Private School Advantages vs Public.

WOW, Mount Airy has been in the same building for 73 years this year. It was built in 1952 but has slowly had some major improvements over the years, and these private and charter schools have all these newer schools.
Exactly TD!
I still don't think anyone has caught on to the schools receiving their tax dollars that I'm sure would upset them if they were doing their research.
WOW, Mount Airy has been in the same building for 73 years this year. It was built in 1952 but has slowly had some major improvements over the years, and these private and charter schools have all these newer schools.
Eastern Randolph is a baby comparatively…
Opened in 1968…
By the way, the basketball team visits that charter tomorrow night (rescheduled from Friday). Get to see it up close…
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Click the link and look at the new school that this place has just built. It was already the newest school in Randolph County and had nice facilities and space already. While other traditional schools need major repair, replacement or rebuilding. UCA and other charters get this! Privates getting vouchers in the 100's of thousands pulling kids from these schools. Just a shining example of our tax dollars being funneled to these types of schools instead of taking care of others that have much bigger needs than a new building to replace an already new building.
I know you put this out there for those that haven’t seen the place. Thank you.
Those that have, like myself, are often amazed at the landscape changes down old 220…
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You are saying the very same thing that others have said about Bishop for the last 20 years. Gibbons and Charlotte Catholic have been members for close to 60 years, nothing new there either. None of the powers that be care a hoot about what guys on a internet message board think is fair or not about the Catholic schools or public charter schools. Nor do they care with the Mt. Airy's of the state who have used lenient district and county rules to run up "advantaged" banners over those years. There's never been a level playing field, not in the past, not now and not in the future.
For real, I'm vibing with your takes on high school sports in Carolina, especially with the big shots like Bishop, Gibbons, and Charlotte Catholic flexing their decades of glory! It's like they’re rolling in the juice while the little guys are just trying to find a slice of pizza at the pep rally. 😂 You see teams like Mt. Airy getting totally beat, not just because they can't play, but because they’re stuck in a game where the refs are basically handing trophies to the big schools!
I have no issues with the non-boarding parochial schools being a member of the NCHSAA. Charlotte Catholic has been a great member for at least 50 years. I’ve seen Charlotte Catholic play football in the playoffs several times over the years and they were always a disciplined team. Often they were outsized but would beat their opposition via techniques and fundamentals. I used to hear many allegations that Catholic recruited, but I saw zero evidence to support those allegations. The eye test never held muster as those guys are not huge, strapping players.

I am not a fan of vouchers except in isolated situations. I am a fan of shoring up public education. Right now, I see way too many politicians masquerading as school administrators. Teachers are often the administrations’ whipping boy.

As far as charter schools go, I think there should be more emphasis on accountability. I also know that a more affluent family can provide transportation to and from school easier than a family that financially struggles. A 15 mile drive to school can be a major deterrent when busing is not an option.
I have no issues with the non-boarding parochial schools being a member of the NCHSAA. Charlotte Catholic has been a great member for at least 50 years. I’ve seen Charlotte Catholic play football in the playoffs several times over the years and they were always a disciplined team. Often they were outsized but would beat their opposition via techniques and fundamentals. I used to hear many allegations that Catholic recruited, but I saw zero evidence to support those allegations. The eye test never held muster as those guys are not huge, strapping players.

I am not a fan of vouchers except in isolated situations. I am a fan of shoring up public education. Right now, I see way too many politicians masquerading as school administrators. Teachers are often the administrations’ whipping boy.

As far as charter schools go, I think there should be more emphasis on accountability. I also know that a more affluent family can provide transportation to and from school easier than a family that financially struggles. A 15 mile drive to school can be a major deterrent when busing is not an option.
You said it 100%. Most of the kids that are going to the Charters have transportation to and from and some even end up living with a teacher or coach until they graduate. The accountability is different and the 25 mile radius is just an unfair advantage and all the NCHSAA promotes is fairness among competition. They advertise it at the annual state wrestling championships while kids from the privates and charters are on the mat winning titles.
I have no issues with the non-boarding parochial schools being a member of the NCHSAA. Charlotte Catholic has been a great member for at least 50 years. I’ve seen Charlotte Catholic play football in the playoffs several times over the years and they were always a disciplined team. Often they were outsized but would beat their opposition via techniques and fundamentals. I used to hear many allegations that Catholic recruited, but I saw zero evidence to support those allegations. The eye test never held muster as those guys are not huge, strapping players.

