Corinth- Holders Looking for 1 more team for August 16 Jamboree


Active Member
May 21, 2020
Corinth Holders is looking for 1 more team to complete our August 16th Jamboree. We have the following teams competing:
1. Lee County
2. Cary
3. West Johnston
4. Chapel Hill
5. Green Hope
6. CB Aycock
7. Corinth Holders

Please reach out to coach Leo Barthelmess- or coach Brad Matthews 919-324-4708
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You going to Thomasville?
No I think that my wanting to be a head coaching days are over. I got 3 years until I can retire and that’s pretty much my focus at this stage. I will put it like this. It’s tough to work for someone who has zero idea of how to do things. Some places struggle for a reason. The backstabbing lack of support and undercutting that is coaching these days is also something I do not have the stomach for anymore. So what I have always said about a future of a head coach is to be an assistant somewhere else.
No I think that my wanting to be a head coaching days are over. I got 3 years until I can retire and that’s pretty much my focus at this stage. I will put it like this. It’s tough to work for someone who has zero idea of how to do things. Some places struggle for a reason. The backstabbing lack of support and undercutting that is coaching these days is also something I do not have the stomach for anymore. So what I have always said about a future of a head coach is to be an assistant somewhere else.
That’s the Truth, Truth!
No I think that my wanting to be a head coaching days are over. I got 3 years until I can retire and that’s pretty much my focus at this stage. I will put it like this. It’s tough to work for someone who has zero idea of how to do things. Some places struggle for a reason. The backstabbing lack of support and undercutting that is coaching these days is also something I do not have the stomach for anymore. So what I have always said about a future of a head coach is to be an assistant somewhere else.
did you get stabbed in the back at holders?
When a program routinely struggles, we all like to talk about the Jimmies and Joes but that really is the discussion for championships. When teams struggle for years it is a top down issue.

The county- allows for one school to blatantly circumvent the rules where other teams must strictly abide by.
The county, though in the shadows of Raleigh where most of their population works, treats "outsiders" with at best bias and distain and most of the time out right bigotry. This seems to be engrained beyond the school district and deep into the culture of the JOCO born and bred.

The school- CHHS is a big school and filled with good football players. So how do they fail? This again is a top down issue with a lack of administration support and knowledge of what their job entails. Corinth Holders, the "flagship school" of JCPSS which is far from the truth- Clayton which is the team noted above is the flagship school even if it doesn't have the academic scores of Corinth, lost their Principal to a promotion before the end of the 1st semester, so this must have been in the works weeks or month prior. Corinth on the last day of personnel changes in the school year gets a new principal. So the district knew about losing their Principal for 6+ months letting the school flounder and fall apart letting disgruntled employees, new employees and the same failure of an athletic director run rogue. Before the "promotion" of the Principal, before this last Head Coach leaves the same issue. Incompetence at the highest level for athletics. Look at the resumes and records of the coaches that coaches there. Not just the HC but their assistants. The ones that foolishly thought that they could bring football excellence and build a program are continually dismissed pushed out by incompetence above the program.
Rogue AD is just scratching the surface. From day 1 he tried to dump all this mowing, weed eating, cleaning and flat out maintenance work on the coaching staff. Tasks that at most schools are taken care of by county maintenance or the athletic director. Football used the stadium for 10 games per year (5 Varsity, 5 JV). Lacrosse, track and field, youth football, middle school football, graduation amongst many other things occur on that field. Yet none of the people responsible for these programs assist with the maintenance of the stadium or mowing of the obnoxious hill that is in one end zone full of over growth. Never mind the maintenance that needs to occur on the practice facilities. The athletic director also insisted that the football team needed to clean up trash in the bleachers and the kids after games were expected to bag up the trash and carry it out. What other schools make their team do that? None that I know of. These things when directed back to the AD as being his responsibilities turned into a vendetta against the coaching staff. Citing "do you know how many days I watched you guys leave after practice while I was mowing?" and "I have to make my kids come up here on weekends while I work just to spend time with them". Also couple in that win or lose the coaches had to clean up the field after games by putting up all yard markers, pylons etc and having to get players to roll up and carry in the unnecessary track mats (for the track that is so messed up that it can't host meets). The fix was in.

The rogue AD also pushed really hard for the head coach to allow the AD's minions to continue coaching at the school and then undermine the head coach and anything he tried to do. The minions reported back to the AD everything that was said and done in the coaches meetings and discussions. After spending an entire season blatantly undermining the new coaching staff, the mole was fired by the HC. At which time he chose to take a screen shot of a coaches group chat that had a blanket statement by the head coach about "rednecks and idiots are everywhere, we have to keep our composure". A statement that could easily be taken out of context if you weren't aware of the harassment that the coaching staff endured throughout the year with no support from the AD or the administration to help protect the coaches. These altercations were racially driven in the words of the parents. They also attempted physical harassment and even almost got into a fight with a player because of the racist venom they were spewing. The parents of players, harassed wives, went on tirades about how bad the coaches were in public spaces and on social media. The AD even took it upon himself to create a burner email account to write harassing emails to the coaches on many occasions throughout the season. This staff was set up to fail from day one.

Then begins the coup. The AD and his minions went hard to work on getting things to county office that could get the head coach in trouble. Things that were taken out of context and held against the HC. Things that were not proven to have even happened, no witnesses, no recordings, nothing proving any of it. While setting up his coup the AD managed to install a former player of the program at offensive line coach by pushing the coaches to interview him and hire him. Said coach is now named Interim Head Coach with only 3-4 years of coaching experience at 26 years of age, 8 years removed from playing for the school and does not know the names of 75% of the players and majority of the coaches that were being talked into a return to the program. While veteran coaches that had put in the time with the kids and were well respected by the kids were run off. Veteran coaches who have coached in multiple state championships, regional championships and late playoff runs. Coaches who took multiple basement dweller programs to the best runs in school history. The AD expected the veteran coaches who were trying to keep the program together while a new head coach was named, to prop up the interim guy by continuing to do the job of the head coach behind the scenes. A blatant manipulation by a true narcissist.

3 coaches with a collective resume of 60+ years of experience were run out of town because they weren't from "round here". Run out of town because they did not meet the absurd demands of one person and were "stained by the head coach who brought them in" (yes this was said by the rogue AD). A person who controls the fate of the football program. A person who wants a coach he can control. That way the football team can never out shine his baseball program. The baseball program where players are told that if they play football, they won't make the baseball team. What head coach can win with a guy like that in charge?

This is all just scratching the surface of all of the details of what went on in just one year of a new head coach taking over the program. Details that could fill the pages of a large novel. 3 coaches in 3 years for the football program. Only one common denominator.

If you ever visit Corinth Holders High School, watch your back. You may also be run out of town by those who don't accept outsiders. Any coach who is applying for this job, you have been warned. Nothing will change unless you bend the knee. Until one person is gone, no coach will be successful at that school. Every coach will be run off by people with pitch forks and torches. Simply for trying to build a winning program.
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