Shelby, back to back Title Games for six decades.

'98 State Champion

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2007
Last year, after the Title game, the Shelby Golden Lions, for the SIXTH consecutive decade,

had won the State Championship. But Shelby High's football history just got more

remarkable and unique. No other high school program in the state had even been to the

Title Game in each of the previous FIVE decades. And Shelby had made it multiple times to

the Title Game in each of those previous decades.

But now, with this weekend's trip back to the Title game, the Golden Lions have set another

record that may never be broken and is even more amazing. What do 68-69, 74-75-76, 86-

87-88, 97-98, 04-05-06-07, and 13-14 have in common? All were years of Title Game trips

and all were back to back. FOR SIX CONSECUTIVE DECADES. #1 in the state with 12 Titles

in 20 appearances over the past 47 years. Based on that, the Golden Lions HAVE

AVERAGED making the Title game 43% OF THE TIME, and winning it all 26% of those 47

years ! Shelby's playoff winning percentage, #1 in the state at 80% over that same period,

indicates they average making the Title Game EVERY PLAYOFF YEAR!

An unbelievable run of sustained success by anyone's standards. No one else is even close,

in any classification. Congratulations to Head Coach Lance Ware, his staff, and a great

group of players for maintaining Shelby's statewide football dominance into this current

decade and next generation.

Now might be a good time to remind all readers here that we do not create our posts in an

effort to be boastful or braggarts. We present factual information to support the definition of

The Shelby Golden Lions as The True Dynasty in North Carolina high school football. We

actually liked it better years ago, before all the social media took over, when programs were

known by reputation. But unfortunately, in today's media frenzy, if you don't speak up, the

truth can be buried by the want to be's. That is also why we quickly respond to others initial

posts, claiming positions they have not earned. We accept corrections, as you have

observed in our previous threads.
I know this hurts to hear, but no matter how many times you say it, we really, really just don't care okay? Just go away.
Originally posted by Godevilsgo:
Damn, is there no leash law in Cleveland County.
Also, as gal durnit posted on the 1A board:

"I don't want to bust his bubble but Swain has won at least 1 state title in each of the last 5 decades (79, 85,88,89,90, 01, 04, 11) and has the highest playoff win percentage in the state. We are a little ol 1A though. Shelby does have a great program though."
Originally posted by BlackKnightNut:
Also, as gal durnit posted on the 1A board:

"I don't want to bust his bubble but Swain has won at least 1 state title in each of the last 5 decades (79, 85,88,89,90, 01, 04, 11) and has the highest playoff win percentage in the state. We are a little ol 1A though. Shelby does have a great program though."
From last year:

Nice catch Swain County fans, and we certainly meant no disrespect to your outstanding program.

But a point of clarification may help you understand our statement, and defend our "no one else is close" position. A "decade" is 10 years, no matter how you slice it. Most consider that a new decade begins with a year ending in a zero. While Swain County also has a title game appearance in the 60's (1964, a loss), and one in the 70's (1979, a win), that is a 15 year gap and may be why you Swain Co. fans only considered 1979 to 2012 as your "five decades". In our reference to the previous "five decades" we appeared from 1963 to 2007, with no more than a 9 year gap between appearances. Now, in 2013 we are here again for a sixth consecutive decade. While that is a record Swain Co. can't go back and fix, we certainly give huge props to your program as next behind Shelby in sustained success for generations.

With that understanding, it is the overall consistent performance within those six decades that clearly separates Shelby from other successful programs. In Swain Co.'s case, you won the title 8 times in 12 appearances from 1964 to 2011. And both the appearances and the wins were evenly spread over that period. Shelby has won the title 11 times in 20 appearances from 1963 to 2013, also evenly spread over the years. Hopefully we add a 12th title Saturday.

While you may not want to consider Swain Co. a distant second, you must agree it would take decades to catch the Golden Lions under the best conditions. Thus the "no one else is close" position. And we haven't even mentioned that Shelby is #1 in all-time wins, appeared in the 1924 state title game and own a 1947 State Championship.

The good news is, you probably are in second place in historic sustained success. Robbinsville has 12 titles, but none since 1992. Murphy has 7 titles in 12 appearances from 1961 to 2012, but was a no show from 1997 to 2009. Thomasville has a deep history. Reidsville has the most titles at 18, but was a no show from even an appearance from 1971 to 2001, 31 consecutive years. That is why we challenge their "Football capital of NC" bogus claim. And of course the "johnny come lately's" that think their recent success gets them in this conversation. Independence, Butler, even SW Onslow with tremendous recent success had no titles before 1999. And Shelby's bitter rival Crest had no titles just twenty years ago.

