It's a great day to be a ram fan! I am glad we have a offensive genius. Smh! I have to think back to the football movie necessary roughness. When the dean hated football, sounds a lot like what I see at PS!
So you disagree with the administration and want to see the kids get their brains beat out? Please explain!
So you disagree with the administration and want to see the kids get their brains beat out? Please explain!
No I agree with the running clock in the second half. The clock should have started when you got off hwy 74. What I will tell anyone is a person went to the principle and said the talent was down this yr and that person was told to resign. Now that person is doing great things in fairmont. It isn't a secret that the principle could care less about sports. That is not the way to run a school, ask anyone who is a having a successful year if they are having issues with discipline I would beat that it isn't bad, but on the other hand schools that programs are 1-6 are having all kinds of discipline issues.
Band at swett, yes there is a band. Sad thing is there is no support from parents to keep there kids in the vocational aspects of our wonderful school. Right now they have more ppl on suspension that want to be in the band. But like Kermit says that is none of my business. My daughter plays 3 instruments and swett and we and her are thinking of relocating them to somewhere else.

Might go to Devil land in ye ol springs. Even thought of buying a few kilts and sending them to Scotland.
No,there won't be in vacancies until the coach decides to go elsewhere. If he is fired then the admin will have more egg on there faces for firing the guy right after they hired him. Plus, my degree in middle eastern studies and masters in anti-terrorism tactics would not qualify me for the job. Plus I can say I checked that off of my bucket list in 07.
Sitting here watching high school football on ESPN in my office, ignited a thought or two about you herd, since confirming your playing time with swett many moons ago(20yrs I'd say). IMHO winning % is a touchy subject. In general, what I've seen is that schools will have an incredible class or two (Freshmen and Sophomore). They'll take their lumps and then when they're Juniors and Seniors, they go 9-1 or 10-0 and make a deep run into the playoffs for one or two seasons, then it's back to 4-6 until the next cycle begins.

In general- parents(Who are typically the biggest complainers) of teams that lose to that now 10-0 or 9-1 team only see that team when they're Seniors and didn't see them get their tail kicked their Freshmen year, so they assume those kids must of been recruited since it's such a strong buzzword with a negative connotation to it...then we end up reading about it on message board posts.

Very few programs consistently finish a regular season .500 or higher every year over a 15 or 20 year span. But, it's really the ebb and flow of high school football. Every team goes through up times and down times; however, I've personally found that more times than not- the teams that are consistently good and that stay good have a stable administration and coaching staff.
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Don't forget coach to the talent they have. My old high school has never had more than 2 flashy players on the same team. However, they have had over 40 of the toughest, hardest hitting kids in the country. You have to have coaching styles (multiple) that you can use at any given time.
Lonnie that goes for any good sports team IMO. I look at the patriots and all of the players that have come and gone but the owner and head coach have remained a constant and the HOF QB. Stability and resources matter. I look at PC now from what they were and now they have solid leadership and support. Talent pool was always there kids just didn't want to play for a looser and the admin only cared about tennis, golf, and baseball.
Money! Well said from both of you. As for PC, you are on point. Cannot come to a conclusion why football would be excluded(fairly it is America's Sport). Every word of what you shared is also what I have witnessed and experienced through my brother.

Things have changed dramatically at swett when it comes to high school football and Friday nights herd. Swett has struggled to be competitive lately and community support has dwindled along with the fortunes of the team. I have no chemical reaction with swett as I am not local. My source would independently be my older brother who resides in a town called Dunn. Enjoys traveling to divergent Friday night games.
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