Great Hire for NM basketball


Active Member
Dec 20, 2008
Just heard through the grapevine that we hired Coach Smith's long time assistant
Bucky Bond to replace him as men's head basketball coach. This was a great
move. Coach Bond has numerous years of coaching at various levels, but this
will be his first Varsity assignment and it couldn't come at a better time with the talent
we have returning. Basically the program will stay in tact. It will make for an
interesting match up when we face West Montgomery:) I also heard rumors of his
assistant, but can not confirm. If it is true we will gain several decades of experience
between the two. Exciting times!
Ok, just heard it was confirmed that the assistant coach will be Terry Wyatt. He has a wealth of experience and played on the 1972 team that was the most successful in North Moore Basketball History. Really excited to see these guys!