Braves tackle Tuscola


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Gold Member
Dec 10, 2013
First scrimmage Tuesday night (11th) vs Tuscola. Should be interesting.

Robbinsville at Franklin on the same night. Rville at Cherokee Friday. See you then.
I think Andrews will be here on Friday also. Good 3-way matchup!
Have now been told that tonight's game at Cherokee is at 7:00 PM
Pisgah Swain match up was tight! Too very good football teams with Pisgah crossing the goal line once for the win. But in this fan's heart, knowing we held a solid Black Bears team to one score and played toe to toe with'em mean much more than many of other fans. Sadly we had one young man carried off, don't know how bad but the report I heard was a possible concussion. Anyway Swain's Defense appears to be ready to break some hearts and rip some heads off. Offensive unit is a well balanced attack and the O line is gelling together.... gonna be fun year here in Bryson this season.
I think it was a shoulder injury to the young man but he should be ok. And both teams scored once. Defense is ahead of the offense which is not a bad thing. Overall everyone seemed to be very pleased with the performance last night. We looked extremely physical which I love.
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Had a chance to sneak over and watch swain last night. The good, Swains LBs and defensive line are very fast and physical. They were bringing the wood to Pisgah. It was very clear as the scrimmage went on that Pisgah's ball carriers were getting tired of getting hit. Defensive line looked very fast off the edge, very impressive. The only weak spots I saw and there were very few lol. Pass coverage, there was some holes. QB play seemed shaky at times. To be fair, I'm not saying they're bad, I just think that's where they are at this point in the season. Overall I think conference teams are going to have a very tough time running the ball on the devils. You're going to have to beat them throwing the ball, (if they give you time lol). Very physical performance overall by the devils.
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Any of you guys making the trip over to Burnsville for the scrimmage against MHHS should be a good one?
Thought both teams looked pretty good for first scrimmage.Hope the kids that got hurt is o.k.One of our kids got hurt and was on crutches at the end of the game,hope he's o.k.Good luck to the devils,beat Tuscola.
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We had Franklin. Franklin started out the better team but as it went on it seemed more even. With the lose of our running back for the season it will be hard for us to contend for the SMC title. 3rd if were lucky.
The Braves looked good at times and young at times . Lots of scoring for both teams. Our freshman rb looked really good. We got a couple of injuries early that hurt the depth. Was impressed with the speed of 4 for tuscola.
Cold biscuit you really think pisgah couldn't move the ball on youns?? How did we score after 4 plays and yall never did score on all 11 of our starters
Cold biscuit you really think pisgah couldn't move the ball on youns?? How did we score after 4 plays and yall never did score on all 11 of our starters

First, when you say, "youns" I'm not a swain fan. Second, you moved the ball down the field in 4 plays with a 35 yard pass or so. If you read my post I stated that swain gave up yards through the air. I also made no mention of swains offense being a power house. Last if you didn't think swains defense wasn't impressive and that they weren't laying some impressive licks then I guess we can just agree to disagree. Good luck to Pisgah this season.

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