Alleghany vs Bishop

Since alleghany schools r closed tomoorrow will this game be postponed till thursday then most likely friday or r they still playin tomorrow?
Is this the case for all counties that are out today? I've noticed for example....

Hiwassee Dam vs. CSD HD is out of school are they playing??

Lincoln Charter vs. South Robeson has been canceled because SR is out of school today

Mounty Airy vs. Chatham Central Both are out today...are they still on?

Hayesville vs. South Davidson Hayesville is out of school today are they still on?

Avery vs. Rosman Rosman is out today are they still on?

Bessemer City vs. Blue Ridge Blue Ridge is out today are they on?

Starmount vs. Highland Tech ????

Any idea on when they make these games up and are teams allowed to play when out of school?

This is getting crazy and with more snow coming in tonight....probably looking at playing next week or Sunday
Trojan it is my understanding that the decision for each individual game will be made by the appropriate superintendents. I do not think it is as simple as being able to know whether games will be played based on whether or not they are in school. Some districts have rules that games cant be played if there is no school due to weather. Others do not. We are fortunate enough in Alleghany that our BOE does not put overly restrictive rules in place and allow our superintendent to make common sense decisions. I fear that you will hear of lots of games cancelled today. Heck if the weather forecast changed or something I will not even swear that ours will be played. Based on the weather forecast that we hear for late tonight and tomorrow particularly in the center of the state, I doubt any games will be played tomorrow. So it is conceivable that there are first round games being played on Friday.

I think the NCHSAA is going to face some tough decisions. They are either going to have to expect teams to potentially play 3 games in a row Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Or skip Sunday and play 3rd round games on Monday which would compress the prep time for the regionals. If for some reason the regionals have to be backed up, I fear that we would lose our venues that have been reserved up till now. It sounds like if we can get through tonights winter storm, we are going to be clear after that, but how much damage will have already been done.
Murphy/HD/Hayesville area is projected to get another 6-8'' of snow starting this afternoon.Robbinsville will likely get more than that.I don't see any games taking place in WNC.
To Keep the agreements with the venues for the regionals, do you think the NCHSAA will consider compressing the brackets and do away with the first round games. In other words advance the No. 1 thru No. 16 seeds who have not played yet. With the amount of snow forecast for the middle of the state tonight, I dont see many teams playing before Saturday at the earliest.
Apparently Robbinsville and Nantahala are playing early this afternoon before the next wave of snow rolls in.
Well starmount is at bottom of mountain so im surprised alleghany at top hasnt been ppd.
I was told Starmount was going to play at 4. Gaston County superintendent said nobody was traveling out of county. They were in school today.
There is no way the NCHSAA compresses the bracket and only advances seeds 1 thru 16. Can you imagine the out roar that would cause, especially for those teams who are seeded 17-20 that stand a good chance of winning their first round game, if not more than just the first round.
Alleghany84...thanks for the information and hopefully you guys get the game in before any snow falls. I wish all games were played yesterday and at least round 1 would be over. Playing 3 games in a row is not going to make for very good games especially with the high caliber teams that have potential 2nd round matchups. I know its going to be a long weekend for some teams. I know that most teams haven't played in about 2 weeks with the conference tournament cancellations so I'm sure there will be some rusty teams. Good luck and hopefully we get this tournament in.
I have driven a bus in the snow and ice and I hope I never have to again. The games are very important to everyone, but one accident would be one too many. I doubt your BOE would want one of your buses or the opposing team out on a snowy night. Especially if they like everything that they own. Remember the suing lawyers advertising everyday on your local TV?


1A Girls and Boys Annex 2-4-6-8
2A Girls and Boys Joel 2-4-6-8
Day 2
3A Boys and Girls Annex 2-4-6-8
4A Boys and Girls Joel 2-4- 6-8

Day 3 Western Regional Championship

1A Boys and Girls Championship 2-4 Annex
2A Boys and Girls Championship 6-8 Annex
3A Boys and Girls Championship 2-4 Joel
4A Boys and Girls Championship 6-8 Joel

If snow interferes and schools get to play on Saturday 2nd round could be played on Monday and 3th round on Wednesday and semi-finals and finals on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
WOULD this work?

