Coaching Clinic


New Member
Jul 22, 2016
Haven't seen any posts about the past coaching clinic this week in Greensboro, so I've decided to share my thoughts.

I think there are ways that it can be improved. First, the process of getting the coach's card is silly. We teach our students to use technology all of the time- yet here we are manually writing our information on the cards and waiting in lines to get a picture taken. Why can't this process be more automated? Why can't I use my old picture? Can't they just mail us a card if we don't want to drive long ways just to get it? It's 2016 people.

The presenters- I really enjoyed listening to Sam Wyche. But, the majority of the speakers are relatively old. No offense- they provided some invaluable lessons and stories of their coaching experiences. Some of which I can apply to my work. Great lectures, but out of date information. Honestly, I would rather listen to a young assistant or even a graduate assistant coach from a big college program. I would like to hear about the drills, techniques and philosophies of a big time, current program. This would be great. Also, give us coaches a way to interact. Maybe a panel discussion? Just not something that turns into a chest beating competition from individuals who work at big high schools with big enrollments, big budgets, etc. I work at a relatively small school- it's not a level playing field. But, I will save that for another day.
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I agree with you about standing in line for the card, but I do enjoy walking and interacting with other coaches in person. It's great for networking, of course I'm in Chatham County only about 45 minutes away from the clinic, so the drive isn't an issue with me. As far listening to college assistants sometimes you get something that can help you and sometimes you don't. I prefer to listen to high school guys, I did enjoy Wyche though. I enjoy the winter clinic more.
I am on the Board of Directors right now and we met and talked in depth after the clinic to talk about ways of improving. One of the reasons for not just mailing out cards is fraud. As you know the coaches card gets you in free to all NCHSAA events as well as most college games.

On Monday, within one hour of the beginning of registration, 6 people were caught trying to enter on counterfeit cards.......yes, one hour into it and it had already been counterfeited. The counterfeiter was selling them in the parking lot. How sorry is that these coaches were willing to defraud their own organization by purchasing phony cards instead of giving their dues to support the Coach's Assoc.?

In a related incident, a coach gave some of his non registered coaches phony cards (not sure how) and another coach apparently stole some of the holograms that are used to verify the cards from the registration area.

In light of this info can you imagine the fraud that would take place if cards were sent out in the mail? HS football games would make no gate because everyone and their brother would have an NCCA card. Coaches should take pride in our organization and not just hand these out to people who have not earned the right to have them.

We all agree about the speakers, they are great and add some awesome history and experience but not always relevant to HS. College coaches can no longer speak at the clinic because the All Star game is attached to it. NCAA will no longer allow them to come. What we suggested is using current HS coaches from NC or even some from SC/Va. like last year.

The Clinic costs tons of money to put on. The directors want it to be a true learning and fellowship experience for the coaches of NC as well as offering vendors of all of sorts. The vendors rent spaces which also help with the expenses of the clinic. These guys do a tremendous job. There is so much involved that it is mind boggling.

If coaches did not come, vendors would not come, speakers would not come and there would no longer be a need for a clinic.

In the two years that I have been on the board I can honestly say that we are trying to modernize the process and next year and going forward the entire card process will be more advanced and hopefully more streamlined and easier for the coaches.

One thing that I suggested and I hope comes to fruition is to have choices of sessions like at many other clinics. For instance having an offensive session and a defensive session going on at the same time so that coaches can choose which ever is most relevant for them.

Hang in there we are trying to gt better. I have nothing but respect for Mac Morris, Phil Weaver, Joe Franks, Tim Via and all of the guys who put so much into this. Contact your regional representatives on the Board of Directors. We want to hear ideas. I am Region 6 if anyone want to contact me. Donnie Kiefer
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