new Richmond coach charged with dwi


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2006
According to Richmond daily journal..Richmond's new head football coach was arrested in Cary last night for DWI...great
Looks like he's the idiot..DWI is serious . people die from drunk drivers every defend him if you want to..tells me where your priorities are
Way to choose a great role model for our young men! This hire & blood is on the hands of Cindy Goodman, Jeff Maples, Julian Carter, Dennis Quick, Hal Shuler, Daryl Mason, Keith McKenzie, & Ricky Young.

Sometimes you don't know what you got until its gone! I'm glad some of you got what you wished for!!!!!!!
Just goes to show you what you lost. I am not saying that people don't make mistakes,but Coach H probably would have been watching film getting ready for gameplan today.
What a shame - that this is printed in the RCJ. I can remember a time when this would be handled without such publicity. The editors were more sensitive to the perception of the community and the local sheriff would have had enough influence in Wake County to handle this discreetly. Scotland fans, even with their recent success against RCS are still as obsessed with RC as State College fans are with the University, what a shame. Go_scots, I appreciate your response.
As I asked to Kingdiamond and drawplay a question yesterday and got no response so I will respond to your sarcasm remarks again today. I don't know either one of you and that's probably a good thing. I was a supporter of Hoggard and a supporter of Coach C because I support the kids and the program. Some of you act as if Hoggard was fired or run off as you say. You know the pressure that comes with the position and if you cant accept it then you hit the road and as far as the situation with Coach C, it will be a dark cloud for sure but it kills me to see all these self righteous people that live in glass houses. I'm just glad that my eternity doesn't depend on mans judgement because if it did we would all be headed for hell. Thanks and have a blessed day
I hate to agree with Ding Dong but I was thinking the same thing. Issues like this have been handled in house in the past and only a few
When you are arrested for DWI/DUI it is a misdemeanor and it will be public record. He should not be treated any differently than any other citizen due to his job. I actually expect more out of him due to his position. He will get more attention for this just like he did when he was hired.

People make mistakes. People deserve second chances. People must serve their punishment. This is a huge issue for the administration. If a teacher gets suspended for one week he should get the same and if they want to tack on some extra with the coaching job so be it. He needs to be treated fairly and firmly. I am sure he is more devastated about it than anyone.
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So what you saying is that in the good ole days it would have been swept under the rug..most coaches after getting there ass handed to them would be in the film call me out all you want..I'm not out driving the roads after I've been drinking..and god bless you too
BTW raiderdev..I was at all the games...I just dont make excuses..butler has excuses also as to why they didn't win by 40...can't be elite if you can't even win your region..2008 was along time ago
Drawplay, let me attempt to explain to you how it works. Several years ago a starting rb for RIchmond attended a party in Ellerbe on a Saturday night during the season. As high school students sometimes used to do be tasted an alcoholic beverage or 12. Leaving the party he was stopped by a deputy sheriff. The good deputy instead of arresting followed protocol and phoned a coach to inquire as to what he should do. The coach told the deputy to hold him there until he got there. The accused did some extra duty after practice and learned his lesson.
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Kind of like when the superstar got caught breaking and entering with intent to steal. May be things would have worked out better for him as an adult if everyone would not have looked the other way.

This is not a 17 year old kid driving in his home county where there is only one school. You are talking about an adult driving in a county with nearly a million people and not that close to Richmond physically and a universe away in other forms. You are not getting many breaks when you are in the big city.
No one has mentioned it but RIchmond county has been on the decline since the sheriff passed away.
No one has mentioned it but RIchmond county has been on the decline since the sheriff passed away.
I was wandering when BLOW scots would put his mouth in ....Keep on and the cat will be let out of the bag about your scots about some things..........No, I want go that low as you have......nuff said...
So you have to attack me for telling the truth? Do you think that is the only example that I could give? It's not my fault you have no clue as to what went on in the program that you support.
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I was wandering when BLOW scots would put his mouth in ....Keep on and the cat will be let out of the bag about your scots about some things..........No, I want go that low as you have......nuff said...