This post was edited on 2/25 1:09 PM by SHSBBDAD
Well apparently the word that we were given has turned out to be incorrect. Alleghany and Bishop game has been postponed. I guess we will play at another time.

Wonder how they are able to finish their seasons in Wisconsin and Minnesota where they deal with this or worse every year?
Because the school administrators there don't overreact to the threat of weather in the future.
Cavalier, thanks for your opinion, it is always nice to hear from the other side. However, with that said, I totally disagree. I have lived in this part of the country my entire life. I lived here when we had weather like this on a regular basis, and life went on. I think one of the reasons that we are continuing to raise softer generations of young people is that they are being taught that when life is not perfect just take the easy route. When I first went to work, we could literally have 1 foot of snow and 80% of the employees would not only be there, they would be on time. Now if we have 2 inches of snow, half the work force either does not come in or comes in late. They were conditioned by the school system that you are not supposed to do anything when roads are less than perfect, and that just gets worse and worse. I am sorry to say that everytime you load a group of kids into a bus, you are taking a risk, and the main roads which is what buses travel on have been and are normally always pretty good. Just curious why a person that thinks basketball is JUST A SPORT would be spending their free time on a basketball chat forum
Take sports out of the equation for a second and let's look at it just from a logic standpoint:

In the past 10 days, Forsyth County has missed SEVEN days of school for roughly 2.5" of snow.

There's a major disconnect there.

This post was edited on 2/25 3:37 PM by Dave2kMA
Do any of you guys have children playing basketball that might be riding a activity bus for a 4 or 5 hr trip in these conditions ???
Dave that is my point exactly. Are there lots of mountain ranges in forsyth county because that seems to be a point of contention on here.
I don't think any of you guys have been west of Waynesville. Come on over tonight and drive to Nantahala, Robbinsville, Highlands or Hiawassee Dam just to name a few. Its fine in the summer. Right now we still have 5 inches on the ground with another 5 inches coming in at any minute. To get to all of these school you have a narrow curvy mountain road. I guarantee it will make your butt pucker in these conditions. Our Lady Wildcats from Andrews are scheduled to play at E. Wilkes as soon as the roads are safe.
There are not. Things are pretty flat here for the most part, making the loss of a week of school totally outrageous under the conditions. We even had a 2-hour delay today without so much as a cloud in the sky until about an hour ago.

I guess the thing that gets me most is the idea that a little bit of snow and the possibility of some ice crosses the line of what's safe for kids to go to school in.

Why don't we cancel school when it rains? Roads get slick in rain as well. Or, why aren't there delays when there's heavy fog in the morning? That's dangerous as well because of a lack of visibility.
Originally posted by Dave2kMA:

In the past 10 days, Forsyth County has missed SEVEN days of school for roughly 2.5" of snow.

There's a major disconnect there.

This post was edited on 2/25 3:37 PM by Dave2kMA
Dave, WS/FC schools has not missed 7 day all year. They have had 6 days cancelled. 1 of those has been made up. We went 1 day last week and 2 days this week. My math says 5 days missed in the last 8 school days.

Where is the major disconnect?
Cherokee missed a day for rain lol ... It was when all the Hurricanes came through and of course cherokee school is beside a river .. So they let the kids go
Wildcat, I am sure that the roads in the western corner of the state are probably worse than they are here, but this thread is about Alleghany and Bishop which was scheduled at Alleghany tonight, and there is not a road anywhere between Sparta and Kernersville that would even begin to make your butt pucker as you say it. The game was scheduled at 5 would have been over at 630 and the villains would have been back home by now. As I sit here, there has not been a flake hit the ground. This was a playable game. The winner of this game would have had a huge advantage over their next opponent because they would have had rest.

My point is that one size fits all policies like no school no game make absolutely no sense to me. School cancellation decisions are based on all the rural back roads in counties, and the trips between most schools are pretty much all primary roads. Lots of basketball games could be played that are cancelled because of this rule alone. We have schools in our conference that use this rule as well, and I just simply do not understand it.
It probably has to do with the fact that some of the players live on the back roads that are not in good shape.But there are a lot of games that could of been played that were not.
The decision was even more odd because originally WSFC was going to allow schools to make their own choices about playing or not playing, but then shut everyone down at about 1pm.

