Jackets are baaaaackkkk!!

Check an article in the NY Times from October 10, 2014. "At FSU football clouds justice". All those players removed from the team supports my point. Or maybe they got sent home for skipping Sunday school.
First off, the NYT is a worthless liberal rag that knows NOTHING about college football. So please do better than that! What point have you proven? I already gave you some names that FSU has dismissed from the team . My point is, where is the E$ecPN and NYT coverage of other programs' problems?? Oh that's right I guess FSU is all alone in that department. :confused:
Not that I even care but it is like fsu just attracts thugs (like the Miami of old) and using Randy Moss as an example of how they handle violations of the rules isn't much of a case. Randy had originally signed with Notre Dame but was denied enrollment because he was involved in a racially charged fight that put some one in the hospital (I remember because I am a fan of the fighting Irish and it was a huge loss) and fsu stepped right in and offered him enrollment there. So it is like they want the troubled players or the ones that are criminals. I swear no disrespect criminals or not that have had some great teams and I don't ever get to watch ESPN to know how they treat them was just stating something I was sure about.
First of all, all the elite teams recruit the same elite players. So no, the "thug" players aren't unique to FSU. Finally, Lou Holtz called Bobby Bowden after he kicked Moss off the team at ND and asked if Bobby would take him in and give him a chance. Bobby agreed but told Moss that he was on a one strike policy. Moss messed up and Bobby dismissed him before he ever played a down at FSU. So please get your facts straight before you comment negatively about my team. Notre Dame isn't a bunch of choir boys either you know!

Sorry for hijacking the thread but dang! Just tired of people regurgitating the mindless babble that idiots at E$ecPN, NYT, etc put out about my Noles! Carry on.
First off, the NYT is a worthless liberal rag that knows NOTHING about college football. So please do better than that! What point have you proven? I already gave you some names that FSU has dismissed from the team . My point is, where is the E$ecPN and NYT coverage of other programs' problems?? Oh that's right I guess FSU is all alone in that department. :confused:

Exactly. The Times may not know football but who would know more about crime and police cover-ups than a paper from NYC?
Exactly. The Times may not know football but who would know more about crime and police cover-ups than a paper from NYC?
Oh so now the police covered it up? Lol okay. Go read the report on the Winston case and get back to me. That girl's story changed more times than I change underwear. I hear they are having a big sale on tin foil hats down at wal mart. Maybe you should go buy one! Oh and the NYT is a liberal, know nothing piece of crap! But I gotta say judging from your posts it's probably right down your alley. Who do you pull for anyway? I bet they aren't squeaky clean either, whoever it is.
Oh so now the police covered it up? Lol okay. Go read the report on the Winston case and get back to me. That girl's story changed more times than I change underwear. I hear they are having a big sale on tin foil hats down at wal mart. Maybe you should go buy one! Oh and the NYT is a liberal, know nothing piece of crap! But I gotta say judging from your posts it's probably right down your alley. Who do you pull for anyway? I bet they aren't squeaky clean either, whoever it is.

Not a liberal, or even close. Funny if you read the story you would know about the cover ups. It is interesting that you don't deny the crimes, you despise the media for reporting it. The main group I pull for is the victims.
Not a liberal, or even close. Funny if you read the story you would know about the cover ups. It is interesting that you don't deny the crimes, you despise the media for reporting it. The main group I pull for is the victims.
Besides the Winston case, which absolutely was NOT a cover up no matter what kind of fairy tale ESPN or NYT would have people believe, what other "cover ups' are you referring to? And how would a liberal paper in NYC have any clue what goes on in Tallahassee anyway?? Believe me, I followed the Winston case closely. Read the reports. Have a warchant account and read their articles on it. I know all about how ESPN and the nyt reported half truths on it and only the accuser's side of the story. They never bothered reporting the other side of the story, or should I say, the REAL side of the story! They had an agenda and pushed it to the max. There was never one shred of evidence that Winston committed a crime! You aren't gonna win this argument. Sorry to inform you. I don't have a problem with the media reporting things as long as they are fair and balanced and don't make up things in order to push their agenda. Sadly ESPN and nyt have yet to learn this concept. They could write a book on police cover ups and corruption in the $ec but choose to ignore that and single out FSU. That really pisses me off.
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Ok, big question. I come on here and do nothing but give some props to my Jackets, and say nothing bad about anyone. All of a sudden, I'm the bad guy. In fact the murpy posters have spent all their time since Friday nite on this thread! Why? Why haven't they started their own thread talking about the puppies Friday nite game??

Hmmmmm. I think we all know why!!!!!!!!!!!
Whaaaat? Cmon Sam if it werent for some other smc posters this thread would be DEAD! Yeah we lost to Franklin. Does that surprise many people? I highly doubt it. I think your "props" may have been a bit exaggerated, which caught the attention of other smc posters. Its all good, the jackets are 2-0. Congrats on being undefeated...... for now.
Ok, big question. I come on here and do nothing but give some props to my Jackets, and say nothing bad about anyone. All of a sudden, I'm the bad guy. In fact the murpy posters have spent all their time since Friday nite on this thread! Why? Why haven't they started their own thread talking about the puppies Friday nite game??

