I'll clear this up now.....A pic was posted on FB of 4 of our boys sitting in Bojangles and a heart felt story was told of how this woman felt bad for a disabled man and his son, when these boys were making fun of him. Since that pic was shared 3,000 times and these boys have been vilified, and to a degree bullied and threatened, the facts have come to light.....there is no video, there was no confrontation from her, or from Bojangles Mgt, and when Mgt was approached later in the evening, she said that she said good bye to the men, and neither seemed upset at all. What actually happened is you had 4 kids sitting at a table, one of which is handicapped himself, the Handicapped player spills ice in his lap, they all start laughing, making jokes, probably being both loud and annoying, BUT NOT DOING WHAT THEY WERE ACCUSED OF. Once the FB Drama started one of the boys reached out to explain any misunderstanding, to which the original FB Poster liked his explanation, and edited her original post and posted a semi apology......But that apology won't go as viral as her original post. The damage has been done. The Mob mentality of Social Media took over.
I only post to clear facts up, ya'll have fun with all the other stuff.....Good luck to all Cleveland Co, except for 3 weeks.