
What goalposts have been moved?
If players stay where they're supposed to be/ where they grew up .....ESPECIALLY if they're good players - does that "hometown" program benefit or show better ..... OR NOT? That is what I said. It's not delusional. There isn't anything else to discuss.

As a whole....Gaston Co. -each year- loses 5 to CC I guarantee. I didn't say ONE team gets 3-4 to another team. Although....that has happened. I mean - if HH, FV and NG had any program fans on here, they have plenty of dirt to dish. I have heard them talk about it in person. SP isn't robbed by CC....but many other GACO schools are. Ya'll can sit here and act like the 2 that went to KM last year as freshmen weren't recruits....but now they are back to their home schools. We have eyes, ears, computers, etc. We know each other. The kids know each other. Pretending like it doesn't happen and then calling me crazy is bewildering considering the quality of players that have crossed over the GACO to CC line the last 4-5 years.

SP with five transfers!!!!! LMAO. Go look at the roster last year, and this year.
Glad y'all have computers now, that only puts you 30yrs behind everyone else. Again you are clueless. A lie doesn’t care who tells it, it just wants to be told. For example I was talking to some kids at a restaurant in Gastonia about football because they had their shirts on where I guess they had played in Florida last year. Kids were young probably around ten years old. While talking to the kids for whatever reason we attracted a little crowd of players and parents. One of the moms asked me what high school did I support and I told her KM. Those kids got excited and started telling me about KM football and some of them were like I am playing there when I get into high school. One of the dads whose son was by far the smallest kid in this group, came up to me and told me that he was thinking about bringing his kid to KM. I was okay, good luck. Told me they attended the KM/Crest game last year. Then he tells me “yeah they been trying to recruit us over there”. His son is a 4’6 55lbs ten year old kid soaking wet. These are the kind of people in GC you listen too spreading lies. Maybe you do live in a bubble but people moving has been going on forever. Again SP has forfeited wins in two separate seasons due to using kids from other districts in two separate decades. Those kids you mentioned were not recruited to KM by coaches and came over straight from their middle schools for whatever reason their parents chose to bring them. More than likely it’s kids talking to kids about playing together at worst. You also have many one parent households where mom stays in one district and dad in another and those parents decide what’s the best option for them for high school. It’s a million different situations going on in these people lives. We had one kid who lost a parent and he had to go live with relatives and dumb people like you call him a recruit while him and his family were dealing with that loss. A kid who moved while in middle school to KM. This same kid played with multiple kids from Gastonia who are now at South Point. People like you count middle school, elementary school, and anything you can grasp at. Pretty soon it’s going to be where was the kid conceived at with the way you are going. It’s hard for you to understand but people do not stay in one place their whole lives anymore. That is ridiculous thinking. There are many people in KM commuting to Charlotte now. Same as Belmont. Times have changed. I lived in KM but attended GC schools for grades 1-7 because my neighborhood in KM was districted for GCS at that time. I moved to another part of KM that was also in GC the summer before my 8th grade and started attending KM schools from that point on. I played three sports in school. Does that make me a transfer recruit because I didn’t grow up in the KM school district? It’s the same thing you arguing. Currently the Kings Mountain neighborhood that I attended Kings Mountain schools from is now districted for Bessemer City. Times change but your tired arguments do not.
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I anticipate Ashbrook being much better this year....and they will have a couple more good players that are supposed to go there playing.....instead of transferring out to play elsewhere. We will see if it benefits them / and a GACO program when this happens.
I talked with an Ashbrook starters parent this past week and they don't have much confidence in this season in actual field production. From the sound of it, a reasonable goal is to beat Huss and North Gaston for 4th in the conference.
A friend of mine used to coach at a feeder school for Ashbrook, he always said that the talent was unbelievable but just could never seem to put it together. This thread struck my curiosity, so I asked his opinion on what holds back not only Ashbrook, but Gaston County (other than SP) as a whole.

1. Too many schools. He said that if Forestview and Stuart Cramer did not exist, it would be better for everyone.

2. Lack of sense of community. He said that unlike places like Cleveland and Lincoln Counties, very few, if any, kids dream of playing for their local high school because kids are always on the move from school to school, or at the youth level, team to team.

3. Lack of support not only from school administrators, but the county as a whole. Too much movement year to year with administration makes it hard to establish a culture in the building.

