HP.Central vs TW Andrews

I do not believe that HPC will end up third....They will not beat EF, and NWG and probably going have very tough time beating Glenn. Glenn improved quite a bit on offense this year and they got ability to score a lot.

Honestly, EF is the class of the conference, NWG will be good and Glenn has the horses to make a run at 2nd or 3rd place. I also wouldn't overlook SWG. They are a completely different team with their staring QB leading the Offense. He was injured during the Andrews game but finished and they had Ledford on the ropes before he went down and has been out of commission since according to my buddy. So Central could realistically find themselves anywhere from 3rd to 5th in the conference.

I'll go on record saying that if they finish 5th, there will be a new coach in 2016!
I'm not disputing your statement but what's Andrews record versus Carver? I know Andrews won the last matchup but I think that's the only year McKoy beat Carver. I also remember you guys winning Brands senior year/Gilchrist junior year. But I'd like to know the overall records.
If I'm not mistaken the Andrews/Carver series is tied. This is a Series I hope will be renewed soon.
I called this aAndrews blowout and bison fans criticized me. Central is a TERRIBLE TEAM. Stop making these off the wall excuses for them. They are not good. At all
I have a question from the game last night, Central looked like they had a small roster for a 4A school or am I wrong. It looked like Andrews had almost twice as many players or am I just off?
Central has lots of talent. Don't get that twisted. They are just stuck in that pack of good teams that can't get over the hump to be great at the 4A level. They have also played a ridiculously tough schedule. They could easily play a schedule like North Davidson does and load up on empty jerseys in the non conference but they don't. They schedule quality teams. I'd love to have the Geoffrey Wall kid in Red. Wish he would have transferred to Andrews a few years ago when he left HP Christian. He's underutilized in my opinion. I also believe that Centrals staff hasn't been good in recent years in adjusting their offensive scheme to fit their personnel. There have been years the spread works great with their personnel, especially at QB but others where they have had running backs and an adequate offensive line to line up and run the ball consistently from a traditional set to give them the best chance to win. Good news is they have talent and always will, bad news is there's still some tough games ahead and you hope the kids don't fold.

Uh huh... HPC was supposed to be an upgrade for the sched but turned out to be a dud. Not our fault the product they put on the field wasn't what it was supposed to be. Ledford and Lexington are rivals and will be scheduled forever, just like they always have... Ledford and Asheboro are proving to be pretty good 3A teams this year. 4A Glenn is doing pretty well this year offensively and we stuffed them. Not to mention North has done just fine in the 4A CPC the last few years, so your scheduling argument is invalid.

I remember the days when HPA and North were in the same conference and it was us and Ragsdale every year fighting for the title. Not sure what your problem is with North, but you certainly do like to trash us every year... We went 2-2 against HPA in four years, so I know nobody at North is scared of HPA lol
To these competitive points.....I know ND has only had 1 NFL guy (Maybe Shy or someone on this team changes that.....), and not as many banners as some schools from the 80s and 90s, but man it's a special time each Friday when they play football. I'm obviously biased, but can anyone in the area match (top to bottom and all things considered) our: Facilities, coaching staff, quality of football, # athletes, uniforms, announcers and pre game crew are real professionals,side line reporter, come out music and entrance into the field. To continue, we have more people tailgating at 6 PM than some teams even have at the game. Student section, cheer mo leaders and band are too notch as well. AND we travel, pretty sure every AD around likes having the ND game on the schedule for visitor gate purposes. ND doesn't win every superlative when it comes to football, but is there any place I'd rather see my son play......absolutely not!!
Look I wasn't knocking North's program as a whole because you guys have had some success for sure. As you said, in the late 90's, it was actually always Amdrews, Ragsdale and North playing for the conference title. In a 3 or 4 year run, there was a 3 way tie every year between those three schools who would always go 1-1 against each other. This was when they drew straws for playoff seeding in those cases. I do stand by the fact that North doesn't play the toughest non conference schedule year over year. Call it county rivalries, whatever you want to call it but I think it has hurt you come playoff time. That's just my opinion. And Ledford and Asheboro aren't big time programs. I do agree with above poster about the North program as a whole when you consider atmosphere. The folks in Welcome rally behind the black Knights.
Very well. I cede that Asheboro and Ledford aren't big time programs, but they're not cupcakes either. Asheboro always has athletes, that's why we like to play them to prep for conference. I just don't think the out of conference schedule matters for playoffs that much, because we go small 4A and end up playing 4AA teams in our own conference anyway. If you run into a great team in the playoffs, you just run into a great team. Not everyone can be a state champ, and I've always had more respect for consistently winning than just having flash-in-the-pan greatness.
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It feels like the program continues to be on the upswing, even in the post Shy era. Good to see more and more guys are going to play college ball, and getting playing time at places like UT, UNC, ECU. Kennedy is yet another example and hope he thrives at WVU. I had the chance to speak with the lead recruiter from the Cinci Bearcats a few months ago and he was quick to speak well of the ND program and the coaches. He knew coach Holcomb by name before I could even finish the sentence, "My son plays for..." . Relationships and history with these college coaches makes a big difference. Word on the street is the NCSU and App coaches/recruiters will be at the Tabor game Thursday night.....don't know if they come in helicopters, but heard they are coming!
Looks like Coach Jones called out his team in the High Point Newspaper after the loss to Andrews....I think as a Head Coach you might want to take some ownership in the play of your team too. You can't go out and call out all your players to the media and take none of the blame yourself. IMO that is very poor leadership by the Head Coach at some point in time there's gotta be some ownership Coach!