But Richmond Co posters get the prize for biggest boasters with the weakest record. Only 6 titles from 1978 to 1998 and a gift win over Britt in the title game of 2008. Yet they claim to be the historically best program in the state. Just ask them. They love to make the case that 4A football eliminates the lower classifications claims because Richmond Co would defeat them. With that absurd logic, there are some higher classified schools in the state that would beat them- UNC, NC State, ECU. Meanwhile, lately they keep going out in the second round of the playoffs and posting nonsense on the 4A board to keep the Richmond Co. name on the "new" list. Other than 2008, Richmond Co. has been irrelevant for the last 15 years. And they know it.

Could you please provide playoff results proving that Swain's playoff winning percentage is better than Shelby's.
Originally posted by '98 State Champion:

But Richmond Co posters get the prize for biggest boasters with the weakest record. Only 6 titles from 1978 to 1998 and a gift win over Britt in the title game of 2008. Yet they claim to be the historically best program in the state. Just ask them.
You don't need to ask Richmond fans who the flagship program is in the state over the long haul. In fact, you get a truer answer if you ask everyone else EXCEPT Richmond fans. Butler dad here...Richmond gets my vote.

The thing you totally fail to comprehend is that it does not matter how highly you regard yourself. The definition of respect is how highly OTHERS regard you. You can brag about yourself all you want, but if no one else ever compliments you, then you are a nobody. Irrelevant. Transparent. A legend in your own mind...and nowhere else.

You've started an awful lot of posts over the last little while bragging about Shelby...but you are an army of one, and that should really tell you something about where you stand in the big picture. I can tell you from the universal response you've received on this board that Shelby has zero respect from any of the 4A schools in the state. Nada Zilch. The number of threads you start bragging about your program is just going to continue to waste everyone's time.

You earn respect from 4A schools by playing and beating 4A schools...NOT by bragging about beating 2A schools. That's just not how it works. My advice to you is to sack up and play somebody, then come back for discussion about how you did.
Originally posted by hokiemtc:

You don't need to ask Richmond fans who the flagship program is in the state over the long haul. In fact, you get a truer answer if you ask everyone else EXCEPT Richmond fans. Butler dad here...Richmond gets my vote.

The thing you totally fail to comprehend is that it does not matter how highly you regard yourself. The definition of respect is how highly OTHERS regard you. You can brag about yourself all you want, but if no one else ever compliments you, then you are a nobody. Irrelevant. Transparent. A legend in your own mind...and nowhere else.

You've started an awful lot of posts over the last little while bragging about Shelby...but you are an army of one, and that should really tell you something about where you stand in the big picture. I can tell you from the universal response you've received on this board that Shelby has zero respect from any of the 4A schools in the state. Nada Zilch. The number of threads you start bragging about your program is just going to continue to waste everyone's time.

You earn respect from 4A schools by playing and beating 4A schools...NOT by bragging about beating 2A schools. That's just not how it works. My advice to you is to sack up and play somebody, then come back for discussion about how you did.

hokiemtc- Butler dad. So now we know a little bit about you. You tasted those championships a couple of years ago and so now you want what Richmond and Independence have. Many titles, like they got. So they are on a pedestal for you, the "flagship program' as you call Richmond. And 4A high school football is all that matters……….hmmmm.

Well tell us more. Where did you go to high school? Did your son play for Butler? Do you have Richmond Co connections?

Does no one ever compliment you? Are you a nobody, irrelevant, transparent? Are you a legend in your own mind…and nowhere else? Those are your words not ours.

Was smoke coming out of your ears and spit and slobber flying all over your keyboard as you wrote the last two paragraphs above? Those ARE our words.

" There's nothing to compare here. Richmond is the gold standard of North Carolina high school football, the team that all other teams in the state evaluate themselves against."

Those are your words, too. Remember? That's why we are here. On this 4A board. You called us out. The Shelby Golden Lions do not evaluate themselves against Richmond. Nor does Crest or Swain Co or Reidsville or many other programs that have actually had as good or better success than Richmond historically and/or recently? And you really think Mallard Creek, Charlotte Catholic and the powers in 4A from the East give one thought to catching up to Richmond. Despite their loss this year, do you really think Indy worries of Richmond with Butler and Mallard Creek in their back yard? You are out of touch Butler dad, and living in the past.

