4AA The Gap Is Still Wide


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2012
I'd like to start off by congratulating the Wake Forest players and coaches for a very good game against Mallard Creek. The Cougars' defensive line was outstanding. Bryce Love is a back you can't let up on. In watching him run Saturday, what impressed me was his vision and the fact that no matter how he was being hit, he kept his feet moving. He's a tough runner with a bright future.

The game was closer than many, including myself, thought it would be. Yet, in watching the game, at least for me, I had the sense that no matter how close the score was, Mallard Creek wasn't going to lose the game.

Yes Wake Forest had Lawrence on the D line and Love at running back. They had an adequate quarterback, but in my mind, that was it. When Love was out of the game, there was a noticeable drop in the ability to move the ball and score.

Mallard Creek had size, speed, talent and athleticism all over the field. For reasons I won't get into, I was watching the game on the Wake Forest side. I had the pleasure of sitting next to the grandparents of #17 for Wake Forest, Cole Westberry. They are very nice people. I enjoyed talking with them during the game. I heard Wake Forest fans talking about how proud they were because they could see what Mallard Creek had and yet, they were still close.

I just never sensed Wake Forest had the horses to beat Mallard Creek. I was thinking to their games with Hough and the prior week against Josh Ladowski.

Wake Forest was the cream of the east this year, and by a fairly good margin. Therein lies the problem for eastern 4AA football. Wake Forest was the cream of the east. They had what some Wake Forest sources were indicating, one of their best teams ever (going back from the WFR days), one of the best defensive lines in the state, a genuine next level running back, heart and determination, and a genuine seeking of redemption after their blowout loss to Mallard Creek last season.

Yet, Mallard Creek still came up with a 25-14 win and a 4AA state championship.

In all fairness, Wake Forest had their chances as well. Between blocked field goals, and dropped passes, the Cougars left some points on the field. But, it just seemed if Wake Forest got closer, Mallard Creek would be able to flip that switch and go.
I heard Wake Forest fans, near the end of the game comment on how at least they kept it close. I heard one fan, as I was leaving the game comment on how at least they held Mallard Creek to 25 points, better than anyone else has done. Therein lies another problem.

I commented on this on another board regarding Mallard Creek last season, before they played Dillon and was made fun of by some for saying it. The same will hold true here. More than ability or talent, Mecklenburg County football is in the heads of Wake County right now. Mindset is a huge part of the game. I heard the "recruiting" word used again. When one starts using words like that and comforting themselves by keeping the game close, then Mecklenburg football is in the heads of Wake County. That's why some posters commented about playing tougher competition.

I'll apologize in advance for offending anyone who may read this. Playing primarily Wake County schools will NOT prepare you for a title run against a Mecklenburg County team. I'll also guarantee something else. The teams may be different, but whoever reaches the title game from Mecklenburg County will be a powerhouse.

It begins in the mind. Then comes philosophy. Are administrators and coaches, supporting and coaching young men hoping to have a good team? Or are they trying to build a program? I believe coach Lucas, is trying to build a program.

Then, what type of athletes are needed to compete at the state level? I guarantee you there are some athletes walking the halls of Wake County schools who have never put on a football uniform.

Then comes philosophy. What type of personal philosophy and football philosophy does the coach have? You look at the Mallard Creek offense, with it's vertical passing game was like the difference between night and day, on Saturday night. Yes, Smith had quite a few misses. But, when it's clicking, it's very good.

I could go on. But, hopefully, you get the picture. Wake Forest had a very very good team this Wake County standards.

I taped and watched the game from Time Warner Cable. At halftime, the Mallard Creek coach said his team stinked. But, they made adjustments and won.

Wake Forest had perhaps its' best team ever. Wake Forest was by far the cream of the east. Wake Forest had a tremendous D line and an outstanding back in Bryce Love. Yet, when a young Mallard Creek team didn't play its' best ball against a veteran, battle tested team, it still won the title.

I'm glad Wake Forest was in the title game. Anyone else, and the title game would've been ugly once again. Yes, this game was a bit more competitive. But the gap in 4AA is still wide.
I agree with that. The gap will probably increase next season. You are right about WF having their chances. The upset was there for the taking and WF couldn't make the plays. Hats off the MC for getting it done.

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