I though "SKIRT" was the ultimate sting. NEVERMIND

We have a new winner
No matter what God's plan will go forth! He's a coach that made a bad decision but he's still human and God already forgave him just like he forgive everyone else daily! The only thing you can do is pray for him because not only the football team he coaches but he also have a family like most of yall! It's like people up here just waiting for something to happen so you can have a comparison chat between new coach C and coach Hoggard! Stop it! Coach Hoggard has moved on with his family and doing well! So stop waiting or looking for something bad to happen to someone so you can talk about them. Remember God works in mysterious ways so be careful how you pick and make fun because sometimes God will put you in the shoes the person you talk about to see how you feel! So just pray and let God handle this and every situation! God bless you all!
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No matter what God's plan will go forth! He's a coach that made a bad decision but he's still human and God already forgave him just like he forgive everyone else daily! The only thing you can do is pray for him because not only the football team he coaches but he also have a family like most of yall! It's like people up here just waiting for something to happen so you can have a comparison chat between new coach C and coach Hoggard! Stop it! Coach Hoggard has moved on with his family and doing well! So stop waiting or looking for something bad to happen to someone so you can talk about them. Remember God works in mysterious ways so be careful how you pick and make fun because sometimes God will put you in the shoes the person you talk about to see how you feel! So just pray and let God handle this and every situation! God bless you all!
Very well spoken my friend.....Let those without sin cast the first stone.......To many stones have already been cast........nuff said.......
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I consider this to be an issue between Coach Castellano and the powers to be at Richmond Senior. Coach Castellano should face the consequences of his action, but he shouldn't face the consequences of my own opinion.
I agree. He should be forgiven. But how is it that the kids in Texas who attacked the official are being ridiculed in public (and rightly so) but this coach's situation should be swept under the rug? He could have killed someone! When you make bad decisions, you have to face the consequences. No excuses. Yes people make mistakes, but you still have to account for your actions.
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I'm enjoying this thread very much. There's a polite viciousness that's undeniable between forum regulars who know each other well. If the Scotland HC had suffered such dilemma...well, I believe we know who would be all over it first. Just saying.
I agree. He should be forgiven. But how is it that the kids in Texas who attacked the official are being ridiculed in public (and rightly so) but this coach's situation should be swept under the rug? He could have killed someone! When you make bad decisions, you have to face the consequences. No excuses. Yes people make mistakes, but you still have to account for your actions.

I am so glad that I have not been condemned every time I "could have" done something. Did he hit anyone? Did he kill anyone? Hurt anyone? Condemn him for what he did not what "could" have happened. Every time we get behind the wheel of a vehicle we "could" kill someone. You know, when we answer the phone, look at a text message, change a radio station, get distracted by the kids and on and on.
Ok is he wrong for the DUI yes of course he is but here are a few things to consider before any of you ask for a pound of flesh from this guy.

1. What was the BAC level. If he has a CDL the requirements are lower than other drivers.

2. Did he sign a contract with a conduct code in it about drinking?

3. Cast the first stone if you never had a few drinks and drove

Just a few things to consider
I agree. He should be forgiven. But how is it that the kids in Texas who attacked the official are being ridiculed in public (and rightly so) but this coach's situation should be swept under the rug? He could have killed someone! When you make bad decisions, you have to face the consequences. No excuses. Yes people make mistakes, but you still have to account for your actions.
Oh and we didnt have it on live camera to tell the REAL TRUTH.......nuff said....
It is interesting reading everyone perspective on this. I have a hard time with the fact that nothing bad happened so it is no big deal. If that were the standard than our DWI laws would be very different. Imagine using that formula in life in general. I also, don't think it is wrong to judged criminal behavior as such. Coaches preach and teach their young men to choose wisely, to keep team first, to not embarrass or hurt the team. To stay away from situations that could lead to trouble. Well, talk is cheap. If this coach is convicted he has been a poor example to his players.
Obviously, what you and I write on these boards will have absolutely nil effect on what the RSHS admin/school board decides to do. With that said, if I "were" in a position to make a decision, I would handle it internally, just like most coaches would do with a student athlete charged with any crime. A good start would be to meet the coach on the practice field today and have him run laps during the practice and in front of his players. That would be after he ran the steps at Raider Stadium. And, I would move a cot into the gym and that is where Coach C would sleep until he gets a residence in Richmond County. Ed Emory would approve of both moves. If any of you know anyone in the admin or on the school board, you might pass my suggestion along. Laps and a sleeping cot.
I think it is so dang funny! It is to easy to use a little common sense to plan ahead. But common sense isn't so common anymore!

Plus it's cheaper to drink at home! 24 beers for 20 bucks or at the bar 4 beers for 20? He must be getting paid very good. Not anymore, that beer money will go to a great lawyer! He might stop drinking the good stuff and go for natty lights now!

I wonder who drove him to work this morning since his license is suspended? Funny! Natural selection at its best!
By the way, I would let Coach C and his team know that the every time they lose a game, he will run laps again, just to put everything in proper prospective.
The funniest thing is the name of the street he was arrested on! Meet you at the crossroads!
And, I would move a cot into the gym and that is where Coach C would sleep until he gets a residence in Richmond County. Ed Emory would approve of both moves. If any of you know anyone in the admin or on the school board, you might pass my suggestion along. Laps and a sleeping cot.

It is my understanding he lives in a rental house in Richmond County. Some people have a residence near where they work although that may not be their permanent residence.
I am so glad that I have not been condemned every time I "could have" done something. Did he hit anyone? Did he kill anyone? Hurt anyone? Condemn him for what he did not what "could" have happened. Every time we get behind the wheel of a vehicle we "could" kill someone. You know, when we answer the phone, look at a text message, change a radio station, get distracted by the kids and on and on.

So by your logic, since the ref in Texas wasn't killed then the kids shouldn't be repremanded. Correct?
Anyone remember one of our former sheriffs wrecking his personal vehicle after a night of cocktails and calling a deputy on duty to come pick him up out of town? Certain positions have their privileges.

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