I am not a fan of vouchers except in isolated situations. I am a fan of shoring up public education. Right now, I see way too many politicians masquerading as school administrators. Teachers are often the administrations’ whipping boy.

As far as charter schools go, I think there should be more emphasis on accountability. I also know that a more affluent family can provide transportation to and from school easier than a family that financially struggles. A 15 mile drive to school can be a major deterrent when busing is not an option.
Every Charter I know provides transportation via buses. Not sure where you are talking from, but I know the Charter my kids attended, and surrounding charters, provided bus transportation to/from the school each day. Misinformation is wrong information!!!
Every Charter I know provides transportation via buses. Not sure where you are talking from, but I know the Charter my kids attended, and surrounding charters, provided bus transportation to/from the school each day. Misinformation is wrong information!!!
It is not guaranteed as the "standard district schools" are. Busing for charters is up to the individual school not a requirement.
Catholic playing 2A and 3A was helpful to them in winning so many titles although they won titles and were competitive in 4A. Within an eight mile radius there are four excellent privates schools but their cost is 2 to 3.5 times the tuition Catholic charges a member of the Diocese. They have had and have a lot more competition for students than CG and BM although in a more dense area.
You said it 100%. Most of the kids that are going to the Charters have transportation to and from and some even end up living with a teacher or coach until they graduate. The accountability is different and the 25 mile radius is just an unfair advantage and all the NCHSAA promotes is fairness among competition. They advertise it at the annual state wrestling championships while kids from the privates and charters are on the mat winning titles.
These private and charter schools like Bishop and Corvian are hurting the smaller 1A and next year 1A & 2A in football and basketball more so than the 3A & 4A, which have far more athletes and can lose some and still keep up with the private and charter advantaged schools, which have much larger areas to recruit from. As for the private schools, they have no restrictions on how far they can pull in sports players. This is something that has gotten worse in the last 10 years and will grow even faster in the next 4 or 5 years and the NCHSAA will have to deal with it in future changes on how the playoffs are done by putting private and charter schools in their own playoff !
You know what good parents do to help their kids?
They might sacrifice to drive a little farther so that their kids can attend a better school, or such a sacrifice might manifest itself in other ways, but they'll do it if they think it will help their kids.
It's easier for parents who are well off to make such sacrifices, but then your economic status will make lots of things easier. So, unless you think we should just force people into some standard setting for schooling, they're going to try to do what's best for their kids.
And let's not pretend like these sorts of schools sprang up ex nihilo. Alternatives to the traditional public schools are popular because many people aren't pleased with the education their kids are getting or remember how their teachers sometimes failed them or their friends when they were in school. Teachers and schools are far from perfect and some of them could be pretty awful.
So, as I've said before, run on opposition to school choice. Let's see how that plays out. Because parents know that they are ultimately the ones responsible for their kids' education and many want opportunities to improve it outside the traditional education framework.
It is not guaranteed as the "standard district schools" are. Busing for charters is up to the individual school not a requirement.
Many use a bus service to haul their kids. I used to see those buses coming in and out of Thomasville picking up kids to go to the local charters. But some do not provide buses as mentioned above.
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For real, I'm vibing with your takes on high school sports in Carolina, especially with the big shots like Bishop, Gibbons, and Charlotte Catholic flexing their decades of glory! It's like they’re rolling in the juice while the little guys are just trying to find a slice of pizza at the pep rally. 😂 You see teams like Mt. Airy getting totally beat, not just because they can't play, but because they’re stuck in a game where the refs are basically handing trophies to the big schools!
Two things: (1) don’t see anyone on here representing the Catholic school “flexing their decades of glory” and (2) using Mt. Airy as somehow a victim is absolutely hysterical!
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It is not guaranteed as the "standard district schools" are. Busing for charters is up to the individual school not a requirement.
Never said it was guaranteed. I said "where my kids attended and surrounding charters" do in fact provide transportation via buses. You can't make a general, negative, blanket statement when it doesn't apply to everyone. You can't say "busing is not an option" and only affluent people can afford a car ride when that is not the truth. Also, plenty of kids and parents from not so affluent households attend charters everywhere.
Never said it was guaranteed. I said "where my kids attended and surrounding charters" do in fact provide transportation via buses. You can't make a general, negative, blanket statement when it doesn't apply to everyone. You can't say "busing is not an option" and only affluent people can afford a car ride when that is not the truth. Also, plenty of kids and parents from not so affluent households attend charters everywhere.
Yes, you use those buses to go out 25-plus miles to pick up your athletes who boast your advantages in football and other sports—a fact you have no proof to deny.
Never said it was guaranteed. I said "where my kids attended and surrounding charters" do in fact provide transportation via buses. You can't make a general, negative, blanket statement when it doesn't apply to everyone. You can't say "busing is not an option" and only affluent people can afford a car ride when that is not the truth. Also, plenty of kids and parents from not so affluent households attend charters everywhere.
Everything you say is true. But it’s also true that plenty of parents in our town couldn’t get their child to school at an elementary school four miles away if it weren’t for school buses. Either they have no dependable car, or their job(s) simply won’t allow the flexibility to drop off and pick up kids. So, for those folks, a charter school with no bus isn’t an option.
There are also plenty of families in our area who struggle to provide one meal a day. Without the guaranteed free breakfast and lunch and the weekend backpacks, they’d be in real trouble. For them, most charters aren’t an option.
So, intentional or not, charters and private school vouchers have heavily contributed to economic segregation, and sometimes racial in many school systems. When that happens, often the behavior problems increase. And more people want to leave. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
I’m way more concerned about how these dynamics affect academic opportunity than I am about how it affects athletics.
My kids got a quality education in Thomasville City Schools. But the last one graduated in 2013. The timing of that, along with the timing of current legislative priorities, makes it no coincidence that that educational quality isn’t what it was.
Every Charter I know provides transportation via buses. Not sure where you are talking from, but I know the Charter my kids attended, and surrounding charters, provided bus transportation to/from the school each day. Misinformation is wrong information!!!
It’s not guaranteed at all, so I have no clue why you wrote the misinformation is wrong information statement. This is exactly why I pointed out the inequities associated with kids who could attend a charter but are unable to do so.
You know it.

