When talking about football programs you hear a lot of credit going toward the HC... which he does deserve his credit, but I know (well in Scotland County at least) the credit goes far beyond the HC. In Scotland County we start forming our player young...(many players have a good idea of what position they will be placed in at High school level when playing pop-warner ball.) I feel that the coaches and volunteers from pop-warner up to through middle school don't get the credit they deserve for shaping programs into what they are...Many folks want to give all the credit to Coach Williams and Bailey for the success of the Scotland Football program but the reality is these players are pretty well groomed before they get to high school, thanks to coaches like Moody, Mclean, and McLaurin, just to name a few. I know Im going to get some kick back off this (its cool my skin is thick...lol), but just wanted to see if this is a similar pattern to other successful High School football programs.