Raider offense and Defense


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2003
Let's stir the pot a little. If it had not been for that great passing attack we have we would have been in a lot of trouble last night. The non existent running game was even more impressive. I am afraid we have a lot of work ahead of us to get things right. I believe this team has the heart and ability to be very good before the end of the year. Last year we would score every 6 to 8 plays with the running game and only occasionally passed. I like the new passing attack when it is working. Last night it was not. I think the main problem is the offensive line in both the passing and running attack and the wide receivers blocking or lack of. who coached the O line and wide receivers last year? Oh! thats right we ran them off. One of the Carolina Panthers coaching staff said last year that Richmond had the best downfield blocking that he had ever seen by a high school team. We have basically the same wide receivers this year. I think that may they are working hard at running the new routes and not getting into blocking mode when we have a running play or the Qb has to scramble. As for the O line I know they are young and new.They also have new blocking schemes.
The main thing I am saying is that we need to improve greatly or we are in for a long season. Despite what some posters say we do need to develop a decent running game just like last year we needed to develop a decent passing game.
I think the team and the new coaches will be fine and will improve as the season goes along. Right now I see at least 3 and maybe 4 loses this year. I hope not and request that if that does happen that the fans give the kids and the coaching staff respect and time to develop the new system. We should all remember that Richmond plays one of the tougher schedules in the state.
Things are definitely different. Mistakes were made with the football program and it hasn't taken long to surface.

The Raiders may have a crappy season by Richmond standards, but WOO HOO they throw the ball, so who cares?
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Aregood, you are definitely correct. The Oline is abysmal right now. QB has barely enough time to throw and rbs not getting much blocking. Hopefully it's get better. Perhaps, I shouldn't say it but we do know who coached the oline before he left, right?

And you are right about the WR blocking. I won't call him out but one of the WRs is killing the running backs by missing key blocks.

The good news is the defense is fantastic and should only get better. I love the attitude of the defense and they're pounding of the opponent. Defense and special teams absolutely won that game last night.

Hopefully, the defense will continue to carry this team until some of the offensive woes get worked out.
Yep, we know who coached the OL and we know who coached the WR (we know where he's at now too). We didn't throw much, but we could catch it & block. BUT, like King said we throw now and that's ALL that matters to some.

I mean it's nice to be 2 - 0, but Both of the teams we beat are 0 - 2. Good thing we still have 2 more easy games in Byrd & SV before Conference.
Honestly it will probably take about 3 years to install the more modern attack that they are using and I am surprised it is working at all at the moment. In that time hoggard would have won nothing of meaning so I am glad they are moving in the right directions.

Personally I want my revivers to receive and my blockers to block, and my qbs to pass and my running back to run. They are doing it right.
That's the problem ol ye of little football knowledge. Receivers do more than Receive, RB'S do more than Run, QBS do more than Pass, & Blockers as you call them have many different steps and fits to do it right!

And right now, they are Not doing it the right way.

I'll go so far as to say Castellano won't be here in 3 yrs. This is a stepping stone to South Carolina for him. He may get a free pass this year, but if he isn't making it to the Regional or State finals, the For Sale signs will be up anyhow.
Jeez, has the O line been coached at all? They were awful last night. The defense played well but they were on the field all night. Punting was not very good, QB was running for his life all night. Almost wished I'd stayed home.
The Panther coach that stated the Richmond wideouts block as well as any he has seen in his coaching career was the former O line coach Dave Magazu. Previous to the O line he coached the tight ends so I guess he knows good downfield blocking when he sees it. He specifically went on the field and asked for the receivers coach, Greg Williams, and shook his hand telling him this. It was probably six years ago. I concur with that, the receivers at Richmond were the second level that broke the big runs.

Richmond line play has always been superb, it set up a running game that put up huge numbers.

Passing game will not be picked up overnight and it will take some of the edge from the running game.

