Rosman at Brevard

Maybe BK we'll see soon enough. Their QB runs the option well and if the Knights don't make to many assignment errors they'll probably be fine.
Hate to see what has happened to Brevard .Losing Olin and Dupont has really hurt their numbers .But if you can't beat the 1A schools they must be other problems.Changing coaches every year does not help things.Pisgah and Brevard used to be great rival with close hard fought games.Would like to see the Devils get back to what they used to be.

I grew up in Brevard, and have since moved and am now a Tuscola Fan. But Brevard needs to quit trying to throw the ball and go back to smash mouth football. I think these new coaches are coming in and not adapting to the talent of players they have, instead they are trying to make the players adapt to there playbook and when you take a team that should be running the ball and put them into a offense that requires a lot of speed which you don't have, its going to be expected that your going to fail. I would like Brevard to get back to winning but I think it needs to start with the coaches changing the playbook.

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