Just Curious....

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You dodged the question.
Not dodging! I'm was hoping you would quietly just disappear.

Chuck Persenaire,(Shelby) Athletic Director, 231-861-4452 They have a opening for next year. YOU CALL HIM AND ASK HIM ABOUT PLAYING MALLARD CREEK? Or any other school and the top 50? I will check in on the 2A board for the response. :)
98 you can't be the first, but you can be the next IGNORED person on this site. Pressing the ignore button in 3...2...1.. See YA! Oh wait, not really! :D
Not dodging! I'm was hoping you would quietly just disappear.

Chuck Persenaire,(Shelby) Athletic Director, 231-861-4452 They have a opening for next year. YOU CALL HIM AND ASK HIM ABOUT PLAYING MALLARD CREEK? Or any other school and the top 50? I will check in on the 2A board for the response. :)
Nepsy, Nepsy. Now why would you put poor 98Champion in this situation? He can't press buttons on a phone with a white coat on and the sleeves tied in the back.
Not dodging! I'm was hoping you would quietly just disappear.

Chuck Persenaire,(Shelby) Athletic Director, 231-861-4452 They have a opening for next year. YOU CALL HIM AND ASK HIM ABOUT PLAYING MALLARD CREEK? Or any other school and the top 50? I will check in on the 2A board for the response. :)

What an idiot....we share an area code....we're only 45 miles west. You don't even know how to Google. Lol. We're not in Michigan....dumb ass.

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98..Here is the problem. In one sentence you want to compare yourself to large school competition like Mallard Creek, Butler, Scotland or Richmond. However...when we bring up the teams you play you start talking about playing at the level of your competition.

You want us to say Shelby can compete?? someone at that level. If not, be happy with dominating 2a ball or in the case of Crest 3a ball. You can go back to that board and beat on your chest some more. When you start making your case for dominance based on beating Freedom the conversation is really just silly.

There is a reason we have separate classifications. Its simply not fair to have a school with 1,000 students competing with schools with 2500 students. Could they pull a upset every 10 years or so?? Sure. But 95% time the top 2a school isn't gonna beat the top 8-10 4a school. That's just simple math.

Now...until Shelby or Crest actually beat a top ranked 4a squad your " eye test" will mean zero to anyone but the rest of the little Cleveland county cult.
Oh, I'm sorry....I didn't realize those schools you mentioned played top tier Division 3 Schools. I didn't realize they played up in classification. Oh that's right, they don't. So, when they do start playing up in class we will talk about SOS. We are a 2A school so our equivalent competition should be 2A schools. The schools you mentioned are 4A so their equivalent competition should be 4A schools. The fact that we historically play up 1 to 2 classes would be equivalent to those schools playing D3 or D2 schools. So for our classification, we play much harder competition than the schools you mentioned. Get it? Simmons SOS changes week to week for every team depending on who they are playing that week. I guess you never noticed that.

Simmons has Reynolds at #20 in the state. He has Freedom at #26 in the state. Both have one loss. Guess who they're to.

So has the conversation begun?

No, that would be equivalent to them playing 5A and 6A, which are located in other states, schools with upwards of 3000 students.
So I'm confused what did Richmond did in 98? I thought Richmond won the state in 97 and 98 so I'm confused what we did?
I don't think it's handed to you when you have to beat West Charlotte, Independence and Jack Britt in those days. Just sayin...
Crept into irrelevancy. Only one title with one appearance since then and that title was handed to you.

So, I have been an avid reader of this board for probably 6 years or more. This is getting crazy.
98 State Champ, I am glad that you are so proud of your Shelby Lions. Are they good/great 2A team, yes they are. But again, I will state like others have before that this is a 4A/3A board. Trolls, I don't understand why some people seem to have such a miserable life that all they can do is go from one message board to another "stirring crap up", just because they can. You my friend are just that, a troll.

So to end this once and for all how about we play your game of if so and so was playing XYZ teams they would kick the crap out of them. You say Richmond is no longer relevant? While I disagree, let me pose your own wacky thought process...