As you mentioned, there was no snow at all until almost 10pm. Alleghany and Bishop could have played with no issues and Bishop/Atkins could have played twice with no issues and been home safely.
People are afraid of being sued and don't use common sense any more. A lot more games should have been played yesterday
I agree that both games could have been played. Depending on who you listen to, it was never certain when the snow would start. Attached is what Stan Elrod had to say about the situation.

Also, remember Bishop is not part of WS/FC schools. They were not affected by the school system decision.

WS Journal
Considering the fact that Stan Elrod works for the superintendent, I might have expected that any response he had would be in agreement as long as he wanted to keep his job. Everyone always uses the error on the side of safety comment, and for the most part I agree with that. With that said, the game could have and should have been played yesterday. If we always error on the side of safety, then all kids would be home schooled or learn from home via distance learning programs. Every time you put them on a bus you take a chance. We cannot live in a bubble, occasionally you might have to do something that has a small chance of accident included.

Bishop DOES follow the WS/FC guidelines on game cancellations even though they are a private school. WS/FC has missed 6 or 7 days in the last 2 weeks with around 2.5 inches of snowfall during that time. How long will it be before they can play now that they got 5 inches.

The real truth is I have no idea how the roads in the rural parts of counties, and when schools are cancelled they are cancelled. I think the Superintendents have difficult jobs making these decisions. My problem is with the no school no play policies when the roads to and from schools are primary roads and safely travelable. The state will now fin itself at the mercy of 64 different schools where the boys 1a playoffs are concerned, and one school bowing up and honoring the no school no play rule could seriously hold these playoffs back.
McGuinness does indeed follow WSFCS on closures and cancellations which is why you never see their school listed with the cancellations on TV. Part of me agrees that it is sometimes silly when school systems cancel when there is nothing on the ground, and the games could have been played yesterday. But then the other part of me thinks that what if the weather folks were wrong and hit early, and every single kid makes it home safe at every school in the county except
one kid has an accident and is badly injured. Then the county admin is fired, sued and hung out to dry in the media, and even worse, a kid or family is injured, and then we would all be on here talking about what an idiot that Superintendent was. So I kind of see if from both sides. And they do not have the same amount of equipment and plows and salt that highway departments have up north, so saying it makes little difference between being up North or South is not really accurate. There is also a big difference between some ice and snow vs rain or fog. And Superintendents are responsible legally and liable for any kids and families and fans on back roads who get in an accident because they decided for whatever reason that they need to go to the game that was held in bad conditions.

This post was edited on 2/26 11:33 AM by Dosso
Come on Dosso you are trying to apply reason and rational thinking to an obviously emotional discussion. LOL. Certainly there is part of me that understands what you are saying, and I do think that the superintendents have a very responsible job that is full of hard decisions. I would hate to see a kid in an accident where they were injured or worse. I never realized that the school system was responsible for a kid riding home with his or her parents after a game, and honestly I am not sure that is correct. Of course in todays lawsuit happy society, you can sue anyone for anything, at any time. The question is would you win. I never intended to say that we have the same amount of equipment that they have up North. However, I did ask the question what do they do in Minnesota and Wisconsin where they deal with weather much worse than this every winter and nearly all winter. I can assure you that people get their kids to the games in far worse conditions than we are cancelling in. I am fortunate, because I am not in a position of responsibility for these decisions, so it makes it far easier for me to sit on my soap box and complain. Days like today are easy obviously games should not be played, but days like yesterday, and I fear tomorrow are the ones that causes me to nag. If we are going to wait until every back road is clear before we play basketball games then I wonder how we will ever get these playoffs started. 64 boys 1a teams which are probably covered by at least 50 different BOE's all it takes is one to hold this thing up indefinetly. Just not a fan of the one size fits all policies that are in place. Of course I have never been real big on policies in general. I think they are designed to take common sense and reason out of decision making processes.
I have heard the game has been scheduled for Friday at 5. Any of you bishop guys heard anything

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