BUDGET CUTS IN HAYWOOD COUNTY....Athletics Will Suffer Greatly

Ross Perot wow. Jobs have left because businesses found cheap labor just like many textiles left the north to move to the south for cheaper labor they called it peanut wages. So that was going to happen regardless. But I feel that the amount of teachers that are leaving the state will rise and that will hurt NC down the road big time.
Lay blame where we may, but on the frontlines, teachers (esp. veteran teachers) have seen pay pretty much stay stagnant. The amount of testing and paper work increase greatly...taking time out of the classroom. Classroom size has increased. Reducing the number of TA's greatly (some don't realize how valuable they are with the issues above and many times the good ones go into teaching with valuable experience). TA reduction also has an impact on many systems bus driver pool. Many young teachers are getting out and veteran teachers are moving out. Many people want to attack the profession because of the few bad ones. I equate this to those that attack the police because of the few bad ones. The vast majority just wish to do their job to best of their ability and help others become productive members of society.
Ross Perot wow. Jobs have left because businesses found cheap labor just like many textiles left the north to move to the south for cheaper labor they called it peanut wages. So that was going to happen regardless. But I feel that the amount of teachers that are leaving the state will rise and that will hurt NC down the road big time.

Uh, so what exactly was wrong with my statement? That is exactly what was being said when NAFTA was being debated.
So you're telling me Haywood county is so democrat that the republican candidate has won the last two presidential elections? Lol
NC was and has been solidly a Democratic state as far as registration goes for 100+ years yet consistently has voted Republican for president since at least Nixon. Jesse Helms repeatedly won races including popular Democrat governor Jim Hunt for the US Senate for over 20 years. That has nothing to with local county elections. The old, Eastern NC Democrat farmer class is probably more conservative than most of the big money, business type Republicans around Charlotte will ever be.
That is who keeps pushing NC to the Republicans in National elections.

Bob Forga was probably the only truly popular Republican politician in Haywood County, others win from time to time. Our one current Republican commissioner, not too many people can tell that he is one. The local party is seriously fractured right now after a bunch of flatlander tourist halfback Tea Party types took over by bullying the less aggressive leadership. The local party has never been very strong. They have made their gains based on the amount of non-affiliated voters being allowed to select which party primary they want to vote in.
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Wow. If all these statements and figures are indeed facts, that a pretty strong indicator that the school board and our Superintendent/Asst Superintendent need to take a good look in the mirror. Like I mentioned previously, IMO our superintendent is not qualified for her position. She often makes poor personnel decisions. Her choice of principal at Tuscola sucked the life out of that school and the new principal is turning it around. Her first choice to be the new principal at Tuscola was a previous principal that had to leave his previous school due to discontent among the staff and parents. It's all about taking care of one another and protecting that 6 figure salary rather than being proactive and taking care of the best interests of the students.
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Wow. If all these statements and figures are indeed facts, that a pretty strong indicator that the school board and our Superintendent/Asst Superintendent need to take a good look in the mirror. Like I mentioned previously, IMO our superintendent is not qualified for her position. She often makes poor personnel decisions. Her choice of principal at Tuscola sucked the life out of that school and the new principal is turning it around. Her first choice to be the new principal at Tuscola was a previous principal that had to leave his previous school due to discontent among the staff and parents. It's all about taking care of one another and protecting that 6 figure salary rather than being proactive and taking care of the best interests of the students.

So according to you the same person that appointed a principal that sucked the life out of Tuscola also appointed a principal at Pisgah who was a excellent appointment and is well licked and does a great job and has a lot of supported in Canton.
I guess you have to blame someone.Maybe you should look in the mirror.By the way who supported the current principal?
So according to you the same person that appointed a principal that sucked the life out of Tuscola also appointed a principal at Pisgah who was a excellent appointment and is well licked and does a great job and has a lot of supported in Canton.
I guess you have to blame someone.Maybe you should look in the mirror.By the way who supported the current principal?
It's just not the fact that she put him there. We all make mistakes. But she let him stay there 7 years when students, teachers. staff, and most of the community knew he was not qualified for the job. I have no problem looking in the mirror and admitting I make a mistake. But if I have an employee that can't do the job, I put someone else in their place. By the way, I am really happy to hear that your principal is well "licked". That is certainly a nice benefit for any job.:)
So according to you the same person that appointed a principal that sucked the life out of Tuscola also appointed a principal at Pisgah who was a excellent appointment and is well licked and does a great job and has a lot of supported in Canton.
I guess you have to blame someone.Maybe you should look in the mirror.By the way who supported the current principal?