RSHS at 2A level, same teams that they have fielded the last 20 years... same conference as your beloved Shelby Lions... honestly, RSHS would probably have 15 plus state championships and have lost maybe 5 games in 20 years. Instead in 20 years RSHS has won 3 state championships at the highest level of NC HS Football, 10 plus conference titles in one of the top 3 Conferences in the State. Are we in a Title game every year? No we are not. Would we like to be, yes we would. But ENOUGH is enough with your overzealous dreams about who you think Shelby competes with at a 4A level - it doesn't happen and probably won't ever happen.

This forum has gotten worse and worse with posters hijacking threads and posting whatever in the world they want to post about their own agenda that has ZERO to do with the topic on hand. Scotland/Pinecrest and you get talk about MC, Butler, Shelby.. etc.. I mean geez... If I wanted to read about anything other than Scotland/Pincerest or whatever topic I may be reading then I will read another topic.

Lastly, most posters on here understand that Richmond Senior High continues to be a contender year in and year out for the title. Do we win it every year? Are we in the title game every year, no.

To quote a NFHS article regarding INDY and in Chris Leak's own words:

“Looking back on my high school career, I would have to say that my most memorable game was our 2000 NCHSAA quarterfinal game with Richmond County, which was ranked No. 4 in the nation at the time. We had to travel there, but we won in a big way. Richmond County was then and still is a highly respected program with a lot of high school all-Americans, and many players who went on to play in college and in the NFL. In my eyes, that win got us over the hump as being a nationally ranked program." Much respect to Leak for the words about my alma mater - truer words haven't been spoken not only about our program but also about Leak and INDY.
blueandgold and guys don't get it. We have never said that we would dominate at the 4A level. It should be impossible for that to happen. Let me say it again....we have never said that we would compete at the 4A level. We may be able to occasionally beat a 4A team but year in and year out we couldn't. We have a 3rd to 4th of the students. Do you understand that now? This thread was started to discuss polls and rankings and what validity do they have. There has been no hijacking of this thread. Shelby is very good this year. Crest is very good. Could they compete and win at the 4A level this year? That was the discussion.

To say Richmond playing at 2A is ridiculous. That's never been the issue. The issue has been with you all saying 4A football is the only thing that matters and everything else is peewee. You even said it in your post rshs...."RSHS has won 3 state championships at the highest level of NC HS Football". What difference does that make? Highest level of what? School size? Some years the "highest level" of interclass competition could be 3A or 1A. Since 97 Shelby has won 5 state Championships against other schools of similar size. How is that any less significant than winning at "the highest (school size) level of NC HS football"?

Another issue has to do with sustainability of success. There is no sustained successful 4A program in NC. RSHS was great in the 90s but since has not been much of a factor. Only one appearance and one title in 17 years. Indy was great in the early 2000s but nothing since. No sustained success. There is no 4A school that has been able to do what Shelby has done at the 2A and 3A levels. If Shelby and Crest were a unified school and competed at the 4A level and over the past 50 years dominated the 4A level like they have done in their respective 2A and 3A classes (Shelby at 3A (inception through 96) and Crest at 4A in the 90s), would they be the G(program)OAT? If your answer to that is yes then why does a 2A stamp take that away from a program like Shelby?
To answer your question no the polls are not valid. Shelby even by your own words in the post above could not compete with the likes of Richmond and other 4A schools.

