I have absolutely no connection to either Rowan County or Post 10, Mister Cat Scratch, but was vacationing at the beach in the Wilmington area in 1980 when the series was being played. . I read about the " lights out" game in the Wilmington Star the next morning sittin' in the Pony Express Bar and Tavern which was on Wrightsville Avenue. . While vacationing in your area over the years I've seen quite a few games at Legion Stadium, and probably watched you and your team perform in the early '80s, and saw some there in the late 70's, too....A bunch of us went to Legion Stadium in the late seventies, probably in '78, and saw New Hanover play football. Back then New Hanover, Jacksonville, New Bern, Goldsboro, Eastern and Southern Wayne, and maybe Kinston was in that conference, and it was a tough one, too. If I'm not mistaken, Hoggard was in another conference.