everyone wanted to come there. it's a joke athletically. Soccer taking center stage. The best coach in that school is the volleyball coach. He's the meanest SOB they got. He breeds toughness. Great observation on the game. Although North Wilkes does have a pretty damn good football coach. I believe he won a state championship when he was in Greenville. Athletic director has nothing to do with it. Maybe they're thinking is let's build this program back athletically. Let's start at the bottom. Let's make people tough.

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