I'll gladly provide info to look up voting records for anyone interested so they can stay informed and not just listen to what they read on social media.
Unfortunately the legislature is a dictatorship. So, if the top two or three in each chamber want something, you’d better go along. Failure to do so will get you primaried in a vengeful way. One of my good friends experienced that. He’s there now, but lost a previous election to another member of his party over asking for an amendment to a bill. He privately told me that he was adamantly opposed to any legislation regarding high school athletics. That they had far more important issues to deal with. I suspect many of his colleagues felt the same way., but won’t say it publicly.
Unfortunately the legislature is a dictatorship. So, if the top two or three in each chamber want something, you’d better go along. Failure to do so will get you primaried in a vengeful way. One of my good friends experienced that. He’s there now, but lost a previous election to another member of his party over asking for an amendment to a bill. He privately told me that he was adamantly opposed to any legislation regarding high school athletics. That they had far more important issues to deal with. I suspect many of his colleagues felt the same way., but won’t say it publicly.
The thing is, people in those positions need to have the courage to speak out publicly and stand up for what they believe in. And if you lose and election, then so be it, but they will do what they can to stay in power and that means playing the dirty game.

We might clean up some stuff if we had strong individuals willing to take a stand and open people's eyes to the evil powers that run the state.
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Catholic playing 2A and 3A was helpful to them in winning so many titles although they won titles and were competitive in 4A. Within an eight mile radius there are four excellent privates schools but their cost is 2 to 3.5 times the tuition Catholic charges a member of the Diocese. They have had and have a lot more competition for students than CG and BM although in a more dense area.
If im not mistaken They won just 1 2AA Title in a DOGFIGHT in the trenches 14-7 over a Western Alamance that was 3rd in our (Reidsvillee) conference and we were Second! We beat (12-4) WA 51-6 , Thomasville (13-3) Champs 36-0, losses to 13-2 Cummings and 8-4 Danville GW i think! We beat WA 02 and 03 in the East Finals and after the DRUBBING we gave them mid season (We were Big Fast Strong and Deep then) Wasnt no weak interior! And Antoine Terry (Most Dominant RB i have ever witnessed in my life ) Charlotte Catholic woulda be 1 short if we woulda had played anyone else besides WA but 2 years beforewith Jerome Simpson, Chesnut,Antoine,D Bow, Kendon Doe, just to name a few! We woulda tore Catholic a new one But we lost Crews and Jerome and others! Still Antoine Terry was Just Insane! Alot of things transpired that led up to that 16-14 heartbreak we lost to them! A Train career was over then. Next season or year after WA and Catholic went to 3A and Catholic won a plethora, WA got them 2 I believe! 4A wasnt so kind to CC! 1 win in 4A right? Rest 3A? I dont mind cheating to win! I personally would put ol Roscoe to! Cardinal Gibbons should have played 3A these past 4
The thing is, people in those positions need to have the courage to speak out publicly and stand up for what they believe in. And if you lose and election, then so be it, but they will do what they can to stay in power and that means playing the dirty game.