4. Too many recycled coaches, not enough qualified coaches. Especially ones making a jump from the youth levels to high school. Said high schools will hire these guys just for a player to come to that school.

5. Too much player movement. He said that if the group he had at a few years ago at the feeder school would have stayed together, that Ashbrook would be even better off.
Glad y'all have computers now, that only puts you 30yrs behind everyone else. Again you are clueless. A lie doesn’t care who tells it, it just wants to be told. For example I was talking to some kids at a restaurant in Gastonia about football because they had their shirts on where I guess they had played in Florida last year. Kids were young probably around ten years old. While talking to the kids for whatever reason we attracted a little crowd of players and parents. One of the moms asked me what high school did I support and I told her KM. Those kids got excited and started telling me about KM football and some of them were like I am playing there when I get into high school. One of the dads whose son was by far the smallest kid in this group, came up to me and told me that he was thinking about bringing his kid to KM. I was okay, good luck. Told me they attended the KM/Crest game last year. Then he tells me “yeah they been trying to recruit us over there”. His son is a 4’6 55lbs ten year old kid soaking wet. These are the kind of people in GC you listen too spreading lies. Maybe you do live in a bubble but people moving has been going on forever. Again SP has forfeited wins in two separate seasons due to using kids from other districts in two separate decades. Those kids you mentioned were not recruited to KM by coaches and came over straight from their middle schools for whatever reason their parents chose to bring them. More than likely it’s kids talking to kids about playing together at worst. You also have many one parent households where mom stays in one district and dad in another and those parents decide what’s the best option for them for high school. It’s a million different situations going on in these people lives. We had one kid who lost a parent and he had to go live with relatives and dumb people like you call him a recruit while him and his family were dealing with that loss. A kid who moved while in middle school to KM. This same kid played with multiple kids from Gastonia who are now at South Point. People like you count middle school, elementary school, and anything you can grasp at. Pretty soon it’s going to be where was the kid conceived at with the way you are going. It’s hard for you to understand but people do not stay in one place their whole lives anymore. That is ridiculous thinking. There are many people in KM commuting to Charlotte now. Same as Belmont. Times have changed. I lived in KM but attended GC schools for grades 1-7 because my neighborhood in KM was districted for GCS at that time. I moved to another part of KM that was also in GC the summer before my 8th grade and started attending KM schools from that point on. I played three sports in school. Does that make me a transfer recruit because I didn’t grow up in the KM school district? It’s the same thing you arguing. Currently the Kings Mountain neighborhood that I attended Kings Mountain schools from is now districted for Bessemer City. Times change but your tired arguments do not.
Boo hoo. I've never seen a longer attempt at covering up what everyone knows is going on in my life. No I'm not talking about 4'6 tall kids...I'm talking about the ones that are A to B+ players that go play at the HS that recruited them. It really isn't a secret. It appears that this year's KM edition is 3-4 GACO kids lighter due to graduation and transfers back to where they're supposed to go. Couple of those recruits would be the best players on the team either this and the next couple years. That is what I'm talking about. You are just pro AAU football culture. Many are. It has already begun to ruin HS football. You are probably financially tied to it as many are.
Compare the rosters from last year to this year. SP has nothing to hide.
Boo hoo. I've never seen a longer attempt at covering up what everyone knows is going on in my life. No I'm not talking about 4'6 tall kids...I'm talking about the ones that are A to B+ players that go play at the HS that recruited them. It really isn't a secret. It appears that this year's KM edition is 3-4 GACO kids lighter due to graduation and transfers back to where they're supposed to go. Couple of those recruits would be the best players on the team either this and the next couple years. That is what I'm talking about. You are just pro AAU football culture. Many are. It has already begun to ruin HS football. You are probably financially tied to it as many are.
