2015 SP football


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2015
SP is about to be the most untested 9-2 record in school history. Crest and Shelby were two good respective teams (albeit one 2a), Lincolnton will do well at 2a against other teams with their minimal depth and numbers, but SP is about to go through a Gaston County football gauntlet that resembles a 3 year old dance competition. Just show up, do half the steps and everybody will reward you with thunderous applause. It's not SPs fault. But, how far has GACO football fallen? It has been noted on an earlier thread that FV wouldn't be any good. I think EG is the 2nd class of the conference this year with HH, FV, NG and Ashbrook looking like 2-3 win teams this year (and getting those due to beating each other).
SP will walk backwards into the playoffs while winning the conference with ease. I think this has hindered them the last few years...having such a terrible conference. Around playoff round 2/3, when you face legitimate competition and actual defenses it seems we aren't as tough as we used to be for so long. I'm glad Crest, Lincolnton and Shelby are on the non conference schedule for sure (need those tough games). Not sure why in the world Q Foundation/W Charlotte or whoever is on there.
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SP is about to be the most untested 9-2 record in school history. Crest and Shelby were two good respective teams (albeit one 2a), Lincolnton will do well at 2a against other teams with their minimal depth and numbers, but SP is about to go through a Gaston County football gauntlet that resembles a 3 year old dance competition. Just show up, do half the steps and everybody will reward you with thunderous applause. It's not SPs fault. But, how far has GACO football fallen? It has been noted on an earlier thread that FV wouldn't be any good. I think EG is the 2nd class of the conference this year with HH, FV, NG and Ashbrook looking like 2-3 win teams this year (and getting those due to beating each other).
SP will walk backwards into the playoffs while winning the conference with ease. I think this has hindered them the last few years...having such a terrible conference. Around playoff round 2/3, when you face legitimate competition and actual defenses it seems we aren't as tough as we used to be for so long. I'm glad Crest, Lincolnton and Shelby are on the non conference schedule for sure (need those tough games). Not sure why in the world Q Foundation/W Charlotte or whoever is on there.
SP is one QB injury away from being just an above average team, but that QB is very impressive. EG and SP on Sept 25 could mean a lot towards who takes the conference. EG just needs to stay injury free between then and now. I do agree; HH, FV and Ashbrook seem to be a little worse than I expected.
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SP is only lacking speed at this point. They still build great lines that block well and get to the ball. They also breed aggressive football into their teams as well as great fundamentals. Once they get another couple speedsters in there, they will be a legit threat again.
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Oh they're a legit threat this year with or without the starting QB playing. I'm not so sure he wouldn't be better suited at LWB and let the other kid who has played QB delegate the option. Gives you a home run threat on the edge that they don't have now. That won't happen I'm pretty positive, but I think it could work better against playoff defenses they will eventually see. Playoff defenses will bottle up the QB like Crest did and render him useless.

They're not real fast now it is true, but they could lose that starting QB and win the conference pretty easily still. They will beat EG (the 2nd place conf. team) by 25 points or better with anybody running the offense.
Oh they're a legit threat this year with or without the starting QB playing. I'm not so sure he wouldn't be better suited at LWB and let the other kid who has played QB delegate the option. Gives you a home run threat on the edge that they don't have now. That won't happen I'm pretty positive, but I think it could work better against playoff defenses they will eventually see. Playoff defenses will bottle up the QB like Crest did and render him useless.

They're not real fast now it is true, but they could lose that starting QB and win the conference pretty easily still.
They will beat EG (the 2nd place conf. team) by 25 points or better with anybody running the offense.

Keep in mind SP has played the season without arguably their best defensive lineman. As a returning starter Phillip Davis at 6'3" 295 will see his first action when EG comes to Lineberger in a few weeks. We are also missing another offensive starter and our most talented WB in Ben Washam. Ben is nursing a broken collarbone since the Crest game.
EG suggested we are an injured QB away from being mediocre but South Point will never be mediocre under this regime. That's wishful thinking. Our coaching staff don't put mediocre teams on the field. You should all know that by now.
Oh they're a legit threat this year with or without the starting QB playing. I'm not so sure he wouldn't be better suited at LWB and let the other kid who has played QB delegate the option. Gives you a home run threat on the edge that they don't have now. That won't happen I'm pretty positive, but I think it could work better against playoff defenses they will eventually see. Playoff defenses will bottle up the QB like Crest did and render him useless.