Here's his quote:
“We didn’t play, they did,” Jones said. “We didn’t show up. … They wanted the game more than we did.”
"“That’s just us. … Until the team decides to fix (the mistakes) they will continue to make them,” Jones said. “The coaches are doing everything we can to stop them. At some point in time, there’s gotta be some ownership.”
WArhead1......he might had been telling them during the season that players got to show up, want the game more and play hard. Maybe the players keep making same mistakes and Jones told them to improve. He might try to light up the players by putting in newspaper. I had seen that done by many other coaches and most of the time, it works. It sound like Jones and coaches were telling the players about the mistakes they are making. The players kept on making same ones.....???
Agree, I find nothing wrong with the quotes in the paper. As coaches, you can coach the kids up all week and work to fix mistakes but when the lights come on, it's up to the kids to execute and show effort
To these competitive points.....I know ND has only had 1 NFL guy (Maybe Shy or someone on this team changes that.....), and not as many banners as some schools from the 80s and 90s, but man it's a special time each Friday when they play football. I'm obviously biased, but can anyone in the area match (top to bottom and all things considered) our: Facilities, coaching staff, quality of football, # athletes, uniforms, announcers and pre game crew are real professionals,side line reporter, come out music and entrance into the field. To continue, we have more people tailgating at 6 PM than some teams even have at the game. Student section, cheer mo leaders and band are too notch as well. AND we travel, pretty sure every AD around likes having the ND game on the schedule for visitor gate purposes. ND doesn't win every superlative when it comes to football, but is there any place I'd rather see my son play......absolutely not!!
Actually 2 NFL Perry Tuttle and Damain Duckett
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WArhead1......he might had been telling them during the season that players got to show up, want the game more and play hard. Maybe the players keep making same mistakes and Jones told them to improve. He might try to light up the players by putting in newspaper. I had seen that done by many other coaches and most of the time, it works. It sound like Jones and coaches were telling the players about the mistakes they are making. The players kept on making same ones.....???
Ok, I can see your point. I just don't like it when a coach or player goes to the media with team problems. I think you should handle stuff man to man in house. Take responsibility for the loss and then handle it behind closed doors. If it backfires and kids think the coaches don't have their back it could get real ugly.
It could go either way. Maybe the head coach already tried that method in house then it didn't work. He try something else to lit the fire so to speak. We all have different way of doing things. I don't respect coaches that run up the score at all. Some coaches would say....we should not tell our second stringers or third stringers NOT to score because they work hard in practice or whatever. What I am trying to say is that there are so many way we do things. Different strokes for different folks
It could go either way. Maybe the head coach already tried that method in house then it didn't work. He try something else to lit the fire so to speak. We all have different way of doing things. I don't respect coaches that run up the score at all. Some coaches would say....we should not tell our second stringers or third stringers NOT to score because they work hard in practice or whatever. What I am trying to say is that there are so many way we do things. Different strokes for different folks
I agree with you that all Head Coaches are different. I really think that when the 2nd and 3rd string guys get in they deserve to be able to run the plays the way they're meant to be ran.
I really like Allen Brown.....when Thomasville get the game in the bag, he usually have second team doing dives and off tackles in order to keep the score down. I think that is a classy move thing to do. I remember really well when one team was beating my old school badly and that team kept piling it on us. It gave us a very bad taste in our mouth and I lost a lot of respect for that HS. We did beat them two years later and it felt mighty good. I didn't play but it sure felt bad that night.

I don't mind it as much for blowout at professional league because they get paid for it. ( all of those guys are good) College and HS...keep it respectful and it goes a long way of treating each other right. Sorry to get off the subject. That is one of my pet peeve. Yes I think Jones might try something different and who knows, It might work this weekend or next.

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