Have no idea how the ‘Dogs will do. But I know one thing. The fans will be able to see it. $300,000 worth of new LED lighting that the city paid for with some contribution from the county. Another of the many gifts that the school system doesn’t seem to appreciate. The schools don’t have to maintain football stadium, baseball field, tennis courts or softball field. You’d think they could at least keep the practice field and track up.
Tigers still have the tall and really athletic WR? Glad they got some upgrades but the campus facilities may never ne the same with Bare retired.
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Have no idea how the ‘Dogs will do. But I know one thing. The fans will be able to see it. $300,000 worth of new LED lighting that the city paid for with some contribution from the county. Another of the many gifts that the school system doesn’t seem to appreciate. The schools don’t have to maintain football stadium, baseball field, tennis courts or softball field. You’d think they could at least keep the practice field and track up.
Now to work on building that new 2 story senior high school.
Tigers still have the tall and really athletic WR? Glad they got some upgrades but the campus facilities may never ne the same with Bare retired.
Yeah, still have number 1 at WR, QB, and the big RB I believe. Just saw on the news they return 16 starters.

Last years game was close up till that 4th down play in the 3rd quarter. Our players acted like they gave up after that. We have a chance to win but going to be tough game. Hope our o-line blocks better.
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21-0 Tigers. Secondary still having problems keeping up with receivers and our QB struggling finding receivers.
Wasn’t impressed at all by this new coach last night I’m not sure that he was the best pick for the job 🤦 looks like it’s going to be a long season if they run that offense like that.
Wasn’t impressed at all by this new coach last night I’m not sure that he was the best pick for the job 🤦 looks like it’s going to be a long season if they run that offense like that.
Very little coaching experience and essentially new staff. Jury is still out and hopefully they’ll improve as the year goes on. But the hiring process didn’t lend itself to success.
To his credit, Coach George kept the kids together in the spring when virtually everybody else left.
I’m hopeful for a winning record.
Is the blue and orange team that good?
Very little coaching experience and essentially new staff. Jury is still out and hopefully they’ll improve as the year goes on. But the hiring process didn’t lend itself to success.
To his credit, Coach George kept the kids together in the spring when virtually everybody else left.
I’m hopeful for a winning record.
Is the blue and orange team that good?
I’m guessing you weren’t at the game watching it. Thomasville is not a team that they can run some fancy offense which got shutdown the first half of the game quick. I believe they have the players that can win games if they can figure out the offense. Defense got beat on bad on several big plays that shouldn’t have. Poor coaching if you ask me.
I’m guessing you weren’t at the game watching it. Thomasville is not a team that they can run some fancy offense which got shutdown the first half of the game quick. I believe they have the players that can win games if they can figure out the offense. Defense got beat on bad on several big plays that shouldn’t have. Poor coaching if you ask me.
I was not. For the first time in forty years, I’m not getting season tickets. For most of that time, we took Warren to the games. Good time to move on.
I still want to see them do well, but not very confident in anything going on in TCS.
I was not. For the first time in forty years, I’m not getting season tickets. For most of that time, we took Warren to the games. Good time to move on.
I still want to see them do well, but not very confident in anything going on in TCS.
Really surprised they didn’t even mention Warren king or have a moment of silence that man was a legend.
Wasn’t impressed at all by this new coach last night I’m not sure that he was the best pick for the job 🤦 looks like it’s going to be a long season if they run that offense like that.
The new coaching staff looked no different than it did under Gilespie.

We can stop the run but any good team that airs it out will torch us. Plus, we still lack a passing game. Any good team will simply stack the box and dare us to throw the ball. Another year making it to the 3rd round....

That being said, ole RaNnElmAn is good, had alot of returning players in key positions. They will blow everyone out except ER, Bunker Hill, and whoever they meet in the 3rd round in 2a.
The new coaching staff looked no different than it did under Gilespie.

We can stop the run but any good team that airs it out will torch us. Plus, we still lack a passing game. Any good team will simply stack the box and dare us to throw the ball. Another year making it to the 3rd round....

That being said, ole RaNnElmAn is good, had alot of returning players in key positions. They will blow everyone out except ER, Bunker Hill, and whoever they meet in the 3rd round in 2a.
They play West Stokes this week. It was 14-7 game last year. Both return key players
The new coaching staff looked no different than it did under Gillespie .

We can stop the run but any good team that airs it out will torch us. Plus, we still lack a passing game. Any good team will simply stack the box and dare us to throw the ball. Another year making it to the 3rd round....

