Ask the Ref Is this Play legal?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2001
PISGAH BEARS (Poster says)

Is this play still legal?In order to run it what must happen first?
PISGAH BEARS (Poster says)

A player leaves the huddle like he's going out but stops on the field insides the lines and lines up as a end.Since the other team thinks he left the field they don't cover him and he is wide open ,catches a pass.Is it a legal play?

I was told as long as you tell the refs before the game that you may run this play and the receiver lines up inside the sideline ref .it's legal,.Pisgah ran that play against Asheville this year.
FBREF (Poster says)

Thanks for clarifying. Just wanted to be sure before I responded.

You were told incorrectly. Using a pretended substitution to deceive the defense is illegal. When you run a player "like he's going out but stops on the field insides the lines," you are using a pretended substitution to deceive. Illegal.
PISGAH BEARS (Poster says)

There was no flag and the play stood ..St Stevens ran that same play against us last year and scored ,no flag.
REF4E (Poster says)

That play seems to be a staple of mountain football. I've had several mountain teams in playoff games ask about it before games (Asheville actually ran it for a score in a state championship game about 10 years ago). Your coach (Pisgah) asked about this play before a playoff game several years ago, and we told him that it is illegal. He got kind of upset, but he did not attempt to run the play that night.
PISGAH BEARS (Poster says)

Don't you think the refs should of know that?Like I said that play was run against us last year in playoffs and the ref were not from the mountains,no flag and our coach did question it but the td stood.Maybe that's the reason he run it this year.That's the first time I have ever saw Pisgah run that pla
FBREF (Poster says)

Prior to this season, the NCHSAA supervisor stated he didn't feel the play was illegal. This year, during state clinics, he presented a ruling from the NFHS that stated it was illegal. He has now told us to rule the play as illegal.

Click below to see the slide from the rules presentation.
TARHEELG (Poster says)

So, should it be a 5 yard penalty for illegal substitution? Delay of game? or 15 yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct? or something else?
FBREF (Poster says)

if you look at the link I posted, it's considered an unfair act. Unfair acts are considered USC, 15 yards.

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