Starmount @ Thomasville


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2012
Both teams are struggling who wins?
Thomasville is struggling more so Starmount wins,we can't score and we can't stop anyone and that equals T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

Starmount 21-7
Coach brown and his wife Jeffery were at the game last night sitting close to me on the visitors side,when they were leaving I practically beged him to come back,and he just kind of laughed and said"no thanks" I said please come back coach and then he pointed at the scoreboard and said"look at the score they don't need me anymore"then I leaned in a told him Starmount hasn't won a game all year,him and Jeffery both laughed and walked out
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I was there. You guys should have come by and said hello. Got me a couple of Cushwa dogs and they were awesome!

We are young with about 5 or 6 seniors. We have some injury problems as well. Good luck to Thomasville!
I was there. You guys should have come by and said hello. Got me a couple of Cushwa dogs and they were awesome!

We are young with about 5 or 6 seniors. We have some injury problems as well. Good luck to Thomasville!
Hate we missed you Deana. I wondered, but something you had posted made me think you were at another game. You guys have some talented kids, and that offense can be very deceptive. Hope things improve soon in the W-L column.
You are so right Tvilledawg2370! Done very wrong. Replaced a 331-100 coach with a 40-73 coach. Go figure. No, they will not nominate him in the hall of fame. I'm surprised if his picture is still up in the gym!
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You are so right Tvilledawg2370! Done very wrong. Replaced a 331-100 coach with a 40-73 coach. Go figure. No, they will not nominate him in the hall of fame. I'm surprised if his picture is still up in the gym!
Come on now. Only an idiot would not nominate Brown to the Hall of Fame. He should be on the ballot in his first year of eligibility.
Come on now. Only an idiot would not nominate Brown to the Hall of Fame. He should be on the ballot in his first year of eligibility.
The system hasn't submitted his records (or that of some players) to the NCHSAA record book, so it wouldn't surprise me if they don't nominate him. The previous superintendent never even spoke to him. And now that we don't have a superintendent, only the school board can make it happen. We'll see.
Thomasville started off with a strong schedule, now they move to the cupcakes for three games. East Davidson looks alright but I think Thomasville takes them. Then the muscle of the schedule comes up in preparation for playoffs. We'll find out about the Bulldogs when they play Salisbury, North Rowan and Lexington.

Coach Brown is absolutely entitled to be recognized. One of the best and most consistent coaches in NC history. Even when he got up in years the Bulldogs were going to the 2nd-4th round of the playoffs.
Come on now. Only an idiot would not nominate Brown to the Hall of Fame. He should be on the ballot in his first year of eligibility.
There is no wait for eligibility!! It seems as if the school system doesn't even want to acknowledge that he coached there. I don't know who but someone definitely wanted every bit of Brown influence gone from the school system. We now know that it means losing our winning ways as well!
Someone needs to put pressure on the school board to get Coach Brown's nomination completed. This is a wrong and needs to be addressed immediately at a board meeting. If not it will fall between the cracks. The man could have gone anywhere and coached but he chose to stay for the community and its time for the community to give back. Lack of gratitude by those who benefited.
Coach brown was done wrong on so many levels it's not even funny

Coach Brown has always been and will always be Thomasville football. There is no way that he should not make it into the HOF with a 331-100 record. When people think of Thomasville football, Coach Brown is the first thing that comes to mind. He has put a lot of hard work and countless hours in to building that football team up over the years. I remember years ago while Coach Brown was still at the helm during Thomasville's 1A years, there were many teams in 2A/3A/4A that dreaded playing the Bulldogs on Friday nights.
The next school board meeting is Tuesday, October 4th at 6:30 pm at the administration building on Turner Street. There has been one presentation made by a student last spring with no results yet. There is a public comment period. All you have to do is sign up before the meeting. I can think of nothing more effective than a respectful plea from a few folks, especially if some of that came from fans of rival schools.
Coach brown was also a father figure to a lot of kids who didn't have a father in their lives,teaching them how to be responsible grown men of character and values,he had the weight of the whole city of Thomasville on his shoulders to produce a winner every single year and he delivered just that ever single year

