North Stanly @ West Montgomery


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Apr 21, 2013
East Montgomery did a great job in knocking some of the luster off of this match up with their big win at N. Stanly last night. I'm sure North Stanly will have their sights set on winning out and hoping WM can beat EM so they can win a share of the conference title. What does everyone think about this game?
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I didnt make the game but it sounds like neither team had much defense with all those points scored. Williams already has his excuse rehearsed. I bet he still has nightmares about #36 from last year! We held him to around 90 yards total in the last 2 years combined. (2014 - 40ish yards, 2015 - 48 yards) It shouldnt be any different this year. Besides, WM Defense has only allowed 65 points this season while NS has allowed 179 points, just saying.....
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I didn't see the game either Buzzard. I wonder if NS still plays as "confident" as they did last year. Or maybe EM knocked that out of them. After last year, I would think they would not want to get the Warriors fired up.
Looks like they do have trouble stopping athletic teams with a little speed, when you look at some of the games they have played. That has been the case the last couple of years too. I stick by what I said earlier, even if we spot them some scores, which our defense has been really stingy with of late, I'm not sure they can stop WM. We might not here much from the NS fans this week after a tough loss to EM?
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NSCometFan1975 - It sounds like y'all gave EM all they wanted! It should be a hard fought game on both sides but I'm afraid the WM Defense will shine! We know NS can put up points. I just hope our kids put up more! I will probably go over and visit the Visitors side for a few minutes to see my sister and inlaws. Hey, try out the Pork Loin Sandwich in the Concession Stand! They are awesome!! Good Luck and Safe Travels to all the NS fans making the trip!
East scored with less than 2 minutes to go to make it a 10 point win. North can move the ball but their defense especially their pass defense is suspect. Williams runs hard if he is healthy but I was impressed with # 11 Brewer running the ball. He needs more touches with the ball. North will score on West but but not enough. West should win this one by 3 touchdowns.
NSCometFan1975 - It sounds like y'all gave EM all they wanted! It should be a hard fought game on both sides but I'm afraid the WM Defense will shine! We know NS can put up points. I just hope our kids put up more! I will probably go over and visit the Visitors side for a few minutes to see my sister and inlaws. Hey, try out the Pork Loin Sandwich in the Concession Stand! They are awesome!! Good Luck and Safe Travels to all the NS fans making the trip!

