SMC 2024

Is Murphy supposed to be down and is Hayesville supposed to be that much better?
Didn't Taylor McClure graduate? From what I saw he was the team. Don't see hayesville in top 3
Didn't Taylor McClure graduate? From what I saw he was the team. Don't see hayesville in top 3
Yes, he graduated but that program has greatly turned around the last couple of years. Their HC has gotten buy-in from the kids and they play hard. I certainly may be wrong, you really don't know until you see them on the field. I think they'll have improved depth and line play. Murphy and Robbinsville are probably a year away from being what they are accustomed to being. No doubt they'll be tough outs. I see Swain undefeated in conference and Robbinsville/Murphy/Hayesville being quite a battle.
Didn't Taylor McClure graduate? From what I saw he was the team. Don't see hayesville in top 3
How much of Hayesville did you even watch? He was definitely a good player but wasn’t the whole team
Hayesville won't be able to replace what McClure brought individually on the defensive side of the ball (he was one of the best linebackers I've seen in the conference) but they should still be fairly solid as a unit. Offensively I expect the Jackets to take another step forward this season, they have some good weapons.
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Will Panye play any RB this year for Murphy or is it going to be Clems domain mostly?
Well I'd love to see Payne at wingback and Breazeale at WR (a legit 6'3 and running a laser timed high 4.6's 40) but they are going to keep Payne at WR.

Payne staying at WR will be fine if they can get him the ball in good spots (which we got a snippet of what he can do when he does in the Mount Airy playoff game) but I'm not sure how consistently they can do that. The QB Grant is a sneakily fast kid and could do real damage this season with his legs but he lacks the requisite arm strength to stretch the field and make full use of Payne's speed. Murphy will have to try to get Payne the ball in space and hope he can rack up yards after the catch.

As far as Clem goes, I think he will shoulder a big load for Murphy this year offensively much the way Stalcup did the last two seasons. Murphy just doesn't have the stable of backs they once did, they're relying heavily on one or two kids to generate much of the offense instead of the multitude of options they once had. Clem will have serious help and backfield reinforcements next season when Davis moves up from JV. But for this year he's going to get a ton of touches I would imagine, in addition to play DB on defense.
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I had similar thoughts. I was critical of Murphy QB and arm strength last year. I will say he did a good job in that MA playoff game last year. Made me think I under estimated him. But if I was Murphy, I would find a way to get the ball in Payne's hand as often as I could.
Well I'd love to see Payne at wingback and Breazeale at WR (a legit 6'3 and running a laser timed high 4.6's 40) but they are going to keep Payne at WR.

Payne staying at WR will be fine if they can get him the ball in good spots (which we got a snippet of what he can do when he does in the Mount Airy playoff game) but I'm not sure how consistently they can do that. The QB Grant is a sneakily fast kid and could do real damage this season with his legs but he lacks the requisite arm strength to stretch the field and make full use of Payne's speed. Murphy will have to try to get Payne the ball in space and hope he can rack up yards after the catch.