Hmmmmm. I think we all know why!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe because there is a thread on the 2a board about it and it has already been discussed? Nobody expected Murphy to beat Franklin. Murphy posters gave Franklin fans props, had a good discussion about the game with them, and the fans on each side wished each other luck going forward. That's respect. Murphy has played Hendo and Franklin so far and managed to come out 1-1. Now I know that isn't as impressive as going 2-0 against mighty Towns County and Copper Basin but I guess it will have to do! I just noticed the picture you have by your name. No wonder you are the way you are Sam!
Maybe because there is a thread on the 2a board about it and it has already been discussed? Nobody expected Murphy to beat Franklin. Murphy posters gave Franklin fans props, had a good discussion about the game with them, and the fans on each side wished each other luck going forward. That's respect. Murphy has played Hendo and Franklin so far and managed to come out 1-1. Now I know that isn't as impressive as going 2-0 against mighty Towns County and Copper Basin but I guess it will have to do! I just noticed the picture you have by your name. No wonder you are the way you are Sam!

You're telling me that if pups had won, no one would have been on the 1a boards discussing it!!


By the way, we like to beat up on the Towns Co. and the C. Basins of the world just as you guys like to take on all the "little" guys in small 1A football.

I'll reserve my "props" for Swain Co. No games, no gimmicks, just good solid 1AA football.

You're telling me that if pups had won, no one would have been on the 1a boards discussing it!!


By the way, we like to beat up on the Towns Co. and the C. Basins of the world just as you guys like to take on all the "little" guys in small 1A football.

I'll reserve my "props" for Swain Co. No games, no gimmicks, just good solid 1AA football.
"Pups"?? That's cute coming from a jacket fan. It's been 12 years since your team beat Murphy. As far as there being a thread if Murphy won last Friday? Maybe, but you see nobody expected Murphy to beat Franklin so nobody is surprised or very disappointed. They are a 2a school and are what you call GOOD competition. Unlike what Hayesville has seen so far. When you keep your mouth shut it's a lot easier and more pleasant on these boards or just in general when things don't go your way. You my friend have got a bad day coming WHEN Hayesville loses a game. But I'm sure you will just disappear again. You are also a gator fan so that doesn't surprise me. Run your mouth like there's no tomorrow when you win and nowhere to be found when you lose. You go ahead and reserve your "props" for Swain. Murphy beat them by 24 last year so who cares? You do know that Swain used to be a small 1a school don't you? Murphy also used to be a big 1a school. Can't help it that Murphy's numbers have dropped and Swain's have increased. Even if Murphy was big 1a it wouldn't do Hayesville any good now would it? Albemarle is a team Murphy has to go through every year in the playoffs so I don't think they need to apologize for playing the "little guys" in 1a. Murphy will keep on playing real competition in non-conference games. They will win some, they will lose some. But they will always be relevant and compete for titles and will continue to make Hayesville look like a jv team about 99% of the time, even if the jackets do on occasion run up nice early season records against a bunch of cream puffs. It's all good.
It's easy to be on a high horse when Murphy is coming off Franklin and Hayesville is coming off Copper Basin. But Murphy's next game is against the Little Giants, and Hayesville is playing a much-improved 3A school next. Everybody knows it's tough for SMC schools to find games...ragging each other about non-conference schedules doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The Jackets played who was in front of them and won--those 2 wins don't make them contenders in my book, but considering where the program has been, I think it's reasonable for them to excite Hayesville fans. Also, it hasn't been 12 years since Hayesville beat Murphy.
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It's easy to be on a high horse when Murphy is coming off Franklin and Hayesville is coming off Copper Basin. But Murphy's next game is against the Little Giants, and Hayesville is playing a much-improved 3A school next. Everybody knows it's tough for SMC schools to find games...ragging each other about non-conference schedules doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The Jackets played who was in front of them and won--those 2 wins don't make them contenders in my book, but considering where the program has been, I think it's reasonable for them to excite Hayesville fans. Also, it hasn't been 12 years since Hayesville beat Murphy.
OK I stand corrected. I forgot about 2006 but even that was a one point squeaker. The point remains though that wins against Murphy have been few and far between for the jackets. It's been nine years. That's still a long time.
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I dont think any Murphy fan was on the "high horse" coming off the franklin game. I think its good Hayesville has opened up the season with 2 wins. Its the fact you have some posters who tend to show up only when things are going well, and tend to TOOT the horn extremely loud when they do show up. Every team has its ups and downs. Im one who believes a "true" fan and poster is around thru the good and bad. Thats just my opinion tho
Also don't be too quick to roar for fear of jinxing them. Hayesville was 2-0 in 2011 and 2013. In 2011 they were 4-1 going into Rosman game, ended up 4-7. In 2013 they were 4-2 going into face the BIG three, ended up 6-8. The key is to keep them hungry, not make em feel like they have arrived.
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Good job to the jackets, Andrews and Rosman. All undefeated. Its coming to an end soon so enjoy.
Observe and report seems to be a stickler for numbers and facts. Kinda reminds me of me lol. Here's one number for O/R to keep on file for future reference: I got the team located 12 miles east of Bulldog Country with (6) wins over the DOGS since the Eisenhower adminstration.........That is all Carry on
Can't argue with that. I would never try to make a case that Hayesville has a better football program than Murphy. But when the wins are that few and far between, you can't let people overlook any! Mostly what I was getting at was that, while the OP may have been a little overly enthusiastic after beating Towns and Copper Basin, the Murphy fan belittling Hayesville by saying Murphy plays "real non-conference competition" was throwing stones from a glass house considering the Bulldogs are playing a club team this week.
Can't argue with that. I would never try to make a case that Hayesville has a better football program than Murphy. But when the wins are that few and far between, you can't let people overlook any! Mostly what I was getting at was that, while the OP may have been a little overly enthusiastic after beating Towns and Copper Basin, the Murphy fan belittling Hayesville by saying Murphy plays "real non-conference competition" was throwing stones from a glass house considering the Bulldogs are playing a club team this week.