That being said, ole RaNnElmAn is good, had alot of returning players in key positions. They will blow everyone out except ER, Bunker Hill, and whoever they meet in the 3rd round in 2a.
I strongly disagree with you. Gillespie would have ran a better offense and randleman would’ve had a tougher time than what they did.
I checked out Thomasville last night. The Bulldogs fumbled at the 1 yard line, threw a costly pick at the 7 and turnover on downs at the 21. Offensely the Bulldogs were their own worst enemy. Seen alot of kids cramping all night. New 1a coaching staff against a top 6 veteran 2a school. Definitely not the end of the world. I think the Bulldogs will be just fine.
Very little coaching experience and essentially new staff. Jury is still out and hopefully they’ll improve as the year goes on. But the hiring process didn’t lend itself to success.
To his credit, Coach George kept the kids together in the spring when virtually everybody else left.
I’m hopeful for a winning record.
Is the blue and orange team that good?
Orange/blue has an extremely talented WR who they throw it up to and he makes plays. The young man is a talent. From reading above sounds like Thomasville turned the ball over a few times in the red zone which had a huge effect on final score.
ER hosts orange/blue last game of season so a lot can change before then
I strongly disagree with you. Gillespie would have ran a better offense and randleman would’ve had a tougher time than what they did.
So you're saying we would have still lost regardless of the coach. Well, I agree with you there.😂

But yeah, arm chair fans were up in the visitor stands complaining about Gillespie's offense during last years 20-7 loss to randleman.
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Gillespie is a better coach along with the coaching staff that he had. Thats what I'm saying.
well Gillespie decided to up and leave and so did everyone else with him so this is what we have now. It's been one game against a team that isnt exactly a bad team. We are not going to sit here and act like Gillespie moved the ball at will against Randleman last year either.
I noticed lots of little things. Lots of cutting up and laughter when you’re down 28 points, a wide receiver yelling at his quarterback while heading in for the half, no coaching between series.

The previous staff didn’t up and leave. It was known KG was retiring, you have a coach that was hired by a school board that has 0 football knowledge.

And in case any hasn’t noticed, the AD, the head football coach, several long time assistants, the head men’s basketball coach and the wrestling coach all left. Bigger issues than just the football program.
I noticed lots of little things. Lots of cutting up and laughter when you’re down 28 points, a wide receiver yelling at his quarterback while heading in for the half, no coaching between series.

The previous staff didn’t up and leave. It was known KG was retiring, you have a coach that was hired by a school board that has 0 football knowledge.

And in case any hasn’t noticed, the AD, the head football coach, several long time assistants, the head men’s basketball coach and the wrestling coach all left. Bigger issues than just the football program.
you're making my point! We can blame the school board all we want but this issue started well before them!!
you're making my point! We can blame the school board all we want but this issue started well before them!!
Curious why you feel that way. It was the current board that made known their agenda on leadership criteria. And the current school board that mandated that all coaches acquire a CDL and drive buses. And the current school board that sat on Coach Bare’s retirement for over six months so that the now retired principal and athletic director couldn’t hire anyone. And the current board that, after doing nothing for months, rushed the hiring decisions and turned it over to people with zero experience in that type of hiring.
So what cause preceded all of that?
I feel for Tville having admin issues. Lord knows ND has for the better part of a decade. Hope you guys can get it going.
Failed to mention that it was the current board that has had four superintendents in six months. And that they have been paying three of them at once for months.
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I noticed lots of little things. Lots of cutting up and laughter when you’re down 28 points, a wide receiver yelling at his quarterback while heading in for the half, no coaching between series.

Saw some of that from players but the coaches did pull them to the side. Outside of the Robinson kids, number 5, 1, and 70, believe alot of these are new players that moved up from JV.

Unless we have a barn burner or lose to Barlett Yancey I have no reason to throw coaches under the bus.
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People continue to fail to realize Thomasville beat Thomasville more than Randleman beating Thomasville. Fumble at 1, interception at the 7 returned to Randleman's 5. Turnover on downs at the 21. You blaming that on the coaches?? Players get zero accountability?? From a visiting fan's point of view Thomasville coaches put their players in great position throughout the game. Players make plays coaches just COACH!!!!!!
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Curious why you feel that way. It was the current board that made known their agenda on leadership criteria. And the current school board that mandated that all coaches acquire a CDL and drive buses. And the current school board that sat on Coach Bare’s retirement for over six months so that the now retired principal and athletic director couldn’t hire anyone. And the current board that, after doing nothing for months, rushed the hiring decisions and turned it over to people with zero experience in that type of hiring.
So what cause preceded all of that?
I've said it before and i've been saying it for over 10 years. I get it, the school board is not the greatest, you've never once heard me defend anything about them. However, we've had problems coaching wise since 2014. Is the school board at fault? Probably! Do i feel it's all them? Absolutely not!! You have every right to continue to put it all on them just like I have every right to say some of it was also on others in the previous hiring processes. People that know me can attest that I have been saying this for years that when the previous AD leaves that it's going to hit the fan and that was well before this board was put in place. It wasn't going to hit the fan because of how great of a job he did (please don't misread that as i'm saying he did a horrible job cause that's not what this is intended to say) but because some of the things I saw put into place(and I have just as many close resources as you and used to be very involved as well so it's not all just hearsay) was screaming for disaster in the end.
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it's just crazy to me to see how quickly the towel has been thrown in after losing to a good team when in the past 10 years we've lost to some terrible teams and the "hope" ws still there. As mentioned by BulldogJacket, unless we go out and take one on the chin to Bartlett Yancey this week, i'm not going to be concerned yet. We also knew this team wouldn't be as good as last year but yet here we are calling for the coaches head because we don't like who hired him?

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