As far as Clem goes, I think he will shoulder a big load for Murphy this year offensively much the way Stalcup did the last two seasons. Murphy just doesn't have the stable of backs they once did, they're relying heavily on one or two kids to generate much of the offense instead of the multitude of options they once had. Clem will have serious help and backfield reinforcements next season when Davis moves up from JV. But for this year he's going to get a ton of touches I would imagine, in addition to play DB on defense.
Davis should be able to help Clem this season too. I’m sure he will move up when the JV season is over as long as he stays healthy. I look for Allison to move up after the JV season at Robbinsville too. These two should be big time players for their teams over the next three and a half seasons.
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Davis should be able to help Clem this season too
On talent yes but that's not really been Murphy's M.O. with kids moving up from JV later in the season barring a few exceptions. I remember when Stalcup, McTaggart, etc. moved up and they weren't given many 9th grade varsity reps apart from garbage time minutes and the special teams units. If Murphy is going to give a freshman real reps they're usually with the varsity squad from the jump.
On talent yes but that's not really been Murphy's M.O. with kids moving up from JV later in the season barring a few exceptions. I remember when Stalcup, McTaggart, etc. moved up and they weren't given many 9th grade varsity reps apart from garbage time minutes and the special teams units. If Murphy is going to give a freshman real reps they're usually with the varsity squad from the jump.
That’s a good point and that has definitely been the case in the past. But this particular season, Murphy is very thin in the backfield. This may allow Davis to get in more than he would in a normal season as a freshman, especially late in the season when everyone is banged up and accumulating bumps and bruises. Something to keep an eye on.
Hayesville is going to be a team no one wants to play in 2024. They return most of their talent from last years team that stayed within a score of Rville, Swain, and Murphy. If Roberts takes care of the ball at qb and they give Graves 40 carries 😅, they'll be a tough out.
Hayesville is going to be a team no one wants to play in 2024. They return most of their talent from last years team that stayed within a score of Rville, Swain, and Murphy. If Roberts takes care of the ball at qb and they give Graves 40 carries 😅, they'll be a tough out.
Shhhhhhh don’t say the quiet part out loud just yet. EVERYONE knows Hayesville ain’t never been much, can’t ever be much. Shoot they be lucky to win 2 games this season.
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Is the schedule for Hayesville on Maxpreps correct? Andrews twice and a 5pm at Concord Christian in Knoxville?
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Wouldn't surprise me to see 8, possibly 9 wins for Hayesville. I would still think 7 would be a good year though. They were good last year, but McClure was a difference maker, one guy or not. They struggled defensively against ER last fall after he went out. They looked like a different team without him. Never know who might step up this year though. They have quite few returning.
Is the schedule for Hayesville on Maxpreps correct? Andrews twice and a 5pm at Concord Christian in Knoxville?
Yes it is. Madison backed out of coming to Hayesville after we went there last year. Towns County Ga dropped us, they do this frequently when their talent level is down. We also added Asheville School, a good private school. Pisgah is still on the schedule. Much tougher non- conference slate this year. BTW both meetings are at Andrews.
I think we will see a ton of parody in the SMC. To tough line play and new faces in many backfields. However, my heart tells me that we will see Swain, Robbinsville and Murphy 1-3 in some form or fashion, we will see what that order is. I say this bc I think they have the best 3 linemen in Nse (spelling?) Teesateskie and Pinkerton.
If you have the time the AA team in Harrisburg is also worth checking out. Their park is on an island in the middle of a river, which is pretty cool.
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I can’t wait to go. We are also catching a game at PNC park. Got the hookup on tickets. 3 rows back from the field 3rd base line 89$ total.
Well not bragging, but been to PNC 4 times. Absolutely my favorite MLB stadium and I have been to about 20 of them. That’s great ticket prices, went to a couple of reds games in late May and paid $79 a ticket and they weren’t that good of seats. They were playing the Dodgers, not sure if that inflated prices or not.

Have a great time and be sure to come back and tell us about it.
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I say this bc I think they have the best 3 linemen in Nse (spelling?) Teesateskie and Pinkerton.
Pinkerton is a very talented player for sure, one whose merits I praised on here last season. Now having said that he needs more time in the weight room to be in the same category of all around lineman you just mentioned.

I believe Pinkerton will have a good year on the d-line, he's very quick/explosive for his size but he needs to get a lot stronger in my opinion to be the kind of two way force on the line that his potential says he could be. That's up to him and the work he's willing to put in the next few years.

Murphy already has a kid on D in the category you just mentioned though, returning All WNC d-lineman Camden Breazeale whom I expect to be one of the better DE's Murphy has had in many years by the time he graduates. It is rare to see a d-lineman in the SMC with his combination of speed, length and motor.
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Well not bragging, but been to PNC 4 times. Absolutely my favorite MLB stadium and I have been to about 20 of them. That’s great ticket prices, went to a couple of reds games in late May and paid $79 a ticket and they weren’t that good of seats. They were playing the Dodgers, not sure if that inflated prices or not.

