Haywood County is far from being a Republican County. I have a question, why is Haywood County the only county having a significant budget shortfall? Many counties knew their ADM numbers where going to be down and Haywood County was obviously the only county that didn't prepare for it. Why does Bill Nolte have to be a mouthpiece for our incompetent Superintendent. Can she not speak for herself? One other thing to remember, when Pat McCrory took over we were 2.7 billion in debt to the Federal Government plus a 60 million dollar interest payment on that money that the taxpayers had to pay every year. We are now debt free as a State because we finally quit spending like a bunch of drunken sailors. We should be over 1 billion in the black next December. The first time since Gov. Jim Martin. I fully expect and hope the State will start paying the teachers what they are worth at that point. No one in the media mentions we are one of 11 US States debt free from the Federal government now. In other words, we don't have to Feel the Bern anymore. Sheriff Christopher is a Democrat, and a very fine man, but no one in Haywood County in power is a Republican, they may be Conservative, but they are not a Republican. Haywood County is the last County to not notice that the Democrat Party is now an arm of the Communist and Socialist Party. Either way, Republican or Democrat doesn't matter, Government is a two headed snake, but the body always moves the same.
I really hate this for the coaches, teachers and the kids, they bust their butts and always get the short end of the stick.