Mitchell @ Watauga

What are you suppose to change if Delta affects the young population more and if you are vaccinated you can still get it. Is what is this year for high school football. Wonder what affect there will be for college football. I’m headed to Neyland Thursday night.

I'd say there won't be much effect since many college athletes are vaccinated. Many schools required it. If HS students get vaccinated and we have mask mandates for the time being then that limits quaratines.
I’m not anti-vaccine. I’ve had Covid then I was fully vaccinated because I did not want it again. Im currently working with about 25 people who were fully vaccinated but got sick with it this past month. Thankfully all have recovered but all were pretty sick. A few of them even made trips to the ER and one was hospitalized. Their family members became sick and the ones who didn’t still had to quarantine causing them to miss work or school. Vaccinated people can still get Covid and spread it just like an unvaccinated person but the vaccine may keep you from dying. So I don’t think having all player’s vaccinated would make a whole lot of difference in keeping teams out of quarantine. They are still gonna get it and spread it.
I am a Trumper and I still believe if you ain't gonna get the vaccine wear a mask till it's over period. Kids in school should wear a mask right now period, why does everyone want to throw politics into something that politics has nothing to do with I beg both my sons to wear a mask when out right now, and im vaccinated I wear one so does my parents aunt's uncles several cousins who are nurses, who're all conservative Trumpers, the politicians need stay out of it I highly RECOMMEND the Pfizer vaccine it's our only defense besides prayer
I am a Trumper and I still believe if you ain't gonna get the vaccine wear a mask till it's over period. Kids in school should wear a mask right now period, why does everyone want to throw politics into something that politics has nothing to do with I beg both my sons to wear a mask when out right now, and im vaccinated I wear one so does my parents aunt's uncles several cousins who are nurses, who're all conservative Trumpers, the politicians need stay out of it I highly RECOMMEND the Pfizer vaccine it's our only defense besides prayer
I agree that it shouldn't be politics, the world is in such a place right now that everything turns into it. Shoot we used to be able to talk about the weather and climate and now that's political too.

We all want to get back to normal. I'm tired as hell of wearing my mask at work for 8 or 9 hours a day but I do it anyways to possibly keep my family, myself and others safe. I know the vaccine and masks aren't perfect and some are still getting covid but from everything I have heard from friends who are nurses and doctors and what I have read, if you get the shot the odds of dying are way way lower. I think in McDowell all the people in the ICU or on ventilators were all not vaccinated even though there were a few in the hospital who were.

At the end of the day we are all Americans and we should look out for each other during these times no matter if we are Trumpers, Libertarian, democrats or whatever. Covid doesn't care what you are.
I think I'll trust the judgment of nurses and doctors I see pleading with people to take things serious because their hospitals are full over your opinion. People like you keep getting proved wrong with this daily but you're going to stand on your hill until you or someone you love dies..

School districts remain ignorant not issuing mask mandates while delaying the inevitable because of parents that are flocking school board meetings boardering on violence and crying their conspiracy theories. Would you rather your kid be in school or get sent home every other week to quarantine?

I don't want to hear anything about social media driving fear, when there are morons out here taking horse

I think I'll trust the judgment of nurses and doctors I see pleading with people to take things serious because their hospitals are full over your opinion. People like you keep getting proved wrong with this daily but you're going to stand on your hill until you or someone you love dies..

School districts remain ignorant not issuing mask mandates while delaying the inevitable because of parents that are flocking school board meetings boardering on violence and crying their conspiracy theories. Would you rather your kid be in school or get sent home every other week to quarantine?

I don't want to hear anything about social media driving fear, when there are morons out here taking horse wormer.
Maybe it is when your someone close is loosing everything they have worked there entire life for and it gets ruined. Your mention off the horse stuff proves you pay way to much attention to media. I apologize to Mountie, this should be just football and I am sorry for bothering this thread.
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Should be some good football weather for this Friday. Looks like temp. getting down in the 40’s up in Watauga.
Looks like it’s going to be a high of 79 in Knoxville tomorrow cant wait to go watch tomorrow night. Hopefully Mitchell wins 40-0 Friday night. The computers are picking a close game. One picks Mitchell by 1 and one picks Watauga by 1.
What are you suppose to change if Delta affects the young population more and if you are vaccinated you can still get it. Is what is this year for high school football. Wonder what affect there will be for college football. I’m headed to Neyland Thursday night.

I'd say there won't be much effect since many college athletes are vaccinated. Many schools required it. If HS students get vaccinated and we have mask mandates for the time being then that limits quaratines.
I’m for the vaccine and if masks work wear them. The democrats have been just as guilty of politicizing this virus. We should be ashamed of both sides. Bottom line you can still get virus if you’ve been vaccinated. Maybe it keeps it from being so bad. Idk. All I do know is shutting down the country didn’t stop the virus. I hope they don’t do that again.
Guys the rona is here to stay for a long time we just gonna have to live with it. If you are scared get the jab, wear a mask or hide inside your home. But quit being afraid of getting sick from this !! Turn off the tv and social media and the fear will go away.