Okay 98 you want facts?
  1. Crest has never beat Richmond (0-2) when Crest was in the 4A ranks.
  2. Richmond has the highest winning percentage of any high school in NC with at least 30 years of existence.
Let me add my two cents. I'm a Forsyth County guy and more specifically a 2A Carver guy. Now 98 I think you must be able to admit that while Shelby and Crest are great programs that they wouldn't experience the same amount of success if they had to play the "big boys" week in and week out. Now personally I think that either program may be able to compete with anyone on a given night but over a period of time they wouldn't be able to stand up to a schedule of Butler, Byrnes, Vance, Hough, AL Brown or a schedule of Butler, Dudley, Scotland, Pinecrest. So it's disingenuous to talk down any of the programs that do play these types of schedules yearly. With that said, Shelby has around 800 kids and Crest about 1600. If the two schools were one big 4A school I also think any objective observer would contend that they would be able to more than hold their own!! So when you 4A posters say or imply that only "real" football is played on the 4A level is also somewhat insulting. It implies that kids competing outside the 4A realm can't compete with kids that do play 4A football. I know nobody has made such a statement but the implications are strong. But 98 and any other Cleveland County guy can know that their kids can compete and together they would really contend. But seperately it would be too tough to do every week.
Let me add my two cents. I'm a Forsyth County guy and more specifically a 2A Carver guy. Now 98 I think you must be able to admit that while Shelby and Crest are great programs that they wouldn't experience the same amount of success if they had to play the "big boys" week in and week out. Now personally I think that either program may be able to compete with anyone on a given night but over a period of time they wouldn't be able to stand up to a schedule of Butler, Byrnes, Vance, Hough, AL Brown or a schedule of Butler, Dudley, Scotland, Pinecrest. So it's disingenuous to talk down any of the programs that do play these types of schedules yearly. With that said, Shelby has around 800 kids and Crest about 1600. If the two schools were one big 4A school I also think any objective observer would contend that they would be able to more than hold their own!! So when you 4A posters say or imply that only "real" football is played on the 4A level is also somewhat insulting. It implies that kids competing outside the 4A realm can't compete with kids that do play 4A football. I know nobody has made such a statement but the implications are strong. But 98 and any other Cleveland County guy can know that their kids can compete and together they would really contend. But seperately it would be too tough to do every week.

Thank you. You get it. Now if either Crest or Shelby had the student population, individually, of a MC or RC, 2500 students, then they would be contenders every year at the 4A level. But because neither is, we would never have the talent depth that larger schools have. It would maybe be a game for a half but then the depth would show. But what we do to other schools with 800 students (and Crest to 3A opponents) is unmatched by any 4A school against other 2000-2500 student schools. That's the whole point. It would be as if a single 4A program was in the talks for a state championship every single year for the past 60 years....that the same program was a contender to play in the state championship every single year for 60 years. That's where the signature come from.....
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98 - "That's where the signature come from"

Oh yea, by the way. I just thought everyone would like to know that I am the most successful and wealthiest businessman in North Carolina, ever! Why, because I say so.

"Shelby High Golden Lions, the most successful, sustained, winning football program in the history of North Carolina High School football, The True Dynasty" - ok-then. And can I see by raising your hands anyone else that has EVER heard talk across the state from coast to coast as such about the Shelby program from anyone other than Mr. Self Invented Tagline?

In your mind that is what Shelby is... so good for you. I won't argue how hilarious your tagline actually is. Again, is Shelby good, absolutely but the reality is you came onto the 4A/3A board and jumped into our game so yea we want the little dog to get back on the porch. We discuss 4A ball here we don't talk about the what if's of combining schools that will never happen in my lifetime or yours. I actually thought last week quite a bit about how Lumberton High School just doesn't compete anymore. The conclusion I came to was that if Robeson County had only 1 high school, then the team they fielded would be pretty dominant very similar to Richmond and Scotland. So combining schools across the state could make for some superpowers, one could say that's part of Richmond County/Scotland County's success however the population numbers are so different between City and Rural that its not an Apples to Apples discussion.

In conclusion, can you please be happy with the program you have and just shut up?
Oh yea, by the way. I just thought everyone would like to know that I am the most successful and wealthiest businessman in North Carolina, ever! Why, because I say so.

That's where you are wrong buddy. You can't deny statistical, factual information. I didn't make that up. Based on year in and year out statics, there is no one better. See, you RSHS guys like to claim that you are historically the best and you do have the best winning percentage since '68 (which can correlate to your level of competition and for decades your schedule was full of WEAK teams) but that's all you have.....facts my can't deny facts.
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That's where you are wrong buddy. You can't deny statistical, factual information. I didn't make that up. Based on year in and year out statics, there is no one better. See, you RSHS guys like to claim that you are historically the best and you do have the best winning percentage since '68 (which can correlate to your level of competition and for decades your schedule was full of WEAK teams) but that's all you have.....facts my can't deny facts.

LMFAO - weak schedule??

