Tarboro vs North Edgecombe


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2019
I mean I don’t really have much to say…Just hoping for a good clean game w/ no injuries. Tobias will have a bug game tomorrow also! Tarboro by 4tds or better.
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I mean I don’t really have much to say…Just hoping for a good clean game w/ no injuries. Tobias will have a bug game tomorrow also! Tarboro by 4tds or better.
I'm betting on "or better."
Looks like Holmes beat Rocky Mount. Maybe this would have been the Ace's year to get past Tarboro if they hadn't moved to 2A. May be lucky for the Vikings.
I'm glad somebody humbled Rocky Mount lol. Them boys talked a lot after that game. I said it that night if that's the best Rocky Mount can play then they'll get curb stomped in the 3a east playoffs.
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Imo, I really feel like it’s time to send NE kids to Tarboro High. It honestly makes so much more sense
I know a few years ago talks were happening about north Edgecombe closing and consolidating with Tarboro. None of it ever came to fruition though. It would definitely be for the best though. Tarboro would be 2a again if that happened.
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I know a few years ago talks were happening about north Edgecombe closing and consolidating with Tarboro. None of it ever came to fruition though. It would definitely be for the best though. Tarboro would be 2a again if that happened.
If that ever happened it wouldn’t be Tarboro anymore..we would be like Edgecombe Central or Northeast Edgecombe or something like that….for that reason I hope they never consolidate.
It might be the location tbh. Leggett is basically a gas station, a dollar general, and of course the school. I mean I remember a few years ago there was talk about NE closing and consolidating with Tarboro.
Game ended up being another butt whupping for the Vikes. Does NE have low numbers on their team? This game probably should not even be played but as both are in Edgecombe Co. there is probably an obligation by the powers that be that the game be played.
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Game ended up being another butt whupping for the Vikes. Does NE have low numbers on their team? This game probably should not even be played but as both are in Edgecombe Co. there is probably an obligation by the powers that be that the game be played.
Honestly that's my only explanation at this point for keeping this game on the schedule is that it's required to be on the schedule. North has always been 1a so they've always been Small.
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The last time the warriors beat us was in 03, 7-6. They made the 1a championship that year, and lost to a good Elkin team. The 04 warriors team wasn’t bad, but we haven’t had a close game with them since. I also would be in favor and removing them from the schedule.
Honestly that's my only explanation at this point for keeping this game on the schedule is that it's required to be on the schedule. North has always been 1a so they've always been Small.
True, they are small being 1A but have some history of very good football and deep playoff runs when Coach Cobb was there. So not sure if that success was 100% Raymond Cobb and when he left it all went to pieces or if something else happened there. I certainly do not expect NE to beat Tarboro, Rocky Mount or even SWE. But it seems like they should be a little more competitive. Just hate to see games like this where one of the teams is clearly overmatched and has no chance. Does this game even bring in a big gate? If I as a NE fan, I doubt I would waste my time going to to the game to see a drubbing.
The reason numbers are low in Tarboro. They have a Prep School and early College that take away their students. I doubt they would change Tarboro High. It's a very prideful Community. I would like for North Edgecombe to stay, but if their numbers keep getting lower. Then they should move the kids to Tarboro High School. I also heard that Tarboro was going to open industries and bring more people to the area. Just what I heard.
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