Charlotte Catholic vs Providence Day

Whether anyone likes it or not, the relentless machine will surge forward, unstoppable in its pursuit of victory, claiming win after win by an overwhelming margin One game at a time! With the sea of athletes gracing the field - by ground or air, my heart beats louder for one: Nick. His spirit ignites the atmosphere, and I can feel the electricity of his presence. He’s not just part of the team; he’s the heartbeat of the machine, destined to leave his mark and elevate CC to greatness.
Didn't some of you picked PD over Weddington by 10. I can see another 14-7 or 21-14 type game with CC winning.
I am a Catholic partisan, but a lot of things will have to go right for Catholic and wrong for PD for the Cougars to win. It happened against Weddington but I would contend PD beat themselves as much as Weddington beat them. Catholic is still discovering themselves this year and this game will be a good barometer about how they stack up in the state. Game is at Catholic and their stadium is one of the few places in high school ball that can truly be a home field advantage. Looking forward to seeing how they stack up.
Was at this game. Catholic acquitted themselves well but clearly over matched in this one. First this is the 2nd time I have seen Providence Day play this year. Without question, they are the best collection of high school talent, size and speed with the possible exception of the Gonzaga team that visited Catholic 12 or so years ago that I have ever seen in person. They look impressive getting off the bus. They are also one of the most explosive teams on offense with quick strike ability on any play. However, they have also been one of the most underperforming teams in the state too. They have been prone to mistakes typically seen at the pop warner level and a lot of them. Their C game will get them a win most nights. If they play disciplined ball, I don't think any team in the state can touch them. Against a good, disciplined team, they have demonstrated they can lose. It cost them against Weddington. Catholic had them down 9-7 late in the third quarter, had just picked up a turnover and was driving in PD's territory. Catholic's combination of ball control and PD's mistakes had thoroughly frustrated them and had Catholic in a position to win the game. I said earlier in the week that Catholic had no margin of error and that a lot had to go wrong for PD and everything right for Catholic to win. Unfortunately, Catholic had a few mistakes and critical missed opportunities that cost them. Net, net, losing well is no consolation prize and still shows up as an "L" in the record. However, the takeaway for me is that, for Catholic, it should be a confidence builder as they have shown that they can line up with anyone in the state and have a chance to win. Next week, another big challenge. Crest at Crest. They are "just" a 3A and yet one of the better teams in the state at any level year in and year out. Nothing but respect for this team as they are an established program with a deep tradition, much like Catholic. Always good when strong teams take on early season games where they have the potential to lose. They have played a few times over the years. Always physical. Always brutal. Should be a good one.
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