With hearing the news of Coach Brett, I thought now would be a good time for Tarboro fans to reflect on how fortunate we have been to have such great men lead our program. Over the last 17 seasons, we have been extremely spoiled, and at times, I think we have even taken for granted just all that the wonderful coaches and players have done for our community. I am grateful for the young men, and wonderful coaches who have brought much joy and pride to our community. Championships aren't easy, but our staff has made them look easy the last 17 years, and I am grateful for them. Since 08 we have had 8 titles, and five second place finishes. This has been a tremendous run, and I know it is a run that will eventually come to an end, but with that said, I am thankful that our coaches are never satisfied, and every year have the expectation to win it, even if the team is not as talented, their goals do not change. For fun, I am interested to see how Tarboro fans would rank the last 17 teams? Have a wonderful Sunday everyone, and go vikings!