Now to the actual topic Mitchell wins by double digits!!! Got dang them mountain boys in purple can play some football !!!
Mitchell should win but I think it will be a 2 score game at the most. Watauga is down some this year but still has some talent up front and will play a similar style as Mitchell. They are also very well coached and usually only lose to teams that have superior athletes (like Maiden).
Not trying to change the subject but I think I'm back to my original assessment of Avery, anyone notice the Madison North Buncombe score last fri? Madison may win a conference game or two if they get to play, heard covid shut em down but had to feel good for those kids to win their first game since 2018
Don't know about all the rules right now but seeing that East Surry is playing E Wilkes this week and only have to sit 6 players
Alot of kids that have been quaratined across the state are from close contact in classrooms and not necessarily from the sport itself. Where sports get into issues typically as a team is when a team member test positive.
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My quick thoughts:

Watauga was well coached, and strong up front, with some good height that allowed their receivers to catch some otherwise well-covered passes. The mountaineers finally seemed to figure out how to stop the triple option in the 2nd half, but the Pioneers took to the air, and used their height advantage to gain yards. Likewise, Mitchell found success in the air, using misdirection and good blocking. While I suppose Watauga might be a little down this year, they are still a solid team, and Mitchell was fortunate to come home with a W. Good win for the mountaineers, now on to scrappy little Andrews before conference play starts.
My quick thoughts:

Watauga was well coached, and strong up front, with some good height that allowed their receivers to catch some otherwise well-covered passes. The mountaineers finally seemed to figure out how to stop the triple option in the 2nd half, but the Pioneers took to the air, and used their height advantage to gain yards. Likewise, Mitchell found success in the air, using misdirection and good blocking. While I suppose Watauga might be a little down this year, they are still a solid team, and Mitchell was fortunate to come home with a W. Good win for the mountaineers, now on to scrappy little Andrews before conference play starts.
They didn't look down to me, their qb looked great, dont understand why the pulled him, they will definitely surprise whoever they play next week
My quick thoughts:

Watauga was well coached, and strong up front, with some good height that allowed their receivers to catch some otherwise well-covered passes. The mountaineers finally seemed to figure out how to stop the triple option in the 2nd half, but the Pioneers took to the air, and used their height advantage to gain yards. Likewise, Mitchell found success in the air, using misdirection and good blocking. While I suppose Watauga might be a little down this year, they are still a solid team, and Mitchell was fortunate to come home with a W. Good win for the mountaineers, now on to scrappy little Andrews before conference play starts.
The only thing I disagree with a little is the well-covered part at least at first. Mitchell was covering better towards the end of the game like the last long pass Mitchell had a chance for an int but he just missed timed a little and it ended up being a completed pass then of course the pick 6 ,but Watauga's TD passes looked more like blown coverage the receiver got completely behind them plus the qb missed a couple other wide open guys. But like the triple option they seemed to make adjustments towards the end so it was good to see that they can make defensive adjustments during a game like they did. An offensively I'm glad they opened it up and showed themselves that they have a passing game.
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To my knowledge looking at the North Carolina numbers we currently have a little over 3500 people in the hospital. That could overwhelm some counties but not most. We have a little over 14,000 deaths in North Carolina since this started. People like you and social media are scaring people to death based on small numbers. The current population in NC is around 10.5 Million. I hate to see any life lost at all, but that is not a reality we can expect and never will be. We are ruining folks lives, dreams and ambitions based on something you do not even understand. I am not saying ignore it, be smart and do the right things, but you cannot continue to punish those that are. I called the rules unfair and unjust a year a ago and stand by that. You remain ignorant to your social media feed to keep yourself safe, meanwhile we should be making sure our children have a future.!!!We are for the most part older on here, we need to worry about the kids more than us. Thunder do you honestly think we are going to wave a magic wand and make this go away???
Get a damn shot…
The only thing I disagree with a little is the well-covered part at least at first. Mitchell was covering better towards the end of the game like the last long pass Mitchell had a chance for an int but he just missed timed a little and it ended up being a completed pass then of course the pick 6 ,but Watauga's TD passes looked more like blown coverage the receiver got completely behind them plus the qb missed a couple other wide open guys. But like the triple option they seemed to make adjustments towards the end so it was good to see that they can make defensive adjustments during a game like they did. An offensively I'm glad they opened it up and showed themselves that they have a passing game.
Yeah they moved some kids around at the end and it worked out
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NB regardless of classification is one of the worst public schools in the state. Good for beating a 3a school but the wildcats first 2 games still don't tell us much about the team.

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