Castellano has time in the SC system from being at Coastal Carolina. Heading to SC would not be surprising if the right job came open but I think he would want to see a sizable pay raise although the emphasis on football through the SCHSL may be enough of a catalyst. I agree, if he does not win the conference and make deep playoff runs he will feel some heat. He should get zero heat this season unless the Raiders completely fall apart.
Fit him? You boy? Heel yes, could you please try English?
WOW!!!!!!! I decided to hop on here and read some post about last night and its about what I figured. It's time to either be a supporter of these kids and staff or do the kids a favor and stay the heck home on Friday night. I was a supporter of Hoggard but he is gone and that's the past. Time to move on. These kids have busted their humps since early in the summer and I don't think a single one of them want to miss a block or a tackle or whatever the play is that some of you seem to always notice when it doesn't work. We are 2-0 and a lot of teams would love to be undefeated no matter how ugly it was. Sure there are a lot of areas to improve on but don't throw these kids under the bus. A lot of the kids do read the boards and they don't deserve all this negativity toward them or their coaches. No need to reply with more negativity because there has already been enough of that.
Amen rd23!! i dont see one other fam base talking trash or complaining about there team like SOME of ours do. New bern is 0-2 they havnt said a word about their team, the scots are 2-0 and i went to last nights game and they wern't perfect not 1 of their fans are on here saying anything bad about their team. If your that unhappy with the team 74 putt putt is open on friday nites but then again you will fuss because you had wrong color ball or the hole was in wrong place
Amen rd23!! i dont see one other fam base talking trash or complaining about there team like SOME of ours do. New bern is 0-2 they havnt said a word about their team, the scots are 2-0 and i went to last nights game and they wern't perfect not 1 of their fans are on here saying anything bad about their team. If your that unhappy with the team 74 putt putt is open on friday nites but then again you will fuss because you had wrong color ball or the hole was in wrong place
LOL, heel yes. That's like the pot calling the kettle......well you know.

Some didn't like the way things were, so they expressed themselves.

Now some don't like the way things are, so they are expressing themselves. Deal with it!
Honestly it will probably take about 3 years to install the more modern attack that they are using and I am surprised it is working at all at the moment. In that time hoggard would have won nothing of meaning so I am glad they are moving in the right directions.

Personally I want my revivers to receive and my blockers to block, and my qbs to pass and my running back to run. They are doing it right.

Last time the Richmond offense went through a major change it took four (4) games to get it installed and working...
Good then. fire him now.


Hoggard is still gone.
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Scotland wr's blocked the best I have ever seen I'm my 35 years of life. I guess one mans trash is another mans treasure. Thank you so much for your contribution to Scots football raiders.
Wasn't saying anything bad about the scots! Your boy white is the real deal. Oh yea my money went to indy but you are welcome anyway lol
Amen rd23!! i dont see one other fam base talking trash or complaining about there team like SOME of ours do. New bern is 0-2 they havnt said a word about their team, the scots are 2-0 and i went to last nights game and they wern't perfect not 1 of their fans are on here saying anything bad about their team. If your that unhappy with the team 74 putt putt is open on friday nites but then again you will fuss because you had wrong color ball or the hole was in wrong place
Wasn't saying anything bad about the scots! Your boy white is the real deal. Oh yea my money went to indy but you are welcome anyway lol
The funny thing about the coaches that left is that NONE were fired if I'm correct.
I'll address 2 posters.

Danerdawg, I understand what you're saying & you guys got a good one. Hated to see him go.

Raiderdev23, you're right None were fired. When the committee made their decision, those coaches made theirs.
Can someone please give me some reasons why we dont install the triple in our offense and at least run it some on Friday night...We did average 42 a game last year....The defense that Anson was running would have been dead in the water against it....Reasons are ?????......nuff said...
I would like to say that I have been at Richmond thru 7 coaching changes. I have supported all the coaches good or bad and their decisions. I support the new coaching staff 100%. No one was fired and each coach that left made a decision that he felt was best for him. There were some things done by the new head coach that helped them to make the decision. That being said I fully understand that he wants a staff that will support him and his decisions. I would never do anything to undermine the trust the kids are placing in the new coach and system. I have saw this happen twice during my time at Richmond. Both times it was after we lost 4 games in a row to Scotland. The kids would come in and say my Dad, Uncle or best friend said that so and so is a poor coach, makes bad decisions, and we cannot win with him. It doesn't take long for the kids to start questioning the coach's ability and decisions. Once that starts happening it is all down hill from there.There are posters on here that are real good at that.
I don't think it would hurt for the new coach to look at some game film from last year to see what worked so well for these kids and possibly use some of it. Coaches always learn from each other. Tommy Knots made the statement one time that he learned a lot about how to win from Daryl Barns. However the new coach is the one that must make the decisions. As I said before I support him 100% and will back his decisions win or lose. I don't think anyone has been out of line in this discussion. Everyone is just expressing their opinion as to how the new system is working.I still think we will have a good season and will improve as we learn to work with the new system.
The triple option is gone, good reddens. The new staff isn't running it because they are installing a new modern system. Why do very few teams use a triple option? Why is Georgia tech the only major college team that uses the triple option? Why is it never used in the NFL? Why? Because the modern systems are better.

Support the new staff and have patience while they teach these kids skills that previous coaches have neglected to teach them.
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As I looked over the "unofficial" stats from Friday's game, a couple of things popped out. While the offense is a work in progress and is sometimes "ugly" to watch, they are scoring points and moving the ball. I think the reason some are complaining about the offense is usually they are much more crisp at the start of the season but frankly many years never appear to improve after the start of the season.

