Triad Gridiron Scores, Etcetra.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2010
Greensboro, N.C.
The title says " etcetra " simply because this ain't one of them " football only " deals, so if this information offends any of the readers, perhaps those viewers should read Mister Smee's newly scribed article in the blue ribbon winning magazine, " Confinement Quarterly, " perhaps you should read his article titled, " How I Attempted To Bullshyt the Bullshyters And Wound Up In The Containment Facility. "
East Forsyth is up fourteen zip over Southwest.
Dudley is up twenty one zip over Grimsley.
Northwest is up twenty one fourteen over Glenn.
Ragsdale and High Point Central are tied, seven up.
Page is up fourteen zip over Smith.
Mt. Tabor over Parkland, seven six.
Northern fourteen six over Northeast.
No score on the Southeast and Southern Alamance game.
Eastern fourteen thirteen over Western Alamance.
All these are probably third quarter tallies.
Eastern 24
Western Alamance 13

East Forsyth 28
Southwest 7

Northwest 24
Glenn 20

Dudley 40
Grimsley 0

Page 28
Smith 0

Southeast 33
Southern Alamance 7

Northern 28
Northeast 13
Hearing a buzzzzz buzzzzz racket, I looked on the table sittin' beside the malt beverage container, and it was the annoying device called a Texting Machine, and it said " Got lost on the way to HP Central.Heard they were tied with Ragsdale at half. In south High Point tavern. Got lost in traffic. "
East Forsyth is now up on Southwest, thirty five seven.
Dudley is up on Grimsley, foury seven zip.
Northwest has pulled away from Glenn, thirty eight twenty.
Mt. Tabor is up on Parkland, twenty two twelve.
Page is up on Smith twenty eight zilch.
The following are final tallies from the athletic events :

Dudley beat Grimsley fourty seven to naught.
Page beat Smith, twenty eight six.
East Forsyth beat Southwest fourty two fourteen.
Glenn has come back on Northwest, now leading thirty five thirty one.
Ragsdale beat High Point Central twenty eight fourteen.

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