Thomasville Administration Please Read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nov 12, 2013
This is for Thomasville
. We commend you for your efforts in trying to change the
culture. Thank you for hiring a man that had all the best intentions at heart. He
just wasn't the right man for this job. Everyone loves Allen Brown, and in most
people eyes he is looked at as (for lack of better words) a God. In that same
breath everyone was ready for a change. Not a change in the way we played but a
better connection between player/coach and more effort into getting kids in
school. Anyone that has been around the program the last 15 years understands
what I am saying. You cannot afford to bring another man in with a completely changed
vision and direction that he wants to take this historically great program. You
don't kill the program because you believe that is what we need, you REVITALIZE
it. With no jobs in Thomasville, football is one of the last things we hold on
to. If you run that in the ground then you take away everything, the history,
the present, and the future. You leave a town that's already dying in a worse
situation then it was before. If you want to return to the glory days then make
the right decision. Bring in a Thomasville guy that would never leave to go
home for any reason because Thomasville would be his home. I know for a fact
that the top three guys just last year inquired and some interviewed for this job and you
chose differently. MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION THIS TIME. Give us back our program.
(P.S. basketball is another program that you guys have ran to the ground but we
will attack that at another time)

Benjie Brown: Principal WMHS

Clayton Trivett - Trinity

Todd MCComb - Northwest Guilford

Nick Means- North Rowan

Perez Boulware - WSSU(not happening but at least call)

Kieth Gaither - Ball State(not happening but at least call)

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