As far as respect from 4A schools in the state, we invite you to discuss the Golden Lions with Wautaga(4A playoff years), Freedom(when largest school in NC), Ashbrook and even N Meck(also when largest school in NC) in your county. Crest won 4A in 1994 and 1996. Guess who beat them convincingly on their field in 1997, as they entered the season pre-season #1 4A and nationally ranked. Guess who ended up 4A champs at years end. Shelby's winning record against larger classifications is unbelievable.

But this has never been about Shelby beating all 4A schools on a regular basis. We have never claimed that we would or could. You keep bringing that up, even as we tried to educate you on the classification systems that exist in all states. You choose to remain ignorant on that topic.

We just win more than anyone else in NC high school football. That is all.

I have a simple question....


Why are you doing this? I'm a Maiden guy but I'm on the 4A board because I now live at the lake (I'm one of those GoDevils and I follow both the ncpreps and stock market forums) and my kids go to Lake Norman.

Why do you feel you need to do thus year after year? Do you not think that real high school football fans have heard of Shelby? This continual chest pounding is rather odd. If you were a teenager, fired up about his team, it would make more sense but I'm pretty sure you are an adult.

Shelby's consistency speaks for itself and loudly. The fact that you continue to rant on and on just seems whacked out. I know Shelby has basically Friday nights and next year's Friday nights but isn't there anything else you can dig your teeth into? You seem to know your Shelby history better than anyone. A man with singular focus such as yours should do well in life. As hard as you work promoting Shelby, you could probably find a cure for cancer if you worked on it like this.

This post was edited on 12/10 3:15 PM by aceten711
This fellow is obsessed with RSHS... Ya think?

Since Richmond Senior is a baby school (born in the seventies) and he wants to use stats from the beginning of time maybe he should research Rockingham HS they might have a few championships (first one in 1924). Hamlet HS might have some too I don't know... Rohanen even has one. how many times is Shelby mentioned (could it be a mediocre team playing worse than mediocre completion)?

I think Shelby is a school with a rich football tradition - that being said I don't see Gardner-Web beating UNC either.

I have no affiliation with Richmond. There are programs around the state with message board superhero fans, but whose teams in the real world hide behind weak schedules and beat a bunch of nobodies, and then there are programs like Richmond, who is the one program in the state who has proven decade after decade that they will play the very best competition the state has to offer. Anyone. Any time. Anywhere.

Yes, they've taken some losses along the way. That tends to happen when you play the best of the best on a consistent basis, and that's just the way it works in all levels of football. But they've also dished out more than their fair share of impressive beatings in games with the highest stakes...enough so that they have permanently earned their place in the respect hierarchy in all areas of the state.

It's a simple concept really...1) Play somebody. 2) Beat somebody.

Richmond does both in spades, and has done so for as long as anyone here can remember. They earned their respect on the field of play, not by starting threads on a message board telling everyone how good they are.

As for your other, I don't think Butler will ever hit 7 titles. I think the potential was there at one point, but one coach left for greener pastures and another coach retired, and that's that. As it was, 3 titles was a pretty decent run, and it was fun while it lasted, if no more ever come our way. Went to high school in a small, one high school county in VA. Oldest daughter was Butler class of 2007...she wasn't much linebacker material. Two future Bulldogs, both of whom are more likely to fix the school's computers than they are likely to suit up for the school's football team. And no one here called out Shelby. No one here ever even thinks about Shelby, because you're not a 4A school and this is a 4A board. However, there have been DOZENS of stupid threads started by YOUR fans since the start of the season talking about how much superior Cumberland Co football is to everywhere else in the state. The people here have called shenanigans, pure and simple. In all of these threads, the fans have spoken...and not one single poster for one single other team in the entire state agrees with anything that your fans have posted this season. I guess that means that all of the rest of us are wrong, of course.
Originally posted by hokiemtc:

I have no affiliation with Richmond. There are programs around the state with message board superhero fans, but whose teams in the real world hide behind weak schedules and beat a bunch of nobodies, and then there are programs like Richmond, who is the one program in the state who has proven decade after decade that they will play the very best competition the state has to offer. Anyone. Any time. Anywhere.

Yes, they've taken some losses along the way. That tends to happen when you play the best of the best on a consistent basis, and that's just the way it works in all levels of football. But they've also dished out more than their fair share of impressive beatings in games with the highest stakes...enough so that they have permanently earned their place in the respect hierarchy in all areas of the state.

