Kick off to SWO ....
Taken and returned to the 23
Dorsey starts with a run of 7
sweep left....not much , Davis on the carry
Handoff ... Dorsey with the 1st at the 36
Pitch back , lost 1
handoff ..... good run, ran out of bounds at the Wallace 31, Sudlow the runner
QB run only gets 1
Handoff, right side to the 29.... 3rd and 7
Handoff ....nothing ....4th down, Im sure we will go , NO Kicker
roll out ....tucks it in. fumble .....Stallions get it the 20 ...BIG BREAK
Handoff .....close to the 15
Wallace brings in some beef on the D line
Hines close to the first ......FIRST AND GOAL AT THE 9
QB fake handoff and runs ......LoL gain .....give it to someonw who can carry the rock
End of first
WRHm - 7 SWO -0 with a 2nd and goal at the 9