north should win by 50 bunker is down on talent this yearA step on the ladder to getting a little respect from you guys on here, Norths size speed and depth will give them the upper had I believe
Yall are just jealous cause albemarle sucks and will from now on not be relevant. Stop living in the past I know it's hard to swallow but we will let you come support the new sheriff in town and heyou sway what is yall win lose ratio the last 2 years???? Just saying
Norths up 48-15. With about 5 min to go
Looked really good
Albemarle fans are like Duke fans, the Tarheels could be playing Russia and they still hate on them, regardless what they say the comets look good this year and they will give the Montgomery teams all they can handle and I think more!!
Most Bulldogs are fine. Then you have the ones that circle the wagons and double down. Their football team is essentially a JV squad. I see a 2-9 or 3-8 record for the Bulldogs.