South Point Red Raider Conference Championship Gear Is In!

Nov 18, 2017
Gaston County
Hey guys, this is my first post but I wanted to get the shirt images out here for fans to see. Tough loss last night for my Raiders but we won what really counts two weeks ago; the Southwestern Conference!

Oh well, we'll have a few t-shirts to choose from as well as some other fan items.

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We did this one up two weeks ago but I'm just now getting around to posting it on here, sorry about the timing.

Really wish we could have been using these next week but oh well, always next year.

Everyone that knows me, knows I'm a bigger basketball fan than football, so if you're like me, you'll definitely want to grab one of these souvenir mugs!

Our team worked pretty hard on this shirt and let just say, we're thrilled about how it turned out, it comes in a cotton so you might want to get a size too big because it will shrink.

This last one we had printed up tonight, our printing team thought it would be topical with the thanksgiving holidays quickly approaching. This shirt is our only dri-fit we offer and will run to your normal size; notice the left sleeve patch, our graphics guys thought that was a nice touch and really set it off. This shirt is guaranteed to be special!
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Yawn...all these Lion newbies were born tonight. I don't think that I have ever witnessed such relief!
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One bright note that the red raiders can be proud of is the fact that they went as far in the playoffs as Hunter Huss and Stuart Cramer (and those two teams play in big boy football)
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It's a Burns fan. I bet he will be mad when he finds out Shelby borrowed some of their best players for the playoffs.
How dare you, I BLEED RED!!!!! Been a Red Raider back before when I had one Chin!

Anyways, I'll be out at the Captain's Cap today from 12-2 if anyone wants to get some of this Conference CHAMPS Gear!!! Again, you can still inbox me if you want to do a special order or large quantities. Go 2017 Southwestern Conference Champions!!!!!
As a neutral fan in this match up all I can say is good work .....and congrats on the win .

You are from Cleveland County - don't give me that 'neutral fan' stuff. Even though you guys hate Shelby and Crest stealing your players, you pull for them against us.
How dare you, I BLEED RED!!!!! Been a Red Raider back before when I had one Chin!

Anyways, I'll be out at the Captain's Cap today from 12-2 if anyone wants to get some of this Conference CHAMPS Gear!!! Again, you can still inbox me if you want to do a special order or large quantities. Go 2017 Southwestern Conference Champions!!!!!

If I were to show up, can I find out if you BLEED RED ?
If I were to show up, can I find out if you BLEED RED ?
Sure! Sounds good, come on out, it's a beautiful day in Belmont; the restaurant doesn't open til 3:30 and they're doing work on the Chic-fil-a across the street but you always have Arby's. On a separate note, my print manager called this morning and since he had already gone ahead and had some Back 2 Back State Champ Shirts printed off (I told him not to but what can you do, I mean, we were undefeated, never had trailed, who would have thought, smh), they'll be half off. @sasha_nc, those are the Dri-fit and we a few hoodies as well but not many, they'll go fast!

Fans, get those orders in if you don't want to miss the first batch of prints!
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Hey, I am here. Where are you? I guess I will have to order from your website. Since your picture was on there, I was able to verify I had the right page.
Don't understand the semi-hostile undertones in your post, but so sorry I missed you, I know I said 12-2 but I had to cut out early to go and help winterize some things down at Lineberger Stadium. We had quite a good number of people come out and pick up some gear; I think we'll have a good balance after all the gear is gone to do something special at the banquet to really celebrate that Conference Championship!

The back 2 backs aren't selling like I wished they had even though I ended up marking them down to 75% off.

Again, sorry to miss you, I would say come by at the game Friday night but looks like thats not in the cards so I was thinking of bringing some of the shirts to the South Point/Piedmont Community Charter basketball game Tuesday Night, it's at home.
Don't understand the semi-hostile undertones in your post, but so sorry I missed you, I know I said 12-2 but I had to cut out early to go and help winterize some things down at Lineberger Stadium. We had quite a good number of people come out and pick up some gear; I think we'll have a good balance after all the gear is gone to do something special at the banquet to really celebrate that Conference Championship!

The back 2 backs aren't selling like I wished they had even though I ended up marking them down to 75% off.

Again, sorry to miss you, I would say come by at the game Friday night but looks like thats not in the cards so I was thinking of bringing some of the shirts to the South Point/Piedmont Community Charter basketball game Tuesday Night, it's at home.

That's okay. I'll pass. It's safer for you since I have an absolute hostility toward sex offenders. I found your mug shot online.http://

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Man that's funny, wonder what south point going to do when their state championship rings arrive.
This is a classic. I’ve never seen Sasha so riled up. This troll better be glad he didn’t show up lol!:);)
sasha, don't let olerichwannabebravespred get you in a tizzy.

Just a sad, ok this thread is kind of funny, person looking for attention.
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Dude is pretty butt hurt about South Point. Raiders must’ve really drug his team a few times for all that effort.
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i guess some fans get a kick out of belittling their opposition smh. not cool!
Guys, I don't what has happened to this thread but let's get it headed back in the right direction; if not for me, do it for my 2017 Southwestern Conference Champion South Point Red Raiders!

I've gotten a great response to the shirts but I still have plenty of gear left and we can always print up some more so no worries on quantities folks; I received tons of orders over the weekend and even managed to get rid of some of the premature Back 2 Back Champions shirts.

We have had a problem with fitting the line "2017 NCHSAA 2AA 2nd Round Appearance" on the extra small shirts but we're coming up with a remedy. I thought about breaking it into two shirts with one just dedicated to celebrating the 2nd round appearance; maybe a long sleeve and having "2nd Round Appearance" going down the sleeves! What do you think fans?.... what about you sweet Sasha? @sasha_nc Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Go South Point!!!
"We own the Southwestern Conference"
- 2017 Red Raiders
Guys, I don't what has happened to this thread but let's get it headed back in the right direction; if not for me, do it for my 2017 Southwestern Conference Champion South Point Red Raiders!

I've gotten a great response to the shirts but I still have plenty of gear left and we can always print up some more so no worries on quantities folks; I received tons of orders over the weekend and even managed to get rid of some of the premature Back 2 Back Champions shirts.

We have had a problem with fitting the line "2017 NCHSAA 2AA 2nd Round Appearance" on the extra small shirts but we're coming up with a remedy. I thought about breaking it into two shirts with one just dedicated to celebrating the 2nd round appearance; maybe a long sleeve and having "2nd Round Appearance" going down the sleeves! What do you think fans?.... what about you sweet Sasha? @sasha_nc Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Go South Point!!!
"We own the Southwestern Conference"
- 2017 Red Raiders

I would apologize for the delay in responding to your post, but you truly don't deserve it. Also, sweet is a word not generally associated with me. I forthwith petition Deana to allow me to change my moniker to "sasha is a *itch" (you may exchange the * for whichever letter you choose) so there is no doubt as to who or what I am. While I use a pseudonym, I post under the same user name I have always used, even when I am trolling as I do on occasion. I do not hide my real identity from those I have met and come to trust as well as becoming FB friends with a number of NCPreps posters , including Shelby, KM, and Crest fans.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of you. Yes, you are a 1st class TROLL and a coward who did not have the balls, assuming you ever had any, to post under your real user name. You needed to create a fake profile as a SP Booster Club member. Furthermore, by your choice of an avatar (that of a convicted sex offender), you suggest that SP fans are child molesters. I find it hard to believe that it was a coincidence, but was purposely done. Please do not address or tag me in any further posts.
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