Swett At Richmond

Mountain games are uneventful up this way, so my chances at your games are limited due to travel. SEC sound very mind blogging. Any good, substandard, or well advised future news for the Swett community Raiders2014?
The Scotland- Pinecrest game should be a real doozy. Bright lights, slightly chilly, no rain, hot dogs and coke... I'd go to the game if they'd let me out of prison.
I have been imprisoned by the powerful and dominant ignored function sir. My suggestion is as long as you place the words "Football, Scotland, Richmond" in your every manual, you will not go through the rugged kaput world I encountered. I have been poked, beaten and wounded by many outside the bars dat stan in frunta me. Does your hyena bark at demonyms Mr. OD?
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I'll say Purnell's Rams will win this event by the sum of three points, causin' them fellers at that Channel Fourteen to remark something similar to this particular remark, " Maybe the biggest upset in recent memory as Purnell's Rams outlast the Raiders by three damn points, " at which time the television switches to a Viagra commercial because the announcer had said the word damn in his on air surprisement.
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I'll say Purnell's Rams will win this event by the sum of three points, causin' them fellers at that Channel Fourteen to remark something similar to this particular remark, " Maybe the biggest upset in recent memory as Purnell's Rams outlast the Raiders by three damn points, " at which time the television switches to a Viagra commercial because the announcer had said the word damn in his on air surprisement.
is you going out tonight? If so, meet me at said bar where we always drank them up
Mr. Raiderdev23
I wish I could tell you, promise you and meet you on Raider land but I have been invited to a casting in a movie that will soon becoming out. Make-story-short, its about chasing Tornadoes.

Could we meet 6 November?
S2v good luck to your Rams, don't fall for these Raiders inviting you to the game they want you to see in person what they going to do to your beloved Rams. Its a trap DD is waiting!!!!!!!
Sir, the gentleman you are speaking of attempted to frame me inside the Richmond dome. Though my Spaniard decedent Mr. Christopher Columbus was a very smart leader who visited the isthmus now days called the indigenous Panama, he passed on those same characteristics down to a man called S2V. Without going on about the conquest and Spanish colony in the 1530's Mr. Sikner, I in return was the same gentleman that Mr. Raiderdev23 was to me. I told Mr. Raiderdev23 the truth and told him I will be attending a new movie coming out about Golden Tornadoes and what drives them to destroy what comes in their way, but he musta thought I was ahaving a dream, cause he sure aint replied back. I also went out of my way and offered the same kindness back and RSVP'ed his ass into Pate stadium on 6 November at 7:30.

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Mr. S2V, just got back on this here old computer at work today and maybe we can extend a handshake and meet on Nov. 6. As for trying to set you up, I'm a decent dude, wouldnt do that. Mr. Go Scots can vouch for me, just inquire.
Mr. S2V, just got back on this here old computer at work today and maybe we can extend a handshake and meet on Nov. 6. As for trying to set you up, I'm a decent dude, wouldnt do that. Mr. Go Scots can vouch for me, just inquire.
Mr. Raiderdev23
First off, you give Go_Scots the honor to be a voucher when speaking about an American Soldier. Make no mistake, the fella is a Scotland prime time promoter, a trusting right hand man, the guard of honor, the voice of one nation who in recent time has scheduled his appearance on here every maybe only partly once a week thang now days. Why....dont know?!?

Go_Scots is alittle fishy at times and specially when he stands on the corner of the endzone in his overalls, no T-shirt, hairy chest and it's 37 degrees in mid November rain twitching with his freaking motorola phone. that crap scares the fence-jumping-spanish out of me. aint no telling what Go_Scots is doing on that durn phone every 2mins during a Scotland home game. Dont know if it's some sorta voodoo or what but dont look trusting.

I might consider shaking and extend of your hand at the gate where the Popo's are stationed just incase you have some sorta magic trick up YO Sleeve.

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