RJ Reynolds new Stadium at the School?


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2003
From what i hear for the 1st time in a Century. Reynolds will finally have a stadium of their own. Are they still working on it or is it finished? If so, i would like to go check it out.
From what i hear for the 1st time in a Century. Reynolds will finally have a stadium of their own. Are they still working on it or is it finished? If so, i would like to go check it out.
They are working on it, hopes are to play this fall. Going to be a small stadium, I think the number I heard is 2500. All I can say is if you go to a game you better get there early. There will be no parking. Parking will be on street. That was the surrounding neighborhood number one complaint.
They are working on it, hopes are to play this fall. Going to be a small stadium, I think the number I heard is 2500. All I can say is if you go to a game you better get there early. There will be no parking. Parking will be on street. That was the surrounding neighborhood number one complaint.
Hopefully, they will work on that.
I hear there will be parking but just more so spread out around campus
Obviously you have never been to Reynolds, there is parking, students park along NW Blvd now. Parking other than there could be a half mile walk. And I promise you these neighborhoods are not going to allow parking. As I said above, they were the ones that voiced the most against the stadium. Have you ever been to a baseball game, no parking for it and you know what a football game will draw vs a baseball game.

But I am happy that they are getting a stadium on campus.
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Obviously you have never been to Reynolds, there is parking, students park along NW Blvd now. Parking other than there could be a half mile walk. And I promise you these neighborhoods are not going to allow parking. As I said above, they were the ones that voiced the most against the stadium. Have you ever been to a baseball game, no parking for it and you know what a football game will draw vs a baseball game.

But I am happy that they are getting a stadium on campus.
Correct never been to RJR
Obviously you have never been to Reynolds, there is parking, students park along NW Blvd now. Parking other than there could be a half mile walk. And I promise you these neighborhoods are not going to allow parking. As I said above, they were the ones that voiced the most against the stadium. Have you ever been to a baseball game, no parking for it and you know what a football game will draw vs a baseball game.

But I am happy that they are getting a stadium on campus.
I've been there and you are spot on..........NO convenient Parking!
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RJR has no parking whatsoever. The school is just in a really odd place with it being downtown, but surrounded by all neighborhoods.
Yeeeaaaahhhhh "Society Hill" sucks for parking. West End Opera House is a pretty good bar though lol
R.J. Reynolds High School opened in 1923, so it's now 100 years old. I suppose land has been purchased around the original site over the years, as the school has expanded, but it must be land locked now. It's not exactly downtown, but it's not far from it. More land would likely cost far more than a 2,500 seat football stadium.

It's a great old schooI, and I hope things work out well for them, but I don't see how, unless the tobacco company wants to help them with land for parking.
Just a thought about parking lot. Maybe, they put parking lot with in 5 to 10 miles from the School. And have shuttle buses picking up the fans and driving them to and back from the stadium. Might not be a bad idea.
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Obviously you have never been to Reynolds, there is parking, students park along NW Blvd now. Parking other than there could be a half mile walk. And I promise you these neighborhoods are not going to allow parking. As I said above, they were the ones that voiced the most against the stadium. Have you ever been to a baseball game, no parking for it and you know what a football game will draw vs a baseball game.

But I am happy that they are getting a stadium on campus.
It would help if the nearby YMCA and Brunson Elementary schools allowing their parking areas to be used on game nights. Both would be a little bit of a walk to get to the stadium but nothing that is not manageable.
It would help if the nearby YMCA and Brunson Elementary schools allowing their parking areas to be used on game nights. Both would be a little bit of a walk to get to the stadium but nothing that is not manageable.
I am sure Brunson will be an option since it’s a WSFCS, but the Y has limited parking of its own. I bet Brunson has leas than 100 spaces.
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What you see to the left on the picture is Wiley MS and to the right is the Reynolds gym. And where all those tractors are sitting is probably about the 30 yard line. The lot right behind holds about 25 cars the lot across the street holds about 50 cars, on street parking hold about 75 cars. Absolutely no parking on the left side of picture, that’s Hanes Park and the school system does not own that. Then it’s a half mile walk or more.