It's a simple concept really...1) Play somebody. 2) Beat somebody.

Richmond does both in spades, and has done so for as long as anyone here can remember. They earned their respect on the field of play, not by starting threads on a message board telling everyone how good they are.

As for your other, I don't think Butler will ever hit 7 titles. I think the potential was there at one point, but one coach left for greener pastures and another coach retired, and that's that. As it was, 3 titles was a pretty decent run, and it was fun while it lasted, if no more ever come our way. Went to high school in a small, one high school county in VA. Oldest daughter was Butler class of 2007...she wasn't much linebacker material. Two future Bulldogs, both of whom are more likely to fix the school's computers than they are likely to suit up for the school's football team. And no one here called out Shelby. No one here ever even thinks about Shelby, because you're not a 4A school and this is a 4A board. However, there have been DOZENS of stupid threads started by YOUR fans since the start of the season talking about how much superior Cumberland Co football is to everywhere else in the state. The people here have called shenanigans, pure and simple. In all of these threads, the fans have spoken...and not one single poster for one single other team in the entire state agrees with anything that your fans have posted this season. I guess that means that all of the rest of us are wrong, of course.
...damn...didn't know I was gonna be such a Clinton fan this week!!!....but GO DARKHORSES!!!!
...damn...didn't know I was gonna be such a Clinton fan this week!!!....but GO DARKHORSES!!!!

If Clinton wins this week we should all start a thread on the 2A board on the Clinton dynasty over Shelby.
Rockingham 3A 1924, 1959, 1962, 1963, 1964

Rohanen 1A 1961, 2A 1968

Richmond 4A 1978, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1997, 1998, 2008

That's 14... By the way, Rockingham's title in 1924 was when EVERY school competed for one title, with no subdividing. And they beat Shelby.

This post was edited on 12/11 7:37 PM by BlackKnightNut
hokiemtc- Now we are actually starting to feel sorry for you. So you are a Butler parent, living miles away from where you grew up, with two sons that will choose not to play for the strong program there at Butler and you passion away for another program 75 miles from Charlotte with which you have no ties and has been to one title game in 16 years.

Tell you what, come join us Saturday in Winston and we will share with you what it is really like to be part of the most successful, sustained, winning program in all of North Carolina high school football.

btango will be with us... and he said Tommy Knotts will be stopping by.

Aceten711- Just for you, some review from previous posts.

Finally, braggadocious ?! For our stance on the strength of Shelby's football significance. We never start these "whose #1" threads. We respond and we state facts, not opinions, in the face of uninformed zealous homers that can't accept correction. You are now one of them. We liked it better years ago, when there was no "ncpreps.rivals" and Shelby's dominance spoke for itself statewide. We stand up for The True Dynasty, and we always will. If you don't like hearing from us, accept the facts and don't bring it up again.



overly proud, bragging in excess

hokiemic, have you been to a game at RC lately? Unlimited gaudy home stadium signs touting themselves, even on the visitor's bleachers. Think about it."

We don't embellish anything. We state facts and that ticks people off that don't want to face them. We don't attempt to diminish any other programs. We will diminish any individuals that claim their program is something it is not (Richmond Co., Reidsville-31 consecutive recent years with no title game appearances is a lack of continuity, wouldn't you say?). And we will diminish individuals such as yourself, that use a hidden agenda in an attempt to weaken Shelby Football's undeniable factual and historical position. Why did you feel the need to comment on the six decades? Is your ego that big that you think we all wanted to hear your take on it? It wasn't posted for a response. It didn't require a "full picture" and "more to the story". Did you think we would not respond to you? And by the way, Shelby football is never really "down". See above.

Now might be a good time to remind all readers here that we do not create our posts in an
effort to be boastful or braggarts. We present factual information to support the definition of
The Shelby Golden Lions as The True Dynasty in North Carolina high school football. We
actually liked it better years ago, before all the social media took over, when programs were
known by reputation. But unfortunately, in today's media frenzy, if you don't speak up, the
truth can be buried by the want to be's. That is also why we quickly respond to others initial
posts, claiming positions they have not earned. We accept corrections, as you have
observed in this thread.
Originally posted by '98 State Champion:
hokiemtc- Now we are actually starting to feel sorry for you. So you are a Butler parent, living miles away from where you grew up, with two sons that will choose not to play for the strong program there at Butler and you passion away for another program 75 miles from Charlotte with which you have no ties and has been to one title game in 16 years.