You can’t be taken seriously. You should at least know what you are talking about. First I don’t think you know the difference between pop warner, youth football, and travel football. I’ve never voiced support for or against aau ball. I am a supporter of youth football leagues because it gives more kids the opportunities to play. KM doesn’t have an aau football program as you have stated multiple times in here. IRS fun listening to you rant about it though. At least learn the difference between youth football in this country. Out of the 4 kids you mentioned It’s amazing how you counted two kids originally from KM, parents are graduates of KMHS, families lived their whole lives in KM as GC kids because they moved to GC at some point but you don’t do the same when it happens the other way? Ashbrook, HH, and FV have always had multiple kids/athletes who grew up in KM but moved Gastonia. Of course you would not know that. The other two were middle school kids never attended a high school in GC before coming to KM. Both of those kids moved back to GC for two separate reasons. One personal reasons mixed with a little tampering and the other wanted to stay but family reasons took him back. We wish both well.
You don’t know anything about your own program. You have multiple kids just like those two middle school kids who moved to Belmont 😂. Varsity rosters aren't finalized until first week of season and don’t forget about that pesky jv roster. Anyway I am tired of going back and forth with someone who doesn’t know his own program and thinks everyone is cheating except SP because he doesn’t understand parent behavior when it comes to their children now. SP benefiting from the same things you are complaining about. You still can’t give me one example of a high school in GC losing 3-4 starters to a CC school. Your whole issue seems to be centered around middle school or freshmen without varsity experience leaving GC at times. Those kids still have to be developed smh. Sounds like a lot of hypothetical being argued.
You obviously hate SP. I know why. It must be hard to endure all the beatings from a clean program that looks like it shouldn't beat the absolute h#ll out of you/your team so often .......but it still happens. That is a fine mixture of jealousy, envy and bewilderment that eventually morphs into hatred. What happens then is players group up and go to 2-3 high schools in order to compete with a school like SP and leave their home school high and dry and then blame the schools they left. To me - that's called a coward. So to all those players and parents who had the balls to stay where they're supposed to go and compete proudly - much respect no matter your record.
You obviously hate SP. I know why. It must be hard to endure all the beatings from a clean program that looks like it shouldn't beat the absolute h#ll out of you/your team so often .......but it still happens. That is a fine mixture of jealousy, envy and bewilderment that eventually morphs into hatred. What happens then is players group up and go to 2-3 high schools in order to compete with a school like SP and leave their home school high and dry and then blame the schools they left. To me - that's called a coward. So to all those players and parents who had the balls to stay where they're supposed to go and compete proudly - much respect no matter your record.
I don’t hate SP. I respect what SP football is. I’ve competed and coached against SP. Nothing but respect. I love the fact that the Belmont community cares alot about their program. I have friends who played and are still close to the SP program. I hate people who intentionally lie and intentionally create false narratives that harm hard working people, their reputation, and have people’s hard work disregarded. Many people worked hard to build KM football and I will contest anybody that say we do anything illegal. If we were doing wrong then I would not defend that. Pretty simple.
Not posting to brag but to show you the difference in committing resources. Kings Mountain TD Club raised $664,000 over the last year and $8.7 million over the past 18yrs. All from KM fans, alumni, and businesses for KM sports.
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You obviously hate SP. I know why. It must be hard to endure all the beatings from a clean program that looks like it shouldn't beat the absolute h#ll out of you/your team so often .......but it still happens. That is a fine mixture of jealousy, envy and bewilderment that eventually morphs into hatred. What happens then is players group up and go to 2-3 high schools in order to compete with a school like SP and leave their home school high and dry and then blame the schools they left. To me - that's called a coward. So to all those players and parents who had the balls to stay where they're supposed to go and compete proudly - much respect no matter your record.
Thats weak garbage. We all respect SP football.