I believe this year's team will continue to improve. Line play will get better. Given time, this Raider team might just surprise some people. They could be scary good later in the season.

As for the defense...WOW!! What a great job the coaches have done on that side of the ball. As I said "unofficial" stats that we keep had Anson with -69 yards for the second half (yes negative!!) We had them at 116 yards in the first half and 47 total yards for the game. While some can moan and groan about the offense, no one can complain about the fantastic job the coaches and players are doing on the defensive side of the ball.
Very well said. The triple option in comparison is easy to install and get up to speed but at its best doesn't have a high ceiling. In 2008 when Richmond won it was abandoned for an air raid attack.

The ceiling for an attack style offense like the one they are trying to install is much higher. It is one that you should see long term improvement with.

What will be the biggest obstacle imo will be old timers with the run run run some more mentality because it worked 40 years ago and it will still work.

Look at what this guy has done with this defense. His offense has worked in other places and now he has better athletes. These guys have never been taught to pass or catch before in their lives. Their learning curve should improve by leaps and bounds as they figure it out.
I dId see some improvement in the Raiders Friday night......Richmond Defense completely Dominated in the second half.......The kicking game hurt us in the first half .....Qb 101..Carry out fakes after handing off the ball ......Get that back foot planted on your throws......Stay in the pocket when possible.. .......Look the defense off.......Our qb has been a great leader all year and he will continue to get better each week.........Offensive line getting better and still a work in progress and looking for the right combinations....".Slow" movement up front will destroy a running play or the quick screen game.........Inside wr's have got to get better on the edge blocking.....Defensively only a few break downs in the first half , especially on the second td run....Hey, the Raiders are 2 wins and 0 losses....Great job....I have confidence in Coach C..........Lets continue to improve each week ......Douglas Byrd this week at Home.......I remember that Rainy night in 2008.......I would really luv to see some 2 back sets......Maybe even that hated word the Triple......I think it's coming ???????.....GO RAIDERS.......nuff said.
Anson lost to 2A Forest Hills 13-6, the week before leading Richmond at halftime. But as long as the ball is thrown, Heel yes will be happy.

I will say we've put a lot of QBS & WR'S into college football to have NEVER thrown it. And before heel yes spouts some ignorant stuff about how many were D1? How many other schools have had D1's at that position in the Sandhills region ? I just know every year in the paper I would see where QBS & WR'S had signed to play college football. So, something was done right.
Yes, some things were done right.

What was done wrong was purging every available scrap of talent from the defense to make the option work while simultaneously not developing any resemblance of a passing game for when they face good teams.

We had a legit passing attack in 2008 and won it all then abandoned it.

Listen, he is gone. Back the new guy.
Be patient, if this guy proves to not be able to beat Scotland and the big boys in Charlotte then he will suffer the same fate as your boy and we can do this again.
Dude it really isn't that hard. The last guy just made it look that way. Before him what was it? 18-20 in a row?

They can say the Charlotte schools are all star teams and that's why we can't beat them but there is no excuses for Scotland being head and shoulders better. That's just better coaching plain and simple.
Dude it really isn't that hard. The last guy just made it look that way. Before him what was it? 18-20 in a row?

They can say the Charlotte schools are all star teams and that's why we can't beat them but there is no excuses for Scotland being head and shoulders better. That's just better coaching plain and simple.

Richmond was not the equivalent of the team Scotland put on the field last season. Take away some turnovers and the game is closer but it was apparent that Scotland won the game in the trenches. Bigger and faster overall on the line. When RC had a couple of stud linemen Scotland had several. Richmond moved the ball fairly well early but Scotland's line gradually wore the Raiders down.
1 time is anecdotal. 4 years is more of a trend and the difference in talent in the 15 miles from one stadium to the other didn't just change that much for no reason.

Hyatt couldn't beat them = gone
Shuller (sp) couldn't beat them = gone
Hoggard couldn't beat them = gone

It is pretty simple formula.
There were lots of years when they were better and got beat due to coaching. Their coaching has been a lot better recently and it hasn't been close.
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There were lots of years when they were better and got beat due to coaching. Their coaching has been a lot better recently and it hasn't been close.

Bailey is a good coach and I mean him no disrespect, but lately Scotland has had a run of superior talent depth wise compared to the Raiders. And while we won 20 straight, there were many times Scotland was the better team or at least as good of a team and lost. Right now, it is their time. Hopefully, Richmond's time to be back on top will be soon.
The coaching gap has been much greater than the talent gap recently and some of that talent gap was a result of not wanting to play under the coaching gap.

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