Today is Buddy Rich's Birthday

78 is the number of Martin Truex in Nascar. It was once raced by Buddy Arrington beginning in 1964. 1964 is about the time our own Mr. Yoder began pulling for Albemarle. (Or was it 1946?) Just "funnin'" Andy would say. :)

Well...let me say this....this board is well served by our own Buddy Rich. Buddy is also the birthday club winner today of a birthday cake from Albemarle's Sweet Shop courtesy of 1010 a m radio. I hope to see you and the NCC gang Friday night. I am going to ask the p.a. guy to get the crowd to sing Happy Birthday to you. In case they don't... the NCC is the backup plan. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND. YOU ARE A BLESSING TO HS FOOTBALL.
Happy birthday, Buddy... you and my mom are the same age (well, she's got a few months on you :) ).

Enjoy, and I hope the Dogs help you celebrate Friday night with a win....
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Side note. Driving my good friend Bluebones and long time football compainion to Wadesboro tomorrow for a dr's appointment. He's responsible for getting me back to going to the Albemarle games. As many of you know that know him he has been in bad health for the last ten years. But he just keeps on keeping on. He was the founder along with myself of the NCC. Man have we had some good times with that. We have seen some great great games together. Together we have been to 5 SC games , many many great Thomasville/Albemarle games, the great 2001 season which we still talk about. Its been a pleasure for me to know this man. Wish I could fix all his health problems but I can't. But at least I can drive him tomorrow and we can reminise about all the great times we have had together. I love you Bluebones!!!
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I'm late to the party, but Happy belated Birthday Buddy! Its been a pleasure to know you these last few years. As a player at AHS, it was a unique feeling knowing that the NCC always had our back! No other school had the support we had back then. Thanks for all you've done.

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