West defense will shine, our shoes. We will be focused this week and not overlook our opponent. East is ok but if we played them again with #34 not hurt we win by at least 2 scores. I just hope #34 can go. He has been hurt several times over the past few seasons playing west. Coming into the game with injuries may not help him. I just hope he does not get worried about his health and playing next year in college. If he has any doubts about playing I hope he tells the coach's early so they have time to prepare for the game. If he does and cannot play this will be a close game. As a fan I am selfish and do not always worry about the future of this kids. I want him to play but if he cannot like I said it is a close game. West has not played anyone... They are overrated and my boys #8, #41 and hopefully #34 will make them quit next Friday. I do plan on eating two pork loin sandwich's and then watching my boys run and pass all over your west defense.
West defense will shine, our shoes. We will be focused this week and not overlook our opponent. East is ok but if we played them again with #34 not hurt we win by at least 2 scores. I just hope #34 can go. He has been hurt several times over the past few seasons playing west. Coming into the game with injuries may not help him. I just hope he does not get worried about his health and playing next year in college. If he has any doubts about playing I hope he tells the coach's early so they have time to prepare for the game. If he does and cannot play this will be a close game. As a fan I am selfish and do not always worry about the future of this kids. I want him to play but if he cannot like I said it is a close game. West has not played anyone... They are overrated and my boys #8, #41 and hopefully #34 will make them quit next Friday. I do plan on eating two pork loin sandwich's and then watching my boys run and pass all over your west defense.
Seriously? You need to be realistic. Who has NS played besides EM? Nobody! Williams won't want to play after the last couple years! Less than 90 yards in 2 games against us? It should be the same again this year. Besides, our Defense is so much better than last year, but you will get to see it on Friday!
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Besides, our guys are focus EVERY game! Not just on certain teams! Maybe y'all should have focused on EM a little more!
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Well...... I guess the gloves are off. I hope you are a WM fan posing as a NS poster/fan. Please, continue with your commenting on our very overrated defense. Not sure if anyone believes you are being serious. Our team doesn't need bulletin board material. We have the best coaching staff in all of 1A if not top three in the State. Keep bumping those gums. Makes for an interesting week. We know how to win and when is the last time if ever has North freaking Stanly been relevant in football??????????????
No, I remember ol' wishbone. He is a NS fan. Welcome back buddy! Perfect timing. NS may give us a game and play well and I for one really hope they do because that is good for both of us. But I will guarantee you one thing, the WM boys want quit. They sometimes start slow, which they appear to be doing a better job with here of late, but they will be coming at you for a full 4 quarters. Unless things are not going well for you. But even then, the back ups play hard and will keep pounding.
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Williams, Brewer, Davis, People's. These are the 4 Running backs for North Stanly. You will see a little of all four. North mixes it up at Running Back. Williams will be a target
Seriously? You need to be realistic. Who has NS played besides EM? Nobody! Williams won't want to play after the last couple years! Less than 90 yards in 2 games against us? It should be the same again this year. Besides, our Defense is so much better than last year, but you will get to see it on Friday!
I was trying to be nice but after seeing this NS poster open his mouth I can't hold it in anymore. NS is cocky beyond there means. Williams is good for about 5 good runs a game. He doesn't like the big games and will lay down when the going gets tuff as was seen this past Friday. Anybody can score on there defense heck just go on 2 all night and you are pretty much guaranteed a least100 yds in penalties. They r out of shape and undisciplined. The o-line holds every play because they r too slow and out of shape to do it right. They have 1 and mean 1 play they r good at and that is the bootleg. They scored on us 3 times with it. So let Eddins know if he can stop that he will shut them out. No need to worry about Williams but key on #11 instead because he is the real football player. West will mop the floor with NS period. You no what they say, "when the train is coming....get off the tracks." I think Williams understands this saying but the rest of NS has to be taught it repeatedly.
I was listening to the game wrap up on the radio on my way home from the game and it seems like they said he only gained something like 76 yards rushing. That seems more like I saw than 171.
I was impressed by #11 Brewer running the ball for North. If he gets out in the open he can run away from people. Maybe they gave Williams his yardage too.
Dogs9 You are correct about Brewer but he want get the touches if 34 is healthy, they are obligated to get 34 his carries
Wiliams had 70-80 yds and that's it. They can put what they want in the paper but he didn't get that many yds.
Nobody can say he isnt a D-1 prospect just from 1 game this year thats just stupid to say...He does good at combines and has a 4.0 grade point average when he gets to Wisconsin they will have coaches working with him getiing him ready..Plus leading the state in rushing yards
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Nobody can say he isnt a D-1 prospect just from 1 game this year thats just stupid to say...He does good at combines and has a 4.0 grade point average when he gets to Wisconsin they will have coaches working with him getiing him ready..Plus leading the state in rushing yards

I suspect that the No D1 comments are from the last 3 years of hearing about this D1 prospect that will show up. D1 has not shown up. You are right, he has done good at the combines. He is a fine young man and can should make a college team but no one is doing him any favors exaggerating his skills now.
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If North can get him the ball in space he can do good. When he faces a team with a decent defense sometimes he doesnt do as good.Other backs that were D1 backs did the same in High School against decent defenses
If North can get him the ball in space he can do good. When he faces a team with a decent defense sometimes he doesnt do as good.Other backs that were D1 backs did the same in High School against decent defenses

If he actually goes to Wisconsin, and that's a big IF, he's going to find out exactly just how coddled he's been. Not breaking the kid down but he's got the rep of being a no show in big games. I wish him the best and hope nothing but good things for him. And if you think some 1A defense in North Carolina is capable of shutting down a legit D1 RB destined for greatness you are more delusional than your whacked out fan base that thinks North Stanly is relevant in football.......just speaking the truth.

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