More restrictions on football by nchsaa??


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2009
Heard from a football coach who attended football coaches meeting in Greensboro that high school football coaches could not take players to a weekend clinics (Ragsdale linemen clinic) or to a Shrine Bowl combine? Is this correct ?
Originally posted by davisdorm:
Heard from a football coach who attended football coaches meeting in Greensboro that high school football coaches could not take players to a weekend clinics (Ragsdale linemen clinic) or to a Shrine Bowl combine? Is this correct ?
Not definite yet. It was the hot topic at the coaches association meetings.

The dead period that is now installed will keep coaches from taking players to combines and junior days. The NCHSAA is too worried about contact and "burning out" players. I think they need to start focusing on what is best for the kids and some of this may better for them but I firmly believe that players need coaches for more than development with a football. A coach should never be forbidden by a state rule or dead period from taking a player to a college campus or a combine/clinic where he will be seen.

The other big topic is the ten day rule that was passed is not the same the coaches sent to the Board of Directors. That is a complete cluster that was not well planned or thought out.

Coaches Association get together as one and get strong.
You got that right about the 10 day rule. It is a joke. Who's not going to break that? The NCHSAA must really not like football or the massive revenue it brings in every year for them. I think we should all walkout of the rules clinic this summer in protest of their treatment of our coaches and the players we serve. They don't care about the kids development or the opportunities coaches provide with off season workouts and taking kids to combines and camps which they may otherwise not be able to attend. How many times do coaches take their players just b/c their parents/guardians can't or won't? All the damn time. Never seen a representative of the ole NCHSAA there picking kids up and taking them for these opportunities.
Amen steelers71. They are going to eventually destroy the golden calf that feeds their big fat endownment fund! Just you watch and see.
If the coaches truly wanted to put a united front no school would play an endowment game in 2016 if they do not get things moving toward d their preference.

Blame the Board of Directors all you want but the coaches association is not a very politically strong organization. They got to work together to get a plan, every coach support it and push it to their AD and principle, put out to the public and media what they want and why. Be reasonable but do not give away every thing to get something g and then not get that.
Playing no endowment game is a great idea. But most teams already have two year contracts set up to play and itbwould need to coincide with the new realignment so schools don't get penalized for backing out of a game. The coaches association definitely needs to be more united and fight the proposals that are hurting our sport and the kids. Wonder who will replace The commish since he's leaving after his short stint with the NCHSAA.
Originally posted by Steelers71:
Playing no endowment game is a great idea. But most teams already have two year contracts set up to play and itbwould need to coincide with the new realignment so schools don't get penalized for backing out of a game. The coaches association definitely needs to be more united and fight the proposals that are hurting our sport and the kids. Wonder who will replace The commish since he's leaving after his short stint with the NCHSAA.
The endowment game will be with another NC school for 99% of the games. If two teams mutually opt to play they are not backing out. It can be done.

What is bad is that the coaches sent the proposal to the Board of Directors. Yes, it was changed up some but here is the problem in my opinion. They gave up the 21 player skill development for ten days. They should have been asking for the addition of the ten days. Run the coaches organization like a political party and get strong. When 9 of the 16 regional representatives are in attendance at the coaches meeting it shows there is a problem. Granted some may have other school related functions but they all should be at the clinic and business meeting.
Originally posted by btango:

Originally posted by davisdorm:
Heard from a football coach who attended football coaches meeting in Greensboro that high school football coaches could not take players to a weekend clinics (Ragsdale linemen clinic) or to a Shrine Bowl combine? Is this correct ?
Not definite yet. It was the hot topic at the coaches association meetings.

A coach should never be forbidden by a state rule or dead period from taking a player to a college campus or a combine/clinic where he will be seen.

The other big topic is the ten day rule that was passed is not the same the coaches sent to the Board of Directors. That is a complete cluster that was not well planned or thought out.

Coaches Association get together as one and get strong.
Isn't it Ironic that a Coach is looked at in most cases as the one person who knows what a kid is capable of, knows what kind of home life he has, knows what kind player/person or student he is, and knows what type of weight training and physical conditioning that he has been doing, or needs to do in preparation for the next level....Yet, are you telling me that there is going to be a possible RULE implemented to keep a Coach from helping that kid when he needs help the most?

We've all be told, and we've seen all our life the positive effects and influence that Coaches can have on a young man's life, while the young man is in High School......It's certainly disingenuous IMO to think that when a kid needs to get noticed by Colleges the most, and needs his Coach in his corner more than ever before, that a Coach would NOT be able to help him?...It's unbelievable that a RULE would be implemented to undermine that coach from helping that kid attend a combine, clinic or school that he may be interested in attending?......ANY Coach?.....And I don't care who you are, should NEVER endorse, or agree to an idea, concept or rule that keeps him or one of his assistants from helping his High School student atheletes pursue their dreams of playing College Football, and that includes participation in any combine, clinic or anything else that would be deemed a positive thing for that youngster.....

Maybe it's just me, but I can't for the life of me understand why there would be ANY rule implemented that would prevent a High School Coach from helping a kid who wants an opportunity to play at the next level?

Help me understand what the harm is in a Coach helping a student athelete who has either used up his High School elgibilty, or an athelete who is an underclassmen who wants to put himself in better position to play football at the next level when he does graduate by attending a combine or clinic with their Coach?

Am I offbase in stating that this may be one of the DUMBEST ideas ever by the NCHSAA?
The rule is bad and the coaches are going to go to the NCHSAA for clarification. I think if they are told that they cannot have after school contact with players every parent and lawmaker needs to step up.

Once again, the coaches asked not to have the 21 player skill development in lieu of the 10 days all players skill development. When I heard it put forth last year I thought it was a bad idea and we now see it was not planned out very well and then it was not presented with backing very well. Be careful what you ask for, you may get it. Do not give away something good to get something that may not be as good, may be worse, with the thought it may lead to something one (full contact) which I guarantee you will not happen in the foreseeable future.
Whatever you want, figure out a way to tie money to it and it will get done and get their attention. Whether that is
money not going in that has been or finding a new way to make money. Either way, it is all about the money. Wipe that helping kids thing out of your mind. That is not their goal.
I guess you are right Btango that if both teams opt out you wouldn't have to pay the fee. I just know every contract I signed as a HC had a fee if we or them couldn't play. Still a tough thing to get done by 2016. We need to unite and discuss this at the meeting this summer when all the coaches are required to be there. It is all about the money definitely not the kids. That's also why we have 8 classes of championships. SC sounds better everyday!
Originally posted by Steelers71:
I guess you are right Btango that if both teams opt out you wouldn't have to pay the fee. I just know every contract I signed as a HC had a fee if we or them couldn't play. Still a tough thing to get done by 2016. We need to unite and discuss this at the meeting this summer when all the coaches are required to be there. It is all about the money definitely not the kids. That's also why we have 8 classes of championships. SC sounds better everyday!
I disagree on the eight sub-classes. This was voted in by the coaches and they are not interested in getting away from it. The 1A coaches voted it in for 2001 and as an AD from Guilford County told me, "it will be for class next season because you know every HC is going to want it now." He was right. If the coaches would like to go to non sub-divided playoffs they could get that. No doubt in my mind. They would need the ADs and principals to request it also.

The NCHSAA admin favors a maximum of six champions based on conversations with some of them. The admin went to the 1A schools with a plan to keep two sub-classes but cut the 1A to four rounds. That was a resounding no. The next option was to have the top eight seeds in each region to get a bye. Once again the 1A schools were not interested. They felt that they should be treated no different than the other classes. This coming from the group that got sub-divided playoffs started and the pod system. Great!

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