We might clean up some stuff if we had strong individuals willing to take a stand and open people's eyes to the evil powers that run the state.
I agree, Thunder. But if you saw who his own party replaced him with, it’s a little easier to understand.
I agree, Thunder. But if you saw who his own party replaced him with, it’s a little easier to understand.

I absolutely believe that. I really wish we could undo this gerrymandering and have equal and fair government. No politician should ever go into a race comfortable enough they don't have to campaign, no one should have power for a long term, and no one should have unchecked power. We no longer have checks and balances.
I absolutely believe that. I really wish we could undo this gerrymandering and have equal and fair government. No politician should ever go into a race comfortable enough they don't have to campaign, no one should have power for a long term, and no one should have unchecked power. We no longer have checks and balances.
That will only happen if there is a non-partisan commission in charge of redistricting. They won’t give up that power. As importantly, there needs to be a way that an unaffiliated voter can run for office that isn’t as burdensome. After all, “unaffiliated” is the largest group of voters in North Carolina.
That will only happen if there is a non-partisan commission in charge of redistricting. They won’t give up that power. As importantly, there needs to be a way that an unaffiliated voter can run for office that isn’t as burdensome. After all, “unaffiliated” is the largest group of voters in North Carolina.
Spot on. Folks in power shouldn't choose their voters.

And absolutely on unaffiliated candidates. One should not have to petition to get on a ballot because they don't fall into either party. It angers me. I don't want to be a part of either party.
If im not mistaken They won just 1 2AA Title in a DOGFIGHT in the trenches 14-7 over a Western Alamance that was 3rd in our (Reidsvillee) conference and we were Second!
I was referencing all sports but yes, 1 in football after the 1977 title. Catholic program improved tremendously in the early 2000's compared to the 1990's when they lost more than they won.
Serious question in this here ultra serious thread…
Currently how many teams in the NCHSAA RPI for 1A West top ten in boy’s basketball are traditional high schools?
Yes I do know the answer already…😀
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Serious question in this here ultra serious thread…
Currently how many teams in the NCHSAA RPI for 1A West top ten are traditional high schools?
Yes I do know the answer already…😀
Assuming you are talking about basketball 1A West. Great point!
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Boys Basketball

Girls Basketball
I said 12-plus years ago this was going to happen in basketball now I say it is coming in football in the next few years. Private & Charter need to be in the playoffs separate from public or they will be winning the 1A & 2A in both football & basketball maybe both starting from next year on and 3A comes next in the new 8 classifications.
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It’s not guaranteed at all, so I have no clue why you wrote the misinformation is wrong information statement. This is exactly why I pointed out the inequities associated with kids who could attend a charter but are unable to do so.
Misinformation when there are Charters that offer buses and most charters do....
I said 12-plus years ago this was going to happen in basketball now I say it is coming in football in the next few years. Private & Charter need to be in the playoffs separate from public or they will be winning the 1A & 2A in both football & basketball maybe both starting from next year on and 3A comes next in the new 8 classifications.
Do you really think anyone cares what you write or think? You say the same dumb stuff each time you post. Of all the "traditional" schools, Mt Airy cheats, recruits more than Charlotte schools; you know, they know, and everyone knows it. Turning a blind eye and a deaf ear doesn't make it a non issue. And again, the policies and rules were implemented waaaaaay before charters or private schools were a part of anything. Meaning, cheating/recruiting/transferring was an issue with "traditional" schools and always will be.
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Do you really think anyone cares what you write or think? You say the same dumb stuff each time you post. Of all the "traditional" schools, Mt Airy cheats, recruits more than Charlotte schools; you know, they know, and everyone knows it. Turning a blind eye and a deaf ear doesn't make it a non issue. And again, the policies and rules were implemented waaaaaay before charters or private schools were a part of anything. Meaning, cheating/recruiting/transferring was an issue with "traditional" schools and always will be.
I am the one who knows what he is talking about since I have been watching these boards since around 2010 and I have seen way more than you. You know the school you pull for gets kids from more than 25 miles away and not just a couple of kids as you want us to believe.... lol Private & Charter will be together sooner or later, mark my word. And don't I say the same dumb stuff again.
Charter is the ones that recruits and you know it ! ! ! You are fooling no one on these boards, everyone kniows !
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Boys Basketball

Girls Basketball
This somehow isn't too surprising
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