BUDGET CUTS IN HAYWOOD COUNTY....Athletics Will Suffer Greatly

I-40 traveler

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2014

I am hearing all assistant coaching supplements have been completely reduced to nothing, and Football gate money that supports all non-revenue sports must be redirected. I am also hearing that some assistant coaches that work in the system could lose employment? Any truth to that? Some non-revenue sports that are enjoyed by many students will be discontinued ( tennis, golf, cross-country, etc.). What are you hearing on both ends of the county? I am very concerned!
What has happened to cause the panic mode up there?
2.4 million shortfall in funds for next years budget as reported in a School Board press conference two weeks ago. The local paper unfolded a list of cuts that included assistant coaching pay and the reduction of workforce by 22 to 24 teachers. Some could be assistant football coaches that also coach other sports.
2.4 million shortfall in funds for next years budget as reported in a School Board press conference two weeks ago. The local paper unfolded a list of cuts that included assistant coaching pay and the reduction of workforce by 22 to 24 teachers. Some could be assistant football coaches that also coach other sports.

Yes, if things go as expected then only head coaches in Haywood County Schools will receive a supplement. The schools will have to pay the assistant coaches from gate money, if they choose to do so. The middle schools will have a tougher time with this as they have little gate money. My guess is that kids will have to pay a participation fee to play a sport, similar to what other counties are already doing. IMO, part of Haywood's problem is an inept superintendent who is a follower and not a leader. Our school system needs some leadership at the top. We can't blame most of our problems on the charter school when some terrible decisions have been made by our central office.
Isn't their just one charter school in Haywood? No way one school should throw the whole system out of whack. But, a friend of mine who teaches over there is very concerned he won't have a job next year. Crazy they would have a shortfall when Haywood county is so much more developed than surrounding counties.
Yes, Haywood has one charter school. Our school administrators are pointing at the charter school as the main source of our problems. The charter school did not help the public school funding any, but the main issue is that our school system has not been proactive enough over the past several years and now things have come to a breaking point. Our school board rewarded our superintendent with a 3 year extension for a job not well done. Many of my friends are teachers and the morale as a group is definitely pretty low.
Some of the pisgah and tuscola players can come to Asheville if y'all are gonna be relegated to playing flag football next year
Yes, if things go as expected then only head coaches in Haywood County Schools will receive a supplement. The schools will have to pay the assistant coaches from gate money, if they choose to do so. The middle schools will have a tougher time with this as they have little gate money. My guess is that kids will have to pay a participation fee to play a sport, similar to what other counties are already doing. IMO, part of Haywood's problem is an inept superintendent who is a follower and not a leader. Our school system needs some leadership at the top. We can't blame most of our problems on the charter school when some terrible decisions have been made by our central office.

