See them against Lake Norman next week.Should have came to Marion…
Remember Lake Norman defeated New Hanover early in the season in Wilmington. North Mech might just have enough to win it all again.4A might come out of the east but North Meck and Chambers are capable.
What happened in the Crest Smith game at the end. Crest was up by 2 with 1.5 seconds and had the ball and were called for a techincal foul. Smith hit both free throws to tie the game. Crest lost in OT??????
Told ya…I agree neither team has enough height to deal with 5 players over 6'5. I couldn't tell if it was a ER fan or South fan but he went to mid court after the game. The guard for ER can really play. They were double teaming him every chance and he still got 28.
I'm pretty sure that's Southern durham high school. Not sure why the name changed to that.It looks like Swansboro lost to the Southern School of Energy and Sustainablilty............ Give me a break!! Why don't you just call it the school that all the basketball players go so they can win with a bunch of recruited players playing against public schools. I think that is terrible and should not be allowed by the NCHSAA. But they only care about the money.