Only seeing 3 games tonight Thursday 15th. Girls:North Surry vs Forbush *6:30pm* Boys: Atkins vs Walkertown *8:00pm* Boys: Starmount vs Wilkes Central *8:00pm* May see more later. ________________________________________________
NWC 1A Tournament Championship Friday Boys: Mount Airy vs WSPrep *Friday Night 6;30pm* Girls: Mount Airy vs Bishop *Friday Night 8:00pm*
That's it for tonight . NWC 1A Tournament Championship Friday Girls: Mount Airy vs Bishop *Friday Night 6:30pm* Boys: Mount Airy vs WSPrep *Friday Night 8:00pm* And any other final games to be played.
I believe MVAC tournament Champions were decided last night. Boys: Wilkes Central & Girls: Wilkes Central also..
If I am wrong some one correct me as I see no games for the MVAC scheduled for tonight.
In the WPAC Walkertown Boys vs West Stokes for the Conference Championship & North Surry Girls vs Atkins for the Girls Conference Championship.
Tonights NWC 1A Tournament Championship
Girls: Mount Airy vs Bishop *Friday Night 6:30pm* Boys: Mount Airy vs WSPrep *Friday Night 8:00pm*