Tell you what, come join us Saturday in Winston and we will share with you what it is really like to be part of the most successful, sustained, winning program in all of North Carolina high school football.

btango will be with us... and he said Tommy Knotts will be stopping by.

Aceten711- Just for you, some review from previous posts.

Finally, braggadocious ?! For our stance on the strength of Shelby's football significance. We never start these "whose #1" threads. We respond and we state facts, not opinions, in the face of uninformed zealous homers that can't accept correction. You are now one of them. We liked it better years ago, when there was no "ncpreps.rivals" and Shelby's dominance spoke for itself statewide. We stand up for The True Dynasty, and we always will. If you don't like hearing from us, accept the facts and don't bring it up again.



overly proud, bragging in excess

hokiemic, have you been to a game at RC lately? Unlimited gaudy home stadium signs touting themselves, even on the visitor's bleachers. Think about it."

Remind us who Shelby and Crest are playing this w/e? MC vs. WF and NB vs. CC. Those are the games we are following.

To qualify the above statement, those are the 4aa/4a games and the ones we are following. Post your consistency and /or dominance you feel is deserved on an appropriate board that cares.

"Have you ever been to a game at RC Lately? Unlimited gaudy home stadium signs touting themselves, even on the visitors's bleachers. Think about it."

Think about what? Are there any signs stating "false facts"? "Touting"? Facts are facts. Please let us know any "false statements" so we can remove them.

I don't know much about Shelby/Crest, which should speak volumes concerning your message. They are 2a 3a/3aa or whatever classification you play in. Sounds consistent, but wrong board.

This is "big boy' football and most years, each classification play in a different league for a reason. RC knows who the big boys have been, Indy for a long time. Butler for a while, and MC currently. We have a knack for being in the mix most years, but are not oblivious to the facts of what is going on around us.

Consistentency...that should be correlated to the league each play in. Great job. Kudos. Bravo. Just go to a relevant board where it truly matters vs. hypothetical observations on your part.
"We never start these who's #1 threads"

You make that claim in seemingly every post you make, yet the OP of this thread is you... as it is for the other three boards, with the same topic. You have truly mastered the art of speaking out of your own anus.
The best way to handle the Shelby poster is simply not to respond to him. If we don't respond and don't feed him maybe he will go away. As long as we keep feeding him he will be with us.
Originally posted by '98 State Champion:

Aceten711- Just for you, some review from previous posts.

Finally, braggadocious ?! For our stance on the strength of Shelby's football significance. We never start these "whose #1" threads. We respond and we state facts, not opinions, in the face of uninformed zealous homers that can't accept correction. You are now one of them. We liked it better years ago, when there was no "ncpreps.rivals" and Shelby's dominance spoke for itself statewide. We stand up for The True Dynasty, and we always will. If you don't like hearing from us, accept the facts and don't bring it up again.

I really think you misread my post. I said that most real football fans know Shelby and their reputation. I've complimented the program and you in the past. My question was why do you feel the need to pound away at this year after year and on the boards of every classification. Why not let the record speak for itself and be proud?
Originally posted by AREGOOD:
The best way to handle the Shelby poster is simply not to respond to him. If we don't respond and don't feed him maybe he will go away. As long as we keep feeding him he will be with us.
But with this one it is kinda fun, like poking a rabid hamster with a toothpick
Originally posted by almighty94:
Who is richmond play tomorrow?
Who is? You mean...Who does?

I just looked up Shelby football. They lost 6 games in 2010. They lost 6 games in 2011. They lost 6 games in 2012.

That isn't impressive at ALL.
Imagine what their records would be every year if they played Richmond's schedule?
Just wondering if 98 is one of the MANY Shelby fans who whined and cried after they changed their offense a few seasons ago? Wanted the coach fired and everything, now he's Nick Saban and can do no wrong! LMFAO!!
Originally posted by BlackKnightNut:
Rockingham 3A 1924, 1959, 1962, 1963, 1964

Rohanen 1A 1961, 2A 1968

Richmond 4A 1978, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1997, 1998, 2008

That's 14... By the way, Rockingham's title in 1924 was when EVERY school competed for one title, with no subdividing. And they beat Shelby.

This post was edited on 12/11 7:37 PM by BlackKnightNut
....head to head....hey Shelby...stick that in your pipe and smoke it!! LOL

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