They're not real fast now it is true, but they could lose that starting QB and win the conference pretty easily still. They will beat EG (the 2nd place conf. team) by 25 points or better with anybody running the offense.
Take 7 off the field and show me what you got!
SP is about to be the most untested 9-2 record in school history. Crest and Shelby were two good respective teams (albeit one 2a), Lincolnton will do well at 2a against other teams with their minimal depth and numbers, but SP is about to go through a Gaston County football gauntlet that resembles a 3 year old dance competition. Just show up, do half the steps and everybody will reward you with thunderous applause. It's not SPs fault. But, how far has GACO football fallen? It has been noted on an earlier thread that FV wouldn't be any good. I think EG is the 2nd class of the conference this year with HH, FV, NG and Ashbrook looking like 2-3 win teams this year (and getting those due to beating each other).
SP will walk backwards into the playoffs while winning the conference with ease. I think this has hindered them the last few years...having such a terrible conference. Around playoff round 2/3, when you face legitimate competition and actual defenses it seems we aren't as tough as we used to be for so long. I'm glad Crest, Lincolnton and Shelby are on the non conference schedule for sure (need those tough games). Not sure why in the world Q Foundation/W Charlotte or whoever is on there.

Our stumbles in the playoffs have nothing to do with who we play during the conference season.... It has everything to do with the SP coaching staff riding the Redbone into the ground against substantial defenses and not attempting to throw the ball when NOT needed. Therefore, when it is needed we look like midget in the high jump..... NOT TOO GOOD..... A close second would be the fact they coach the DB's to give every team they face 10 yards on the outside for quick hitters in the passing game.... GIMMES.
Many may not agree but that offense SP has can't get you to the title game these days(unless your defense is a steel curtain and that, it is not), sure it can get you to the playoffs alot of times, but it's comparable to the running back who will gaurantee you 3 yards. If you need 1 or 2 yards he can 100% deliver you 3. If you need 10 he can 100% deliver you 3, but that's about the limits of it.
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Many may not agree but that offense SP has can't get you to the title game these days(unless your defense is a steel curtain and that, it is not), sure it can get you to the playoffs alot of times, but it's comparable to the running back who will gaurantee you 3 yards. If you need 1 or 2 yards he can 100% deliver you 3. If you need 10 he can 100% deliver you 3, but that's about the limits of it.

You echoed my post above..... You have to mix it up a little.
Take 7 off the field and show me what you got!
This statement of yours encapsulates how and why EG and their fandom have no idea why we have beaten you like rented mules for the better part of 40 years.
Many may not agree but that offense SP has can't get you to the title game these days(unless your defense is a steel curtain and that, it is not), sure it can get you to the playoffs alot of times, but it's comparable to the running back who will gaurantee you 3 yards. If you need 1 or 2 yards he can 100% deliver you 3. If you need 10 he can 100% deliver you 3, but that's about the limits of it.
Disagree. 2009 ain't that far back. Now, if you said we play nobody in conference and allow our selves to not have any big injuries, etc like a Statesville...I could live with that argument. Any of you people watch the Mallard Creek title game last year and the offense they faced? It was all they could do WITH MUCH MORE TALENT to get out of that game alive. Football is football. The teams you get to face, along with the jimmy and joes most often determines when you get to stop playing. If you play a Charlotte Catholic like schedule'd better have some titles.
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This statement of yours encapsulates how and why EG and their fandom have no idea why we have beaten you like rented mules for the better part of 40 years.
I've seen the Raiders in person....other than 7, 23 and 33. I wasn't overly impressed.
Coonpuppy,last i remember SP was driving to tie score not win....your a big idiot sometimes.....we catch 3 passes that would have been tds it been blow out....get out of here with that crap
I've seen the Raiders in person....other than 7, 23 and 33. I wasn't overly impressed.
Then you really don't know what you're talking about. Our back 7 sucks out loud besides 23. The front DL and #44 are all we got. They're pretty good. I'm not singing from the jailhouse's pretty obvious to see unless you are a former bandgeek.
shelbyfan1 you didn't did you you only beat us by 7 that's part of the game. if our DB would have caught the int that hit in the hands we would have been up 28 to 7
Lol...but he didnt...and we come from behind 21-7, overcome 4 night..SP 1st game at home and beat yall....Game over!
528 yrds see ya at Shelby next year.
Disagree. 2009 ain't that far back. Now, if you said we play nobody in conference and allow our selves to not have any big injuries, etc like a Statesville...I could live with that argument. Any of you people watch the Mallard Creek title game last year and the offense they faced? It was all they could do WITH MUCH MORE TALENT to get out of that game alive. Football is football. The teams you get to face, along with the jimmy and joes most often determines when you get to stop playing. If you play a Charlotte Catholic like schedule'd better have some titles.

