ND vs. Reagan


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2007
Reagan has no defense, but can score in a hurry and in bunches. Gonna need a heck of a gameplan for the D to get it done. Make em kick a few field goals, and GET TURNOVERS. I'll go with...

ND 49
RR 41
Not to mention, they'll onside kick even when they're up by a substantial margin. Special teams must be prepared.
Win the battle of turnovers and field position and we should win the game. Will be surprised if we don't score at least 50-52 against Reagan. What scares me is how many they will score......
Excited for this game!, will tell us more about the Black Knights, going to be interesting to see if we can slow that Reagan offense somewhat! Will say in the two games last year, I wish we could have gotten more pressure on Easter, I would hope this year that will be more of a focus. I realize that good QB's are still going to find an open receiver regardless, but ocassional pressure would have to be somewhat helpful...
Can't look past Reagan, if we do it will be a problem. Hope entire squad brings their A game. If Offense, Defense and Special teams all play to potential, would be fun to watch. Reagan won the last 2 at their place, need to end that streak Friday night!!
Could be a classic game. I think both of these teams are evenly matched talent wise but ND has a way better defense than Reagan does.

I doubt that ND will hold Reagan to 27 points. I believe that EF got better defense and offense than ND and EF held them to 35 (just 7 in second half). Reagan score 50 against Page.....hmmmm yes Reagan defense is left to be desire but offense is something else. I would not be surprise if Reagan upset ND and that might not be an upset in a way. But hey, that why we play the games!
Can't look past Reagan, if we do it will be a problem. Hope entire squad brings their A game. If Offense, Defense and Special teams all play to potential, would be fun to watch. Reagan won the last 2 at their place, need to end that streak Friday night!!
I doubt that ND will hold Reagan to 27 points. I believe that EF got better defense and offense than ND and EF held them to 35 (just 7 in second half). Reagan score 50 against Page.....hmmmm yes Reagan defense is left to be desire but offense is something else. I would not be surprise if Reagan upset ND and that might not be an upset in a way. But hey, that why we play the games!
You obviously didn't attend the East Forsyth-North Davidson scrimmage
This is why I don't gamble.....some things you just don't see coming.....hats off to Reagan, that was a beat down of epic proportions. Can't really blame the defense, offense never got off the bus!!!
Whew, that was something else. I'll eat my crow, I was wrong about this one big time. Offense never showed up, defense had their backs against the wall all night. They held the Raiders a couple times, kept them to field goals a couple times, but couldn't stop the scoring all the time.

Line play was abysmal. Kennedy got no blocking, Butts got no blocking except on a few plays. Penetration all night. Reagan D line controlled the line of scrimmage.

We've still got a few more games. We can get an okay playoff seed and may get another shot at these guys. And we'll play them at their place for the 4th time in a row, and maybe just maybe we'll find the answer to solving this house of horrors lol.
Got to figure out special teams as well, seems like kicks are getting blocked or kicker is getting hit more times than not. Way too much penetration on punts, extra points, field goals. Lucky we haven't had more blocked.
blackknight77...... I told ya that ND will not hold Reagan to 27 points and Reagan is a better team than you think. I don't put much stock in scrimmage at all. I told some of my friends that I would not be surprise that Reagan sneak into 2nd or 1st place in this conference.
Really don't blame the defense at all on this one. They inherited a 7-0 hole before they ever got onto the field. RHS had pretty good field position on 4 or more possessions. Offense with way too many 3 and outs. Worst offensive performance from ND since 2009 (last shutout).
I do know this.....EF would score more than 6 points......oh oh that's right....They did score 45 points against Reagan few weeks ago. I had seen EF defense with short field advantage to other team and they did not score TD. I also seen Reagan come up short few times on short field advantage at EF that night.

I understand that would be tiring to ND defense since offense did not do anything good tonight. It makes it a lot harder for ND to get momentum but I was well aware that Reagan is better than ND' fans thought this year.
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Total domination. The only two words that really need to describe that game last night. North Davidson lost that game on the 4th play of the ballgame, when Reagan blocked the punt and ran it in for 6 points. The one thing ND should be EXTREMELY embarrassed by, is that they let a Reagan defense that had done nothing all season long, look like the Steeler's "Iron Curtain". I had seen Reagan play already this season, and I had a very bad feeling that after all the talk of the Reagan defense, that McGee would have that side of his team come out fired up for North. Boy did he. They destroyed North's offense.

Once Reagan went up by two scores, I pretty much felt like the game was over, so I started watching very closely at what the Raiders did on both sides of the ball. On defense it is a non-stop attack. They came after Joe Butts on almost every single play and it rattled him, whereas North (which is still mind boggling to me) puts absolutely no pressure AT ALL on the QB. Folks, that is how you beat Reagan, pressure the QB! This is the 3rd game in a row vs. Reagan and North hasn't figured it out yet. McGee knows North isn't going to pressure his QB, so he has plenty of time to chew you up. On offense the Raiders are just deadly efficient. When the ball is snapped I would watch at least two North defenders on almost every single play drift away from their man and leave two Raider receivers wide open. Then it was just pitch and catch for Reagan. Let me just say this and I'll move on, North is the worst tackling team in the Triad. Please, find me a worse tackling team in the Triad and make me change my opinion. They will have 5 guys swarm to the ball, then all 5 guys, instead of tackling, try to pull the ball out and in the meantime move the guy 5 to 8 yards further up the field. That wasn't just last night, that's been going on all season long.

