2025 Starmount Schedule

The 2025-2026 NCHSAA sport calendar hasn't been released yet ... Why are you posting dates? No one knows the dates yet!!!
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I asked someone at another high school who is an assistant football coach, and he doesn't know!!! The 2025-2026 NCHSAA sports calendar has NOT been released, and what the hell do you know???

More than you

It's usually pretty consistent when the first week of games are. Obviously Starmount knows enough to set their dates.

And they certainly know more than you.
I do believe everyone is assuming based on past history. Yes, I know what assuming will do. But most HS have their schedules set or looking for specific weeks to fill out. Maybe some have jump the gun by posting, but time will tell.
The NCHSAA sport calendar 2025-2026 is NOT yet official, Y'all put that in your pipes and smoke it!!!
Why do u always gotta be so up right like Dude it’s a HS Forum page and your getting pissy over soemthing that We have no control off - If schools want put out there schedule then Obviously They either Know or making a educated guess - It ain’t that serious

I think your the one who need to smoke whatever to calm yourself down
Normally the first game is the 2nd to last Friday in August so "dates" can normally be determined based on that. However, schedules for football are due during the spring time, I believe normally in May, so schools aren't going to wait until the last minute to find an opponent. That's why a lot of times you'll see teams say they need a week # game.


  • First Practice Date: Jul. 30
  • First Scrimmage: Aug. 8
  • First Contest Date: Aug. 22
  • Seeding: Nov. 1
  • 1st Round Playoffs: Nov. 7
  • 2nd Round Playoffs: Nov. 14
  • 3rd Round Playoffs: Nov. 21
  • 4th Round Playoffs: Nov. 28
  • Regionals: Dec. 5
  • State Championships: Dec. 12-13


  • First Practice Date: Jul. 30
  • First Scrimmage: Aug. 8
  • First Contest Date: Aug. 22
  • Seeding: Nov. 1
  • 1st Round Playoffs: Nov. 7
  • 2nd Round Playoffs: Nov. 14
  • 3rd Round Playoffs: Nov. 21
  • 4th Round Playoffs: Nov. 28
  • Regionals: Dec. 5
  • State Championships: Dec. 12-13
I believe this is also the same for all NC schools except the scrimmage dates may differ for other schools.
Good luck to everyone and their schools this year though ?
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