In that space being graded, you got bleachers for both side, one would guess some type of concessions, Since no HS in Forsyth county has a field house no worries for that. Tight fit for everything.
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From what I can see on Google Maps Street View, there is enough room for them to create another 50+ parking spaces in the parking lot directly across the street from the middle school (the lot has an existing 102 spaces). From the looks of it those railroad tracks arent even used anymore, so they could cozy up pavement pretty close. Also, I counted 70 parking spots along the Northwest Blvd right in front of the gymnasium. Another 56 spaces directly across the tracks where I think there is an underground tunnel leading to the high school. I'm not even taking into consideration the other couple hundred of spaces in the student lots just a bit further away. There is plenty of space on Hawthorne Rd in between Glade St and NW Blvd that could be used for parallel parking during games. Also it looks like N Sunset Dr (where the YMCA is) can take parallel parks on both side of the street and it has a nice walkway cut thru where Hanes Park is, that leads straight to the football stadium. There is also a pretty sizable grassy area behind the middle school where the dumpsters are, that could be turned into another 50 parks, or that entire grassy area could be 200-300 spaces, if its not used for anything else. If the argument is that its used as a practice area, couldn't they just use the massive outfield right there where the softball field is instead?
Year down some. Of those tennis courts. What do they have like 30 plus over there?
That is a very old and historic City of WS park that surrounds everything but where you see the stadium. If the weather is nice most of those tennis courts are used 7 days a week. Not happening.
That is a very old and historic City of WS park that surrounds everything but where you see the stadium. If the weather is nice most of those tennis courts are used 7 days a week. Not happening.
Yeah I know. But there are a ton there. Let them play pickleball.
They have plans to build a parking deck beside the auditorium it will be a walk but better than nothing. Those spots closet to the stadium are student parking and on game day they will likely stay put.
Any updates? Will it be ready for the 2024 season?
I was by there last Friday. Stands appear to be completed. Construction on concessions and bathrooms have not even been started. I did not see anything that resembled a press box. Steel beams up for scoreboard but that’s all. And of course the turf is not down. I guessing it’s last. I’m certainly not a construction guy and I guess if we get little or no rain between now and late August they may can finish it.

OBTW, I certainly hope we get some rain, my yard is already looking dry.
Haven’t seen it in awhile, but was told today, field is ready, but concessions and bathrooms are not. Will play at Deaton-Thompson this year.
That is too bad. But RJR has gone this long with no campus stadium so I guess one more season won't hurt. Do you know if the field there is grass or turf? I hope it is grass since that is how football should be played and I loathe turf with every fiber of my being. But I know that is not the trend these days with a lot of high schools. I was at Hanes Park in late June and it looks like it will be a smaller size stadium. But that probably works for RJR since they are typically bad at football and when I have gone to Deaton Thompson to see them, they don't get too many fans showing up.
That is too bad. But RJR has gone this long with no campus stadium so I guess one more season won't hurt. Do you know if the field there is grass or turf? I hope it is grass since that is how football should be played and I loathe turf with every fiber of my being. But I know that is not the trend these days with a lot of high schools. I was at Hanes Park in late June and it looks like it will be a smaller size stadium. But that probably works for RJR since they are typically bad at football and when I have gone to Deaton Thompson to see them, they don't get too many fans showing up.
It is turf and will be a very small stadium for a 4A high school. But their space was very limited and the parking is even more limited.
It is turf and will be a very small stadium for a 4A high school. But their space was very limited and the parking is even more limited.
Went by and took a look today, man was I fed some wrong info. No turf down, basically all that is done is area for turf is graded. No construction started on press box, concessions or bathrooms.

If I knew how to post pics I took a couple but I have never figured out how.
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Went by and took a look today, man was I fed some wrong info. No turf down, basically all that is done is area for turf is graded. No construction started on press box, concessions or bathrooms.

If I knew how to post pics I took a couple but I have never figured out how.
Send them to Deana lol

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