Um, not quite Richmond Senior is NOTORIOUS across this state for not ducking teams. Many many years our non-conference schedule has been full of teams that were title winners the year prior or deep playoff teams and or perennial powers. This is the part that truly makes me want to puke. Stats and facts? So what exactly do you think makes your program stronger the fact that you have a few more titles than we do? How about the fact that their are schools in NC with more titles than both RSHS and Shelby. So are those the best programs ever?

And I ran numbers on year in year out stats... your school, in existence 12 more years than RSHS. 100 plus more wins... 40+ more losses and I think 7 more ties. I ran the stats my friend. If we run RSHS avg for wins per year, losses per year, ties per year and state titles over an avg 12 year period. If we run all that out and put our school vs your school, then we still come out better with Wins, Losses, Ties and winning percentage, State Titles I am not really sure? Also ask MANY on this board about the years of 1999 Present - what I have read many many times are posts from unbiased football fans across the state that acknowledged that the biggest thing that hurt RSHS titles since 1999 (in addition to at times not having a title contending team) was being placed in the Western Playoffs many of those years, the consensus was that many of those years if placed in the East we would have been to the title game probably 4/5 more times over this time period... instead most years we ran into the same buzzsaw that others did... Butler/Independence etc...

Competition wise, yes there are years where its 3/4 teams in our conference that are a fight and the rest are well below .500. Back to non-conference I think if you ask any posters on here without a dog in the Shelby/Richmond fight they will hands down tell you that Richmond's Schedule has RARELY been filled with weak teams. Have we had years where the schedule looked like a BEAST on paper and then as the season played out those teams imploded and the SOS didn't pan out. Yes that has happened.

I dare you to ask for a poll of what unbiased posters on here think about RSHS and being willing to play the West Charlotte's when they were top, Butler's, etc. I don't have the desire to give a blow by blow of year by year of who we have played. I have no problem admitting that SOS preseason year in year out is usually Top 10 in the state, now come this time of the year some years that SOS has dropped quite a bit due to some of the schools not living up to their Rankings.

You my friend are looking more and more like an uneducated Homer the more you continue this. I will not engage you further. I respect what Shelby has done, but your tagline is your opinion it does not equal fact. Nothing you can post will be anything more than your opinion. IF you can find unbiased posters that share your view of Shelby then by all means, I am listening. Otherwise.... have a good one.
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So what exactly do you think makes your program stronger the fact that you have a few more titles than we do? How about the fact that their are schools in NC with more titles than both RSHS and Shelby. So are those the best programs ever?

your school, in existence 12 more years than RSHS.

Also ask MANY on this board about the years of 1999 Present - what I have read many many times are posts from unbiased football fans across the state that acknowledged that the biggest thing that hurt RSHS titles since 1999 was being placed in the Western Playoffs many of those years, the consensus was that many of those years if placed in the East we would have been to the title game probably 4/5 more times over this time period

Competition wise, yes there are years where its 3/4 teams in our conference that are a fight and the rest are well below .500. Back to non-conference I think if you ask any posters on here without a dog in the Shelby/Richmond fight they will hands down tell you that Richmond's Schedule has RARELY been filled with weak teams.

I have no problem admitting that SOS preseason year in year out is usually Top 10 in the state, now come this time of the year some years that SOS has dropped quite a bit due to some of the schools not living up to their Rankings.

You my friend are looking more and more like an uneducated Homer the more you continue this. I will not engage you further. I respect what Shelby has done, but your tagline is your opinion it does not equal fact. Nothing you can post will be anything more than your opinion. IF you can find unbiased posters that share your view of Shelby then by all means, I am listening. Otherwise.... have a good one.

rshs, please do not refrain from engaging us. This is a great debate.

We have been in existence a lot more than 12 years longer than RSHS.

So you are acknowledging that playing in the West is harder than playing in the East? Back to the competition thing again. Until recently, your conference was a joke. Now some teams have improved and we see that you haven't won the conference since 2010 I believe?

My tagline doesn't equal fact? If it doesn't then please tell me what school in NC represents the definition better? Facts aren't biased....facts aren't opinion....facts are just that facts. RSHS is one of the best programs in the state but not the best.
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Why do continue to use the words we and us? It's just you! Yes i will be reaching out to Ms. King
I ought to delete the whole post since he didn't even use this site's rankings in the original post.
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