Also, and I'm being serious here, I'm not sure if North watched any film at all on Reagan. When #17 goes out of the game and #10 comes in at QB for RHS, that kid is running the ball every time. When he was in, and the ball is snapped, the North defenders started backing up giving that kid around and 8 to 15 yards worth of field to run. It was starting to become comical at how unprepared the Knights were for that kid when he entered the game. Something else North seems to not have any idea how to stop from Reagan is what I call the "Hover Man". When Reagan is running a pass play (which is A LOT!!:p) they always, ALWAYS have a man hovering about 5 to 7 yards down field and North, after three meetings counting last year, still has not covered the guyo_O. Really? That is where Reagan can pick you apart.

Well, my fingers are tired:p, but to end on this, North's weakness got exposed big time last night, and if theses two teams play again in the playoffs I have no doubt that Reagan will win again, because Josh McGee owns North Davidson right now. The talk was about Reagan's defense all week, but it is North's defense that CANNOT stop Reagan and I don't see it happening in a possible re-match either. Sorry.:(
I do know this.....EF would score more than 6 points......oh oh that's right....They did score 45 points against Reagan few weeks ago. I had seen EF defense with short field advantage to other team and they did not score TD. I also seen Reagan come up short few times on short field advantage at EF that night.

I understand that would be tiring to ND defense since offense did not do anything good tonight. It makes it a lot harder for ND to get momentum but I was well aware that Reagan is better than ND' fans thought this year.
Total domination. weakness got exposed big time last night, and if theses two teams play again in the playoffs I have no doubt that Reagan will win again, because Josh McGee owns North Davidson right now. The talk was about Reagan's defense all week, but it is North's defense that CANNOT stop Reagan and I don't see it happening in a possible re-match either. Sorry.:(

I totally agree Rameses, ND just got out coached and out played and came out just completely flat. Sounds like you should give them some coaching tips. How do you let their QB just sit back there and pick you apart the whole game. I would have been bringing blitzers on every play. At least if the guy was gonna beat me I would make him do it in the run or hurrying his passes.
I was also shocked that the ND coaches seemed to make no adjustments to Reagan's pressure. I mean you could at least keep an extra blocker in, call more screens or change up your formations. ND ran out of the same 4 receiver set just about the whole night. If you're guys aren't getting open then you have to go to something different like a different formation to mix it up. But I guess none of that matters if you can't block long enough for the QB to be able to throw the ball. Reagans defense had something to do with that too, so give them credit.
I don't want to take anything from Reagan, but the players from ND didn't show up last night. I agree that McGee seems to have our number right now, but you should argue he has the entire CPCs number the last 2 years. We had a plan, players did not or were not able to implement. I think we're flat, they were up in addition to being well prepared. Hopefully we get better the next 3 weeks, the game at WF becomes HUGE!!!!
blackknight77...... I told ya that ND will not hold Reagan to 27 points and Reagan is a better team than you think. I don't put much stock in scrimmage at all. I told some of my friends that I would not be surprise that Reagan sneak into 2nd or 1st place in this conference.
First congrats to Reagan coaches and players on the win. We were outplayed in every phase of the game. and Mac I never said Reagan wasn't good team. Reagan coaches had great game plan and obviously scouted our offense very well. Special teams is normally our strong suit but the Raiders eat our lunch in that area. If I ever sounded on hear like I disrespected Reagan it was unintentional I assure you. The disappointing thing for me was that I saw more missed tackles in this game by the Knights than I've seen in nearly 3 years combined. Teams will have players who have bad games and we had that but the poor tackling was a team effort or lack thereof. I would spend the 1st hour of practice showing tackling technique and wrapping up. But I support our team and look forward to the next game. Sometimes you just say we got our butt whooped and move on. Good luck Reagan the rest of the year. Great show of class by them when North player was injured and they took a knee praying for him.
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I saw Reagan couple of times and I was mighty impressed with their offense. I am not a Reagan Fan but at the same time, I am certainly impressed (that word again) with their style of play. Biggest flaw Reagan has was defense and I am pretty shocked that they held you guys to 6 points. Very few teams can outscore them and the team that got very solid defense all across the board will get the win over Reagan. EF has both and did held them to 35 points and Page more or less outscore them since 50 points isn't that good.

After I saw them, I kinda figure Reagan will sneak into 2nd or even first place in your conference. That win last Friday confirmed my thought. It looks like odd year for ND and Davie County since they both are not up to par compare to other teams I safely would say ND should take care of Davie County due to coaches and players. Reagan and WF should battle out for first place.
I saw Reagan couple of times and I was mighty impressed with their offense. I am not a Reagan Fan but at the same time, I am certainly impressed (that word again) with their style of play. Biggest flaw Reagan has was defense and I am pretty shocked that they held you guys to 6 points. Very few teams can outscore them and the team that got very solid defense all across the board will get the win over Reagan. EF has both and did held them to 35 points and Page more or less outscore them since 50 points isn't that good.

After I saw them, I kinda figure Reagan will sneak into 2nd or even first place in your conference. That win last Friday confirmed my thought. It looks like odd year for ND and Davie County since they both are not up to par compare to other teams I safely would say ND should take care of Davie County due to coaches and players. Reagan and WF should battle out for first place.
I spoke to a few people who saw the Reagan-Page game and they said "that was not the same defense". We turned the ball over and certainly missed many open receivers but they were much better against the run than last year. Also unlike us they didn't miss a lot of tackles. It seems also that they same something on film as they blitzed us at the perfect time. Don't forget about Tabor although they started off rough I heard they led Reagan much of the game before losing.

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