Have a great time and be sure to come back and tell us about it.
Have a guy that lives in Pittsburgh and has a club level season ticket that he was able to exchange for those 3 tickets for me. Hes having surgery next Friday and wont be able to make it to the game. Im excited to see PNC park. I hear its the best baseball stadium to go to of all the teams in the MLB. The Pirates are right in the thick of things and they are playing the Mariners who are also in the thick of things. My Dad and Grandpa are riding up with me and they are from Whittier/Sylva area so they are excited to be able to see Cal Raleigh play for the first time in person.
Murphy and Hayesville will both be talented but young this season, each a year away from serious contention in my opinion. I feel confident Hayesville breaks into the top 3 in the conference in 2025 but they will have a shot this year as well.
With the transfers of McGaha and Vining, it's looking like 2024 may well be Hayesville's shot at the top 3. Don't think those losses will have a huge impact on Hayesville this season but definitely going to be a big hit to their skill group next season.
With the transfers of McGaha and Vining, it's looking like 2024 may well be Hayesville's shot at the top 3. Don't think those losses will have a huge impact on Hayesville this season but definitely going to be a big hit to their skill group next season.
Interestingly, where the greatest impact will be felt is at QB. Those 2 were 2/3 of the players that took snaps last year. The Jacket's starter is back but with 0 experienced at the reserve.
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With the transfers of McGaha and Vining, it's looking like 2024 may well be Hayesville's shot at the top 3. Don't think those losses will have a huge impact on Hayesville this season but definitely going to be a big hit to their skill group next season.
Vining was a bad loss. The other not so much. As recycled said just hurt at QB with a sophomore as back up.
Vining was a bad loss. The other not so much.
Vining Sr has had all 3 of his boys all over ever since he pulled the oldest one George out of Murphy after his freshman season in 2015 because he didnt want him to sit behind Curry at QB on varsity, even though he still would've been a starter at another spot on 2 title teams and an impact 2 way starter as an upperclassmen at that. He ultimately cost George and middle son Gavin state title rings at Murphy and the opportunity to play varsity ball with the kids they grew up with, sad situation. Now the youngest is back down in Macon and for what? mainly because Sr thought his boys had to play QB to be up here, despite none of the 3 really being natural QB's. Cole is not the athlete his two older brothers were, but he still could've been a solid upperclassmen starter somewhere at Murphy or Hayesville.

As for McGaha, he was a really good athlete on JV, surely he would've been a starter somewhere for Hayesville in time. But it appears he transferred to Towns specifically to play QB... That looks like a potential chemistry issue, so I understand your response.
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Vining would of gotten a high number of carries this year and 90% likely to have also been a defensive starter. McGaha is an athlete. You are correct in that it was a chemistry problem. His best efforts seem to be reserved for when he played QB. Rumors are that his transfer also involved some unhappiness in baseball. But this is just speculation.
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Vining would have gotten a high number of carries this year and 90% likely to have also been a defensive starter. McGaha is an athlete. You are correct in that it was a chemistry problem. His best efforts seem to be reserved for when he played QB. Rumors are that his transfer also involved some unhappiness in baseball. But this is just speculation.
Feel bad for both Vining and McGaha. They both have idiotic Dads. Yes I told both fathers to their faces they were fools for doing this. Both players wanted to stay. These boys are great kids personally as well. High character young men. They both would’ve had huge roles this season. Luckily others have stepped into their positions and look good so far. Wish those young men all the best in their futures.
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Swain scrimmage 3 team this past weekend and we had some bright points on offense and then concerns about our D. I through our Defense was going to be key this year but we looked lost on D and no penetration form the D line. Does anyone know when 79 returns? Without him in the middle made huge different and with 57 being move to LB as well. The Bright point is Zeke showed huge improvement in speed and will be a problem running behind that big line and also the full back was running over people. Swain doesn't have depth so like most 1A school one injury or two can kill their season.

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