Considering Copper Basin got beat 50-7 in week one and I would take the SMC JV Champions over Towns County any season the past decade . I'll take a club team over that any day . I wouldn't have said anything if you wouldn't have throwed Club team in there .

Looks like this club team went 8-3 last year only losing to the touted Rabun Gap by Bk by a mere 6 points .
Copper Basin did get drilled week 1, but it was by the #5 team in TN's 1A AP poll--a team that dropped 63 on somebody in week 2. Plus it isn't like Hayesville just squeaked by CB themselves. And so what if the Wildcats were 8-3 last year...Copper Basin won 8 games last year too. I actually defended Murphy's schedule a few months back when some posters criticized it for having the Wildcats and Falcons on it, I just don't think it's that much stronger than other teams' schedules this year to justify cutting other teams down for not playing "real competition."
I know nothing about the wildcats but It can't b worse than the q foundation .

Observe murphy posters didn't create a thread bragging about beating perennial doorsteps
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Last season the Gap was okay. The score had more to do with Rville than it did with Rabun.
Can't argue with that. I would never try to make a case that Hayesville has a better football program than Murphy. But when the wins are that few and far between, you can't let people overlook any! Mostly what I was getting at was that, while the OP may have been a little overly enthusiastic after beating Towns and Copper Basin, the Murphy fan belittling Hayesville by saying Murphy plays "real non-conference competition" was throwing stones from a glass house considering the Bulldogs are playing a club team this week.
The only reason I said anything about Hayesville's schedule is because Sam came on here bragging about being 2-0 and then he was all too happy to point out that Murphy was 1-1. That's when I reminded him that Murphy had played two tough 2a schools and that Hayesville had played two weak teams that Murphy's JVs could probably beat. It's not about anyone's schedule going forward. It's about the schedules both teams have already played to this point and the records that Murphy and Hayesville currently have. I was just explaining to him why both teams have the records they have. That's all. I know Murphy plays two teams in a row that may or may not be any good (I have no idea either way) but Murphy also plays Gilmer in three weeks. That will make two 2a teams and one 4a team. So even though Murphy's schedule may be a tad weaker than normal this year, it's a pretty rare occurrence and it is still way tougher than Hayesville's schedule.
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The wildcats are an independent high school located in Pickens, SC. Members of the team are made up of private, public, and homeschooled students.
The wildcats are an independent high school located in Pickens, SC. Members of the team are made up of private, public, and homeschooled students.
So there's no telling what to expect. They could be really good, really bad, or somewhere in between. Same goes for North Georgia.
I know nothing about the wildcats but It can't b worse than the q foundation .

Observe murphy posters didn't create a thread bragging about beating perennial doorsteps

Doorsteps? Heard of doormats but never doorsteps.
Considering Copper Basin got beat 50-7 in week one and I would take the SMC JV Champions over Towns County any season the past decade . I'll take a club team over that any day . I wouldn't have said anything if you wouldn't have throwed Club team in there .

Looks like this club team went 8-3 last year only losing to the touted Rabun Gap by Bk by a mere 6 points .

Guys not many if any SMC teams will play a regular season game against D-1 talent like Towns had. Of course he was the kicker....................
There not even good enough to make it to the mat .

If you come to the door mat first before you get to the door, then where is the doorstep? Could it be the step to get to the door? What if it is a step down to the door, does that make the doorstep higher? I understand the concept of a doormat- you wipe your feet on it. A doorstep is ....what? Something that leads to the door? In sports would that be like weigh training? You know it helps you get to the door so you can kick it in. Is that a doorstep?
I believe it is the steps leading to the door. So, metaphorically speaking, a doorstep would be a step up that helps you get where you're going. A doormat, on the other hand, is utilized when you've already gotten where you're going--it doesn't help you get anywhere, you just walk all over it.
I believe it is the steps leading to the door. So, metaphorically speaking, a doorstep would be a step up that helps you get where you're going. A doormat, on the other hand, is utilized when you've already gotten where you're going--it doesn't help you get anywhere, you just walk all over it.

I think so also, so a doorstep would have value as opposed to a doormat.

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