That right there is what someone says who hasn’t got a leg to stand on. You should consider seeking help.
Not posting to brag but to show you the difference in committing resources. Kings Mountain TD Club raised $664,000 over the last year and $8.7 million over the past 18yrs. All from KM fans, alumni, and businesses for KM sports.
When is the new press box coming in KM? Rumor has it, APP ST was the blue print they used for ideas. Just a rumor though... I also heard the extra funds were used to provide transportation to and from Belmont. Once again just a rumor. 😂
I have no idea why anyone from Burns would side with the rest of CC on this topic....because yall are obviously on the outside looking in. I'm not losing an argument....yall offenders just wish this truth would go away. Crest when yall go robbing Bessemer know things are bad. Gaffney run out of people? I heard it directly from inside SP last year that Crest's wonderful human HC recruited a SP player in the handshake line. No morals.

Still trying to figure out the lies and misleading statements. I'm not mentioning names but everybody on this board knows every name of the kids that weren't and aren't KM kids. You just bring up random stuff like hard work, booster club and fieldhouses.
Also - what does that fieldhouse have anything to do with the recruiting kids? You think a kid drives 20 minutes because the fieldhouse is nicer?
So between just two games....that's two handshake line recruits Crest's ex-HC did just last year. Can't imagine what kind of time he put in the other 363 days out of the year recruiting if he did it right there on the field. Guess that's just more imagination on my part. I have heard #5 is back on the field for Crest this year. I would say you upgraded from the recruited Gaffney kid. Sometimes it pays to keep those hometown boys around.
I have no idea why anyone from Burns would side with the rest of CC on this topic....because yall are obviously on the outside looking in. I'm not losing an argument....yall offenders just wish this truth would go away. Crest when yall go robbing Bessemer know things are bad. Gaffney run out of people? I heard it directly from inside SP last year that Crest's wonderful human HC recruited a SP player in the handshake line. No morals.

Still trying to figure out the lies and misleading statements. I'm not mentioning names but everybody on this board knows every name of the kids that weren't and aren't KM kids. You just bring up random stuff like hard work, booster club and fieldhouses.
Also - what does that fieldhouse have anything to do with the recruiting kids? You think a kid drives 20 minutes because the fieldhouse is nicer?
To your last statement... when they started the major overhaul for the sports facilities. It was definitely said 'if we build it they will come.' They knew nice facilities would attract families to want to come be a part of a place that not only values education but also extra curricular activities. This was also the reason some seasons, they have had up to 4 different jerseys for a season. Some places are behind in the times, but they knew it was about marketing.
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To your last statement... when they started the major overhaul for the sports facilities. It was definitely said 'if we build it they will come.' They knew nice facilities would attract families to want to come be a part of a place that not only values education but also extra curricular activities. This was also the reason some seasons, they have had up to 4 different jerseys for a season. Some places are behind in the times, but they knew it was about marketing.
I have no idea why anyone from Burns would side with the rest of CC on this topic....because yall are obviously on the outside looking in. I'm not losing an argument....yall offenders just wish this truth would go away. Crest when yall go robbing Bessemer know things are bad. Gaffney run out of people? I heard it directly from inside SP last year that Crest's wonderful human HC recruited a SP player in the handshake line. No morals.

Still trying to figure out the lies and misleading statements. I'm not mentioning names but everybody on this board knows every name of the kids that weren't and aren't KM kids. You just bring up random stuff like hard work, booster club and fieldhouses.
Also - what does that fieldhouse have anything to do with the recruiting kids? You think a kid drives 20 minutes because the fieldhouse is nicer?
I forgot, you think all field houses are like the 1960’s and 70’s version that’s stuck in your mind from your “good ole days” of just old wooden lockers and showers. You really have no clue how much times have changed smh.
To help you out, it was a state of the art weightlifting, training, and development complex that very few high schools had or have when it was built especially here in the Carolinas. It was modeled after the college style of athletic facilities. It’s an impressive place that has played a huge part in the athletic and strength development of the Mountaineers. I just read that 50% of Americans read and comprehend at an 8th grade level or less. I obviously need to keep that in mind when engaging on social media with certain “fans”…
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I have no idea why anyone from Burns would side with the rest of CC on this topic....because yall are obviously on the outside looking in. I'm not losing an argument....yall offenders just wish this truth would go away. Crest when yall go robbing Bessemer know things are bad. Gaffney run out of people? I heard it directly from inside SP last year that Crest's wonderful human HC recruited a SP player in the handshake line. No morals.