From 1987-2011 Thimasville won 10 or more games 23 of those 25 years and those two other years they were 8-6 and 9-5 which in those times was considered a down year for Thomasville,that record may only be matched by maybe Richmond co. the hard work and dedication to produce like that is just incredible if you ask me
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Coach Brown would be fourth in career wins in NC history, regardless of classification and first in career wins at one school. Neither are listed in the record books because only the school can submit the information.
I for one will be at the October 4th meeting!!! TvilleDawg you are exactly right about him being a father figure, I distinctly remember players calling him daddy brown or just daddy even. Thomasville needs to induct him soon! How many towns can boast that they have a bonafide hall of famer riding a bike around town?
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I think the most amazing part of Coach Brown's record is his playoff winning percentage. Something like 83% I believe. And this is a lot of playoff games -- going almost every year for 40 years or so! Can you imagine a community not appreciating that -- they go to playoff games for 40 years and 83% of the time it's a win! That's incredible!
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I became aware today that the nomination process began some time ago. Let's hope the folks who decide use good judgment.
Kudos to the school system for the nomination. I know it's a lengthy process, and I suspect AD Steve Bare had to do a lot of research to make it happen.
Actually all he had to do was fill out a 2 page application and get 2 letters of recommendation by someone in the community. Should have been done a long time ago. I do not think those who decide will have much to decide, it's a no brainer. But I won't believe they actually sent it in till I see it. Not holding my breath here that they will send it in
Hog eye, it's actually a 3 page form, with some pretty lengthy criteria that has to be collected. I agree with everyone that it should have been done the year he retired. However it took a couple of years. No one "ran" coach brown off, I was there he just decided to retire, simple as that. Coach is the best of the best and it goes with out saying that he is 'bulldog ' football. Hopefully it won't take the people in Chapel Hill long to induct him, it goes before the comittee in January. Now let's just move on - hope for the best- support the system rather than drag it down with the past. By the way all is still welcome to come to the school board meeting----Let's goooooo DOGS!
Man you have no idea what you are talking about! It is a two page application and all you have to include are his accomplishments, education, and civic involvement. The committee meets in June not January and every candidate is reviewed the year his nomination has been submitted! If the form was filled out correctly then he will surely be inducted as part of the 2017 class. And furthermore Coach Brown was ran off as it was very evident those last couple of years. People always hollering and telling him to retire and even losing the respect of some coaches and players. It was a sad sight because it wasn't even his fault!
Was it true that coach brown wasn't even allowed on school grounds during school? only during football practice
Okay, form in hand here big dog, I'm counting, uno, dos, tres, pages. Unless it was updated since May 2016 it states "selection committee meets in January of each year" now they may meet again in June I'm not insulting your intelligence just reading straight from the nomination package. Tvilledawg, I promise you brown was never not allowed on campus for any reason, he enjoyed picking up his granddaughters everyday (I know this because I sat in line with him many a day) after he got them where they needed to go then he would go to the high school. We miss him immensely and would take him back in a split second. I can tell you are a true fan dawg, I'm not always happy with the way things are currently either, but my support for the Bulldogs and the program never waivers, it is what it is-GO DOGS
Trust me dude I contacted the NCHSAA and talked to the head coordinator!!! I am not stupid! I'm not gonna post something and it have it factchecked like some people!
Good for you , now I just hope the coordinator doesn't take too long to induct him. Maybe you can make some calls....
I do not buy for one minute that the current powers would take Coach Brown back. Well, then again maybe they see they made a huge mistake and they wish they could turn it back. But too much talk I hear is that people there now did not care for him. More than likely a jealousy and political agenda
Furthest from the truth - now I will insult your intelligence and say you are dead wrong sir

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