I see your point BUT it's not a balanced offense, nor is it a comeback offense. If they ran a version of the Wing T and passed out of that(similar to something what Butler and in some cases Catholic) they would get over the hump, but taking what they run in perspective, It's comparable to being all terrain or just able to operate on one surface. Even that boring Crest offense can be balanced and unpredictable but it gives of a semblance of being one dimensional/predictable.
Then you really don't know what you're talking about. Our back 7 sucks out loud besides 23. The front DL and #44 are all we got. They're pretty good. I'm not singing from the jailhouse's pretty obvious to see unless you are a former bandgeek.

Pay no attention to egfan. Its hard to look impressive when you face the level of competition we face. When compared to the Warriors win over hapless Bessemer City, and a 3 TD loss to the bottom end of the Cleveland County clan it's highly unlikely he would find the Raiders to be daunting. We are not really out to look impressive.....winning is the goal.
Magic... SP is one man show. Yes, you know this. I've seen it. I'm not worried about that daunting defensive line. We have an offensive line that pretty doggone good that will neutralize SP's front four. What scares me are the legs of your QB, not his "cannon". He's a matchup nightmare for us.
EG should just double team and chip, cut and frustrate the big DT from SP. He'll eventually kick somebody and get thrown out....if the refs see it. Just go the Shelby/SP thread for the Hudl video evidence of what he does when another team plays to the whistle.
We do. W. Charlotte has been pitiful for coming up on a decade now though. Hopefully we see that they have more than 22-23 players on the sideline. If I see that roll out pregame....I'll know this one will be over by the end of the first quarter.
You can tell there is a lot of interest in this game tonight. Four total posts and three of them are repeats by the same poster! I hope they don't cook any more than five of those delicious burgers for tonight's game. Kidding of course but I'll leave it up you to figure out where.
EG should just double team and chip, cut and frustrate the big DT from SP. He'll eventually kick somebody and get thrown out....if the refs see it. Just go the Shelby/SP thread for the Hudl video evidence of what he does when another team plays to the whistle.

No Dog there is a simple explanation for the video. The SP kid was cheap shot hit from the back and speared in the helmet which left him concussed. After falling to the ground he lost conscience. During that period he had visions of battling his way out of his mother's womb and kicking thru the amniotic fluid. Thus the kicking action. Simple mistake brought on by a medical condition.
Not that anyone cares apparently but the SP - West Charlotte game will be restarted Monday at 6:00. Late in the first quarter it is 7 - 7. If the SP defense doesn't pick it up, it will be a long night Monday. Defense played pitiful in the first quarter, just listless on the run or pass.
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Absolute idiots! When I go to SP games I sit on the opponents side of the field so I don't have to listen to the crap that self proclaimed SP fans spew out of their ungrateful mouths. The best coaches in the state put a team on the field that everyone fears. They show up every week. Footballs have corners on them stupid! You just can't win every week! Especially against teams who are bigger, faster, and stronger. You are the loser! Kiss it!
Absolute idiots! When I go to SP games I sit on the opponents side of the field so I don't have to listen to the crap that self proclaimed SP fans spew out of their ungrateful mouths. The best coaches in the state put a team on the field that everyone fears. They show up every week. Footballs have corners on them stupid! You just can't win every week! Especially against teams who are bigger, faster, and stronger. You are the loser! Kiss it!

WC is a sad situation. I know they haven't won many games per year since 2010-2011 to present...and you see why. They could be a whole lot better, but it's obvious not much football skill/technique is taught over there. They gave SP about 342 chances to stay in the game -really stupid penalties that half the time weren't even called, terrible drawn in the sand play calls, and so forth. Decent size but not really in shape looking. That program is reminscient of Harding, Garinger, W. Meck, Hopewell, Berry and what you expect out of those teams. I guess that's why the only teams WC has beaten in the last several years are those named. SP didn't do much. We graciously accepted gift after gift and won the game. Leaving the stadium was a unique experience.We'll take it but you hate to see any program/community that out of touch with reality. In short, they are 1-3 for a reason and unless they have other zero or one win teams to play they'll stay near their current win total.
I'm hoping the conf. is better than it's looked thus far and we get some good games out of it this year. You hate to think we get the weak conf. schedule that doesn't get you ready for the harder games in the playoffs.

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