Richmond VS Clayton Round 2

Yep this is gonna be a very tough one for us to win. Got to play smart
Yes it is !!!!
On paper it looks like this will be the raiders final game for the season, either way they have had a great season that a lot of people didn’t expect.
If they lose they have nothing to hold their head down for
Were the "fake" injuries when Clayton was on offense or defense?

The Clayton coach was at Myers Park at one time. They played at Richmond in the playoffs and he had his defensive players faking injuries late in the fourth quarter in an effort to get the ball back. There was no rules-based recourse at that time to address it.

His methods were reported to NCHSAA, who forwarded it to the NFHS rules committee. The result was a rule change giving the offense 40 seconds on the play clock (instead of 25) for defensive injuries, as well as defensive penalties, or administrative stoppages for which the defense is responsible. As such, the offense has more time to snap the ball and can more easily milk the clock.

As a wise man once said, "You can make every rule in the world, but you can't legislate honor and principles."
It makes since now.... I remember that game in 2019 well against Myers Park. They was faking injury and after the loss the coach complained about the blinking lights and long music. It was mostly on defense. I seen the safety standing by himself all of a sudden fall down.
It makes since now.... I remember that game in 2019 well against Myers Park. They was faking injury and after the loss the coach complained about the blinking lights and long music. It was mostly on defense. I seen the safety standing by himself all of a sudden fall down.
Yeah it explains a lot .
I don’t know if you noticed before the game started when all the raiders players walk on the field.
Some of the Clayton players walked up to them stood on the diamond and started pointing their fingers it was about 3 or 4 players . The Raiders players just turn their backs and didn’t play them no attention….
I didn't keep up with the "fake" injuries but someone else did. 19 times the Clayton players stayed on the ground!