Dogs, Northeastern will win the East. That game we played against Currituck 2 weeks ago is not something to judge our team on. We had six starters out for that game that's the only reason that Currituck took was able to hang. We will have both Freshwater and Baum back for the playoffs and that will be huge. It makes me laugh when everyone says how down we are this year compared to last year. We have not fallen off much if any. Our qb play as of late has been really good, and unlike last yr our qb can run, and run really good. I find it amusing when people from down south try and say we've fallen off when they haven't even seen us play. It doesn't matter now because the playoffs are approaching and Northeastern will put to rest all the talk about them being over rated. I no im not alone when I say I can't wait for SWO or any team from down south to get their chance at these over hyped Eagles. We will get the last laugh. You know as a team Dad, I would know these things. So until then I'll keep pounding my chest and over hyping my Eagles against all our inferior opponents in our weak conference.