I am curious if any jobs at the central office will be cut?
Tough time to be a teacher in NC for sure. It's been tough the past 8-10 years. I hope these coaches will be able to keep their jobs. They do so much for the kids. Sounds like it's time for a new Superintendent. Maybe promote the assistant super or tell the current one to take a pay cut to save the teachers who actually work directly with the kids. Those are the ones who need to be kept and taken care of in every school system.
Over the years democrats has turned public education into big business. The goal of the teachers union was to build more schools and hire more teachers. You can now see were this has got us. Some counties are talking about closing some schools and merging others. I know some teachers who are not happy were their leadership has led them. My sister-in- law is a teacher who has to buy supplies for her students while administrators are making four times as much. The teachers are doing the work but not being paid.
It's time to get back to teaching kids instead of making education a business. If your board of education can't do what they were elected to do vote them out.
It's funny how none of the teachers in N.C. said a single word about not getting a single dime more on their paychecks the whole time we had Bev Perdue, the "teachers governor" in office, but as soon as a Republican was elected they all jumped on busses and headed to Raleigh to protest the fact that they needed more money. Then when our current Republican governor gave them a raise they all bitched about it not being big enough. lol
I heard complaining when Perdue was in office. My understanding is there was a lot of "smoke and mirrors" in the "payraises" and not much additional money was seen by the paycheck's of veteran employees. Regardless if was a Democrat or Republican filling the seats in Raleigh, NC has not did a good with public education.
It's funny how none of the teachers in N.C. said a single word about not getting a single dime more on their paychecks the whole time we had Bev Perdue, the "teachers governor" in office, but as soon as a Republican was elected they all jumped on busses and headed to Raleigh to protest the fact that they needed more money. Then when our current Republican governor gave them a raise they all bitched about it not being big enough. lol
Beverly Purdue didn't eliminate 8000 education jobs.When McCrory and the GOP took over we had a half cents sales tax that helped keep those jobs in the Great Recession.The GOP refused to extend that half cent ,but had no problems raising the gas tax by two cents.
Art Pope along with ALEC payed a lot of money to get these guy elected and it's time for the GOP to pay them back.Pope is a member of the John Locke society and has always called for privatizing the education system.In 08 N.C was 25Th in teacher pay today we are 47th.
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When education suffers, sooner or later we all suffer. Teachers need a pay raise for sure but I think it needs to be in increments. I am not up to date on all that is going on and I don't give a damn who is in office in Raleigh. What needs to happen is someone to quit all the BS and step up to the plate for our teachers. I don't think they are trying to get rich but simply get paid what they deserve.
Haywood county is one of the most republican red states in North Carolina. Im shocked to see the republican hate from the Haywood co folk. As a matter of fact the only county that went democrat in WNC in the 2012 election was buncombe.
You guys can spit on me all you want but I stand by my statement. As far as teachers being paid what they're worth, I'm all for it. I know hundreds, literally hundreds of teachers. Some of them don't give a damn about kids and can't wait until 3:00 every day so they can hit the local bars. On the other hand many, many more of them spend money out of their pockets on school supplies for their kids and work after hours helping the kids who are behind.
Here's the point I was trying to make but left out of my earlier post. People bitch and complain about Republicans and Democrats in Raleigh and who cut what out of the yearly budget, but no one says a damn word about the fact that in each central office there are people making six figure salaries for doing an hours worth of work in a month. If we, yes WE really wanted to pay teachers what they're worth, we'd demand that every central office of every school system in N.C. cleaned house and started cutting out the assistant of the assistant to the assistant jobs. You can't pay a teacher $25,000 per year to teach 30 kids but pay a Superintendent $130,000 per year with half a dozen "assistants", each making another 50K each.
The goal of the teachers union was to build more schools and hire more teachers.

By the way, there is no teachers union. Just wanted to correct you on that. NCAE is a lobbying group, not a union. There's a difference. I agreed with everything else you said but just wanted to make sure no one was misled to believing there's a teachers union.
Haywood county is one of the most republican red states in North Carolina. Im shocked to see the republican hate from the Haywood co folk. As a matter of fact the only county that went democrat in WNC in the 2012 election was buncombe.
Currently Haywood county has a Democrat Sheriff ,majority Democrat county gov.Before the GOP gerrymandering of our district we had a Democrat congressmen,and both state representatives were Democrats.So no Haywood is not Republican and never has been,but the district is.
Are you saying that Greg Christopher is a Democrat? I have a hard time believing that. He is definitely NOT a liberal. He is the most Morally Conservative and Christian Sheriff in the state.
Are you saying that Greg Christopher is a Democrat? I have a hard time believing that. He is definitely NOT a liberal. He is the most Morally Conservative and Christian Sheriff in the state.

Are you really telling me you didn't know he was a Democrat.I never said he was a liberal.I never said he wasn't a Christian I have no idea and I could care less,and yes I think he is a good man and a good sheriff. Being a Christian is not a requirement to run for any office county or national.
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Haywood County is far from being a Republican County. I have a question, why is Haywood County the only county having a significant budget shortfall? Many counties knew their ADM numbers where going to be down and Haywood County was obviously the only county that didn't prepare for it. Why does Bill Nolte have to be a mouthpiece for our incompetent Superintendent. Can she not speak for herself? One other thing to remember, when Pat McCrory took over we were 2.7 billion in debt to the Federal Government plus a 60 million dollar interest payment on that money that the taxpayers had to pay every year. We are now debt free as a State because we finally quit spending like a bunch of drunken sailors. We should be over 1 billion in the black next December. The first time since Gov. Jim Martin. I fully expect and hope the State will start paying the teachers what they are worth at that point. No one in the media mentions we are one of 11 US States debt free from the Federal government now. In other words, we don't have to Feel the Bern anymore. Sheriff Christopher is a Democrat, and a very fine man, but no one in Haywood County in power is a Republican, they may be Conservative, but they are not a Republican. Haywood County is the last County to not notice that the Democrat Party is now an arm of the Communist and Socialist Party. Either way, Republican or Democrat doesn't matter, Government is a two headed snake, but the body always moves the same.