Still trying to figure out the lies and misleading statements. I'm not mentioning names but everybody on this board knows every name of the kids that weren't and aren't KM kids. You just bring up random stuff like hard work, booster club and fieldhouses.
Also - what does that fieldhouse have anything to do with the recruiting kids? You think a kid drives 20 minutes because the fieldhouse is nicer?
It’s not about siding with anyone. We hate Crest, KM and Shelby in the way we should but when you put some peach oats out there and they stay on why change? 🤷‍♂️
So it's GACOs fault again right? The same people saying this is a county athletic problem begged for HH, Ashbrook and NG to get certain Head coaches five years ago. One is gone (at NG) and two are still in place. So,,,, this is not their fault?
The problem is the parents who ship their kids away from where they're supposed to go to HS and be part of that athletic program because they weren't good enough to lead and make that HS better. So in an effort to create super teams, you blame the School and County (not the HC recently I've noticed) that you left. That's like blaming the battered spouse for walking around the house too loud....she deserved it. This is a societal problem.
I’ll agree with you in the sense that I also hate to see all the transfers. I wish kids would stay put. But for what ever reason many choose not to.
I’m not sure there is such a thing as illegal transfers now. Anybody, anywhere, anytime.
Why does SP run the Red Bone? Because you can take smaller, slower kids and compete with larger, faster ones. And I agree with what someone said earlier, At times SP loses players because of the Red Bone. A kid that believes he can be a star receiver might not want to stay at SP. But you are correct, SP as much as any and more than most is about team over self.
Many Belmont kids want to play at SP because of tradition. SP’s coaching staff has continued to be the best in the county because guys want to come home or stay home.
Unfortunately it probably gonna change. With all the new construction on our end of the county, SP will be getting more and more kids into the area who don’t possess the same sense of tradition many of us have. That’s not good or bad, it’s just the way it is.
I’ll agree with you in the sense that I also hate to see all the transfers. I wish kids would stay put. But for what ever reason many choose not to.
I’m not sure there is such a thing as illegal transfers now. Anybody, anywhere, anytime.
Why does SP run the Red Bone? Because you can take smaller, slower kids and compete with larger, faster ones. And I agree with what someone said earlier, At times SP loses players because of the Red Bone. A kid that believes he can be a star receiver might not want to stay at SP. But you are correct, SP as much as any and more than most is about team over self.
Many Belmont kids want to play at SP because of tradition. SP’s coaching staff has continued to be the best in the county because guys want to come home or stay home.
Unfortunately it probably gonna change. With all the new construction on our end of the county, SP will be getting more and more kids into the area who don’t possess the same sense of tradition many of us have. That’s not good or bad, it’s just the way it is.
Is it true that Chik Fil A across the street runs the Red Bone too? Ordered there one day at 11:30 and got my food at 11:29. Crazy bro!!
I forgot, you think all field houses are like the 1960’s and 70’s version that’s stuck in your mind from your “good ole days” of just old wooden lockers and showers. You really have no clue how much times have changed smh.
To help you out, it was a state of the art weightlifting, training, and development complex that very few high schools had or have when it was built especially here in the Carolinas. It was modeled after the college style of athletic facilities. It’s an impressive place that has played a huge part in the athletic and strength development of the Mountaineers. I just read that 50% of Americans read and comprehend at an 8th grade level or less. I obviously need to keep that in mind when engaging on social media with certain “fans”…
8th grade reading level? Your constant bad attempts at insulting me define your intellect and inability at comedic delivery.
.........You are talking about attracting HS players to come to a HS from other areas because they have a better weight room. We are talking about a non-profit, public HS with an above average football program with no state championships over the last 50 years. The times you are talking about changing I am aware of; every non-employed uncle from within 20 miles of KM (or a place like it) wanting a piece of the new future Pro football player and shows up every 2-3 years looking for a forty and bag of peanuts from said "institution of learning". The only thing that IS NOT changing in this scenario is that 99% of those "football studs" won't be going to any legit professional or P5 type football it is so often touted in places like KM by the wanna be hype-ridden program insiders.
..... and please stop talking about the "better" education in KM. It might be better than what Bessemer City provides, but Kings Mtn high has never been and will never be known as a hall of scholars. Ain't nobody moving to KM from Gaston County for JUST the education if sports aren't attached.
Is it true that Chik Fil A across the street runs the Red Bone too? Ordered there one day at 11:30 and got my food at 11:29. Crazy bro!!
It’s true. That Red Bone is enough to confuse even a chicken expert. The bone is quicker than the eye. Deception my friend, that’s what makes the watch tick.
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It’s true. That Red Bone is enough to confuse even a chicken expert. The bone is quicker than the eye. Deception my friend, that’s what makes the watch tick.
I swore she was coming to my car with my bag as I ordered only to realize the bag was already in the passenger seat before I placed the order. The ONLY and ONLY negative to this experience is my shins are killing me and I got a midget stuck in my exhaust pipe. 😂
As Stimie of Little Rascals fame once said, “Them ain’t babies theys fidgets”. You look across the field and think, this is gonna be easy. But it won’t be. You might win but you’ll know you’ve been in a war.
From the knees down, there won’t be any skin left on them boys! With SP you know exactly what’s coming, the question is what can you do about it.
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All of this negative talk about Ashbrook and they come away with a big win Friday.
I think FH qb play was the reason behind that win. Seems like I read the qbs had like 5 or 6 turnovers alone and 3 defensive touchdowns for Ashbrook. A win is a win though and they made plays on their mistakes.

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