Richmond raiders coach suspended

It is not illegal to drink and drive. You still haven't figured that out, keep looking.
It is NOT against the law to drink and drive. It is illegal to drive while impaired so that you cannot drive with the caution of a sober person under like circumstances, and even then, the prosecution must prove these facts beyond a reasonable doubt to a unanimous panel of 12 people.

You guys will never understand the nuances of such things. You want life to be black and white, right or wrong when in reality life is filled with a lot of gray areas and circumstances that are up for interpretation.
Agreed, there are a lot of areas that are up to debate. However, this country is full of PEOPLE like you that will sit there and try to play devils advocate when you know the person is guilty of the crime they commit. So if the guy got a DWI for a substance he is guilty, if he goes through the judicial system and pays lawyer fee and court cost and nothing is on his record when it is all said and done then all we have to blame is ourself for electing the ppl in position that are there now.

And ppl wonder why kids play the system and don't respect the law.
I just feel so fortunate to live in a area and state with so many people that have never done wrong, commited a sin or made a mistake. I for one cannot and will not judge man when I know in my heart that I have done wrong and made mistakes as ALL man has. I'm just glad that at the end of my time on this earth that my final judgement will not be by man because if it was then we would all be bound for hell. Thats why we have mercy and grace.
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I agree with the hypocritical comments. I have been full of them for the past 4 weeks, and for that I am sorry. However, don't play religion on here.

But be honest you have never judge anyone???? Just read one of your post from Sunday talking how two posters school has never won a kickball game. Is that judging? Is that judging on the day of rest?

Mercy and Grace are great and I am glad we all enjoy that from the Man upstairs. But I am convinced you must be referring to Merzy and Graze a new drink that has a green, gold, and white label. It is part of the Raide Magic distillery!
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LOL. Herd I know I've done wrong and not playing the religion role. Thats the difference. I will admit that I have made and will again make a mistake. Thats called being real and honest.
I make mistakes daily, hourly, and some every other minute. Regardless of how small or how big when I put myself out there like I do speaking the truth way I do ppl will bash me and pick when it is a big/major mistake, but I don't care.

What I have learned to do is just keep telling ppl the truth regardless if they want to hear it or not. But I have also learned ppl can't take it.
Just because you are arrested does not mean you are guilty. Police are wrong and biased a lot. The last person that gets to decide your guilt is the arresting officer. He is the most biased in the entire process. Let it play out.
Agreed, there are a lot of areas that are up to debate. However, this country is full of PEOPLE like you that will sit there and try to play devils advocate when you know the person is guilty of the crime they commit. So if the guy got a DWI for a substance he is guilty, if he goes through the judicial system and pays lawyer fee and court cost and nothing is on his record when it is all said and done then all we have to blame is ourself for electing the ppl in position that are there now.

And ppl wonder why kids play the system and don't respect the law.

How do you "know" the person in question is guilty?
Do laws only apply to the every day citizen and not the people enforcing them? Or do you 173 get to decide which laws to follow and which not to follow? Could you also tell me why we have judges and jurys if you, 173, know who is guilty without due process? Do you, 173, dislike the constitution or do you just dislike it when it protects those you don't agree with?
all of your questions are just about stupid! There are not stupid questions just stupid ppl! And you my not so called friend are stupid!

Yes, laws are meant to protect civilians and the to protect the ones serve to in force the laws. However, when either group decides to twist the laws and try to make it to where they are not guilty of the crimes they have committed or try to politic there way out of it then they should be put under the jail.

What I am meaning, if someone knowing took a substance that would empare there driving, then try to play the system and try to make the cops record or paperwork look mishandled is lower than the lowest on earth. He should not have anything to do with being a role model to kids. Anyone that would support this, principle, super, athletic director is no better than the acused is. Seeing there judgment must be empared as well.

Yes, everyone is entitled to a trial of a jury of there peers, but that all being said out of the 12, at least one person is in the same boat as the acused.

This is the last I will post on the fact that a educator in NC, who is also a role model for at least 120 football players this year alone thought he was above the law.
and what about this word.....empare......what is that word??????? I never heard of it! I know what he is trying to say.....Impaired .....geez and he has gall to say that there are some stupid people in this world. It takes one to know one. That is another word that I seen many posters put up a lot NO for know....yes they do sound the same but spell a lot different!
wow lol, people on here actually defending drinking and driving. Good grief the world we live in....
all of your questions are just about stupid! There are not stupid questions just stupid ppl! And you my not so called friend are stupid!

Yes, laws are meant to protect civilians and the to protect the ones serve to in force the laws. However, when either group decides to twist the laws and try to make it to where they are not guilty of the crimes they have committed or try to politic there way out of it then they should be put under the jail.

What I am meaning, if someone knowing took a substance that would empare there driving, then try to play the system and try to make the cops record or paperwork look mishandled is lower than the lowest on earth. He should not have anything to do with being a role model to kids. Anyone that would support this, principle, super, athletic director is no better than the acused is. Seeing there judgment must be empared as well.

Yes, everyone is entitled to a trial of a jury of there peers, but that all being said out of the 12, at least one person is in the same boat as the acused.

This is the last I will post on the fact that a educator in NC, who is also a role model for at least 120 football players this year alone thought he was above the law.

Just wanted to quote this for later reference because it is a pure gold mine.

Wow, just freaking wow.
In all honesry, this is a huge embarrassment for Richmond County football. Especially, with the timing after the coaching search. I can't imagine the Superintendent being happy with her choice at this point.

I get the whole we all make mistakes, but there was some good candidates that wouldn't have caused this embarrassment.
Heel_Yes is a turd.
REQUEST: If you by chance pass by here 3daughters could you electronically fingerprint and could you possibly come clear this fella up and please check his: IQ, 2 digit liquor intake, drug test him, juvenile history, background check on local and nationwide where he has worked, lived or went to school.


Thank you
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In all honesry, this is a huge embarrassment for Richmond County football. Especially, with the timing after the coaching search. I can't imagine the Superintendent being happy with her choice at this point.

I get the whole we all make mistakes, but there was some good candidates that wouldn't have caused this embarrassment.

In all hosiery you can be plentay mbarrased in Richmond county widout woorying bout the fusball coach.
Everyone makes mistakes.

But driving while impaired is very serious IMO and should not be looked at as a simple "mistake." It kills people for cryin out loud. If he shot a gun into a crowd but didn't hit anyone, would it be a "mistake"?

Yeah, I don't have all the details, but he wasn't arrested for helping an old lady cross the street.
Everyone makes mistakes.

But driving while impaired is very serious IMO and should not be looked at as a simple "mistake." It kills people for cryin out loud. If he shot a gun into a crowd but didn't hit anyone, would it be a "mistake"?

Yeah, I don't have all the details, but he wasn't arrested for helping an old lady cross the street.

Heel Yes' new game is to make everyone look like an idiot by falling for his little game of illusionary facts, everyone eating it up, then waiting for victims to reply back in anger and in return Heel Yes laughing and recycling the same game over and over again.

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