What does looking in the mirror have to do with who the Superintendent hires as a principal? That is totally out of anyone's control beyond the school board and the administration. If there's anything that makes no sense, it is your statement. She screwed up and made a bad choice. She was forced to make damn sure she didn't screw it up again. How hard is that to figure out?

Save for Travis Noland, who was never going to stay here long anyway, this side of the county has been forced to take on whatever the Bill Upton-Danny Miller cabal thinks they can cram down our throats.

I would love to see what the birth rate has been from about 2008 onward. After Haywood went public with the dropping enrollment issue, Yancey and Mitchell counties have come out and stated that they are having the same issues too. The big financial crash at the end of the last decade has more to do with our problems than some charter school opening up. Until our city and county leaders decide that we need more than art shops and antique stores, we are faced with this problem. Canton, to their credit, is trying to do something to increase the business climate in their town. Our side is hopeless.
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The charter school get the same amount of state money per student as Pisgah and Tuscola students..
Before this is over the other counties in the state will be just like Haywood.It is impossible for public schools to compete with the charter schools since they can operate without buses, lunch rooms, use unaccredited educators .They can also have short term teacher contracts which really mean part time teachers.
This is just another way to privatize public education in N.C.
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Oh for goodness sake. The charter school didn't cause a short fall. Failure in leadership did. Pisgah's principal, by the way isn't well liked. Teachers would leave if they could find jobs, trust me on that.

Haywood is a mess. Has been for years.
Oh for goodness sake. The charter school didn't cause a short fall. Failure in leadership did. Pisgah's principal, by the way isn't well liked. Teachers would leave if they could find jobs, trust me on that.

Haywood is a mess. Has been for years.
You sound like a JILTED applicant who didn't get hired!!
The problem in Haywood was a poor lack of foresight. Correct me if I am wrong, but the County Commissioners approved a measure to counter balance the Charter School funding. Therefore the Charter School had no impact on the over all budget.

The problem, is with the higher ups. This coming from a licensed teacher who searched for a job in Haywood for 5 years, with 1 call back. Maybe bitter, but the School system in Haywood has been on the slide for years. As someone mentioned earlier, How did they not see this coming? The ADM's have been on the slide, why not start making small cuts to keep in line with the budget?

As for the State government, you can see clearly what they are doing. Whether right or wrong, they are thinning out the older, higher paid employees and putting the bigger increase in newer teachers- 5-10 years experience. This is a page 1 playbook from any business that wants to cut cost and improve productivity.

Whether it is right or wrong is your opinion, but that is where we are at. And as Bama said, we have made a drastic turn around as a state and we are now fiscally responsible.
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The charter school get the same amount of state money per student as Pisgah and Tuscola students..
Before this is over the other counties in the state will be just like Haywood.It is impossible for public schools to compete with the charter schools since they can operate without buses, lunch rooms, use unaccredited educators .They can also have short term teacher contracts which really mean part time teachers.
This is just another way to privatize public education in N.C.
They have busses, provide lunches and use licensed teachers. They don't have the discipline issues and can actually teach because the kids want to be there. Jcat12 is correct "The charter school didn't cause a short fall. Failure in leadership did. Pisgah's principal, by the way isn't well liked. Teachers would leave if they could find jobs, trust me on that."
Pisgah's new gym floor sure does look nice. Sounds like your school's finance person assumed they'd be getting $$$$ from the state and it didn't work out like that.
Pisgah's new gym floor sure does look nice. Sounds like your school's finance person assumed they'd be getting $$$$ from the state and it didn't work out like that.
Unlike Brevard we usually have a good paying attendance at football and basketball games.That helps pay for our gym floor.The Pisgah and Tuscola fans also came up with over four hundred thousand in donations for the new stadiums years ago..
In other words unlike Brevard we support our teams.
Hope that support continues with your volunteer assistant coaches/parents.

That must be how you all pay your coaches the last couple years...go check your record....they'll get me..inside info.. so don't you worry.. You sly little devil you..;);)
The floors had to be replaced because both were the originals from 1966. There wasn't enough left to sand and refinish anymore.

Both schools have and do utilize volunteer coaches in some sports anyway. The budget plan may create a requirement that more of them do so or quite frankly, I predict we'll see the end of some minor sports and junior varsity teams before it's over.

I seem to recall DuPont laid down a large chunk of change for Brevard's stadium. When Haywood Co. decided to build the two new home sides in '82, I think, Brevard was touted as a model for what Tuscola and Pisgah wanted. The county commissioners at that time were actually thinking about funding a new county stadium of about 10K for the two to share but neither side wanted any part of it so they kept what they had and the board gave each school $100k seed money, I think.