I really hate this for the coaches, teachers and the kids, they bust their butts and always get the short end of the stick.
2012 presidential map. Haywood goes Romney

2008 Haywood County goes McCain.
Presidentially maybe, but you will not find but one Public official, that I know of, who is a Republican and that would be the Tax Collector. They stay on him too, because he has upset the apple cart.

Tough time to be a teacher in NC for sure. It's been tough the past 8-10 years. I hope these coaches will be able to keep their jobs. They do so much for the kids. Sounds like it's time for a new Superintendent. Maybe promote the assistant super or tell the current one to take a pay cut to save the teachers who actually work directly with the kids. Those are the ones who need to be kept and taken care of in every school system.

Oh hell no!
They are trying to scare the citizens into a panic. The charter school is their scapegoat. Yes, they are receiving public school funds and yes, it is coming out of some of their money. When Haywood Christian Academy opened, nobody uttered a peep about the students that were lost. I'm not sure if the early college students count into the number either. The amount of parents that I talk to that have switched to home schooling is staggering. Obviously, parents here are dissatisfied with the public school system at some level.
People were leaving before the charter school ever opened.

They have decided they need to close Central Elementary in downtown Waynesville. It is now the oldest school in the system and two other elementary schools are roughly two miles away (Hazelwood and Junaluska). Their enrollment has dropped to 235 and frankly is costing too much to keep open. They admit the two other schools can absorb the influx with no problem.

The county commissioners developed a "funding formula" that keeps them from having to make tough decisions and keeps the school board off their backs. They all raise hell about the state but there is nothing stopping the commissioners from stepping up to the plate and saying we're going to do the right thing and increase the funding. They hide behind the "formula" and shrug their shoulders and say "this is what we decided and we can't change it".

This side of the county made a conscious decision to chase the almighty tourist dollar instead of jobs that could sustain families and thus families are leaving. The real estate/lawyer/homebuilder industry was riding high before the 2008 crash and controlled the issues. We could have had a large state prison facility as everyone knew that the old Hazelwood prison was a goner but the fear of scaring away retirees because we had a prison, when there was one sitting next door to Ingles in West Waynesville for 50 years, made our movers and shakers not support it.

Dayco packed up and went to Mexico, much like Ross Perot predicted. Wellco moved their HQ to Tennessee and their manufacturing to Puerto Rico. The furniture manufacturing business went to China.

The "halfbacks' " kids are grown, their grandchildren live in Florida, Atlanta, and Mississippi. The coming jobs here will be emptying bed pans and shuttling them to their doctor appointments. My son will have to move out of here to have a job that will pay him enough to have his own family.

I foresee an eventual discussion of one, central high school sometime in the future, honestly.
Are you saying that Greg Christopher is a Democrat? I have a hard time believing that. He is definitely NOT a liberal. He is the most Morally Conservative and Christian Sheriff in the state.
He is a Democrat. Its still the only way to get elected in Haywood County. We are still essentially behind the Iron Curtain.
So you're telling me Haywood county is so democrat that the republican candidate has won the last two presidential elections? Lol
Oh hell no!
Ok, just an idea. I don't know that person or anybody else. Just know how veteran teachers feel about this state. Don't want to leave the state I've been born and raised in just to make enough money to take care of my family doing what I love, teaching and coaching. I'm amazed that Jackson county is in a better financial situation than Haywood. When Haywood is so much more developed and nicer.

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